In mid-April, following a press event, I presented to you the new update for The Elder Scrolls Online, High Isle - The Legacy of the Bretons. Following that, I was so convinced, that I reinstalled the MMORPG and I play almost daily, having finally reached champion level 160 with my main character (and even much more). So when I was invited for a walk on the test server to experience it all for myself, I felt more interested than ever, and above all a little more legit. Note that I will not repeat all of what was already said in the first article, so I invite you to read it quickly if you are not sure what to expect in this new expansion.
The area is separated into two completely different environments. On one side, Île Haute, a cosmopolitan and neutral vacation spot, where the different political groups of Tamriel like to come and have a good time, but also negotiate, trade, negotiate... On the other, Amenos, an area of jungle where political prisoners are sent, with a guard post as the only safe place and, beyond the walls, an area where the law of the strongest reigns.
We started our walk on Île Haute, a flourishing town of Breton inspiration, with beautiful houses and wide cobbled streets. The port is important, with three masts ready to reach major ports around the world, travelers being greeted by a gigantic statue.

A canal meanders through the houses, with a barge going around at a steady pace, inviting players to jump aboard for discovery as the waters go by.
A new tavern game is added with High Isle, Tales of Glories. Here is the man who starts the tutorial, nonchalantly leaning on a balcony.
Tables are arranged along the pier, a lovely place for a small game.
Leaving the city, we meet Jakarn (and even twice, because he is waiting next to the oratory and the exit of the tutorial, a split personality to be sure not to miss anyone), a character well known to regular players because the fop has already appeared in the past, quite used to finding himself in inextricable situations. It is with him that the area's story quest begins, the prologue of which is also available in game now, and for free (you do not need to have pre-ordered the extension).
As we move away from the houses, we fall into the sunflowers and come across a faun, a new creature in the area. Further on, the grass gives way to lava.
Moving on, things get more dangerous when a "volcanic jet" triggers, an area event, in the style of anchors. Because yes, Île Haute is a volcanic area and demonic spawns regularly try to make their way to the surface. Solo players will also be able to encounter lava events that are much less dangerous than jets.
Castel Caraque is a castle that seems straight out of chivalry novels, magnificent with its high towers that stand out against the cloud-laden sky.
Below, a joust is organized, with different camps promising heroic confrontations.

We go for a walk through one of the dungeons, the Brûlot.
Before continuing our journey to the Dufort shipyard, to the south. Along the way, we talk with new companions, Isabel and Ambre. They have a very different notion of justice than previous companions, which should offer more freedom. Will it finally be possible to fly without having to dismiss your companion? Once there, a small boat awaits us to go to the island of Amenos.
The guardhouse is relatively welcoming, a fortress, with its high walls. A door separates the criminals from the others. A few poor wretches are bluntly sent to their final resting place. On the other side, the wild jungle extends, where the only way to survive is to be part of a gang, with all the excesses that this can entail...
Finally, we end our walk at Baie de Port-Fantôme, a dungeon with five bosses, where you have to face a group of pirates.
This concludes this walk on the lands of the new extension. See you on June 6 to discover it for yourself on PC / Mac. Console players will have to wait until June 21.