Guide for rather beginner players.
Hello, I am Oroborus the Furious, from the Galactic Enclave, on the Battle Meditation server. Difficult / Nightmare PvE and PvP player.
Today I offer you a few tips for beginners and intermediate players who do not yet have the level for Difficult to help you send a little more. I'm talking about damage here, but it's just as valid for care and protection.
These are several small, fairly simple points that allow you to increase your stats a bit, and some leads to find out how to send more. The list is not necessarily exhaustive, there may be points that I have not thought of. Chances are you have already acquired several of these points, but if you are missing some, then it can only be beneficial to you!
By ending all discussions with your partners , you win a stat bonus not insignificant. You can make the five partners of a single character or collect the five bonuses on different characters, but you must have unlocked each of the 5 bonuses, namely: Precision, Critical, Influx, Care Received et Endurance. Each bonus is unlockable depending on the type of companion: ranged or melee DPS, healer, tank, etc.
These bonuses are not cumulative, unlocking other partners in addition only offers a bonus of 10 in présence. However, the bonus earned is not negligible, especially for the influx and the Precision.
Obtaining all the datacrons for your character can offer some interesting bonuses. Again, end to end it makes a good increase in statistics and therefore damage and healing. A lot of people haven't picked them up because it's a hassle to do, but I really recommend doing them anyway, in a small evening you can nab all the datacrons in a statistic. It might not be fun to do, but it's definitely worth it. And there are all the guides you need for that on Games Managers!
You can also take the Endurance datacrons along the way, you will be happy to have recovered them the day when in operation, you will take a nugget which will put you at 1% of life points. For tanks, the primary stat is also useful for doing some DPS assist and for the animosity generated.
Indispensable in Hard mode. The most annoying thing is getting a character in biochemistry if you don't already have one. After that, a small tour of fifteen minutes / twenty minutes on the first zone of Yavin IV is enough to recover a week of doping.
- Blue dopants should be used on poles and in Story PvE whenever you can use them.
- Purple dopants cost more to craft, they should only be used in Hard / Nightmare.
- In DPS, you have to get into the habit of slamming the offensive dopant automatically each time during the burst phases, like a combat buff in the genre of Carelessness.
- In healer, sorting (or efficiency) doping agents can sometimes save the day in the phases where a lot of damage is taken.
- Absorbent dopants for tanks, on the other hand, provide additional defensive power, always useful in difficult situations.
Pole regularly
The most important point on this list for DPS! A good regular training is the best thing to progress. For example, do you do 2 or 3 poles a day before or after your evening operation, and a few bigger sessions when you are motivated. Test other things by changing some sophistication to see whether or not there is an increase in DPS with this or that stat instead of another, etc.
A "regulatory" post is made on the following basis:
- Use only your ship's PvE training dummy (better to buy it with your Cartel of the month coins rather than paying yourself the last pack and earning a pair of gloves). If you don't have one, you can squat on a buddy's ship.
- On this mannequin, you add 2 debuffs which can be bought from the merchant droid of your ship, or that of your friend. This is the reason why those of the fleet are not purchasable, we cannot apply these debuffs to them:
- Training Dummy Armor Reduction Module
- Training Dummy Health Mod: 500 HP for burst disciplines, 000 million for others
- A single post is not enough to get an idea. When testing, always do 3 or 4 posts each time before testing with other sophistication.
- Doping drugs can be used on the pole as well, as well as powers of the Bloodlust genre. A dopant on a pole is not "wasted". It allows you to learn how to use it regularly and find the best time to do it.
- To parse it (Editor's note: software allowing to record for example the damage done), I recommend Starparse which is very complete and easy to access, there is a tutorial on it on Games Managers to download it.
Talk with other players
We are on an MMO, so a social game. Mastering a class also involves the exchange between players. Do not hesitate to go find an experienced player to ask him a few questions about his cycle, class mechanics, equipment optimization, etc. You may run into an unfriendly person who will refuse to answer you, but this is quite rare. Most of the big players are ready to share their knowledge.
Afterwards, this person may very well tell you the wrong things, don't take everything they tell you for granted. You have to discuss with several players, and do tests. In general you can trust players from large PvE guilds who have dropped high content, but beware anyway, even in larger guilds passing Nightmare, there may be much lower level players who only do Story Mode, be sure to inspect your source's PvE Achievements.
Guides on the Internet
This point joins the previous one. Games Managers, Dulfy ... The web is full of information about your discipline. Be careful though, sometimes there are errors in it, or things that are no longer valid after a certain update. So always remember to check and have multiple sources.
That will be all for today, I hope I have been able to give some ideas to progress to those who need it.