In 2019, Minecraft celebrated its 10th anniversary. And we're not going to insult you by introducing it to you. But what we may know less is that the designers of this game work continuously in partnership with major cultural structures, and particularly museographic ones. Thus in 2013, the Museum of Modern Art in New York added Minecraft to the list of its guest games and in 2016, a partnership with the Museum of London was born around the great fire of London. Two events among many others.
It is now the turn of the German Architecture Museum in Frankfurt to become a Minecraft partner. This establishment was the first architecture museum in Germany and the first in the world to be built especially for this discipline. Moreover, it does not really consider itself as a museum, but as a place of reflection on architecture and urban planning.
We will understand all the better the challenge launched by the DAM with its "Frankfurt 2099" competition. To propose your ideas, you don't need to be an architect: the competition is reserved only for Minecraft gamers. For the museum, it is an opening to the virtual world in times of pandemic. For Minecraft, this is once again proof that video games are an integral part of our culture and our evolution.
Please feel free to check out this video. And you have time: the contest just started on April 19 and won't end until October 21, 2021!