Today in Share Your Fortresses, we have Elscer once again, one of the very first shares! He's going to show us around his Jedi temple on Coruscant, as well as show us some updated snapshots of his Dromund Kaas fortress!
Onward to Coruscant on the Battle Meditation server!
Let's start with the entry containing many screens of information as well as something to study it with serenity.
The corridor that gives access to the rest of the fortress is sparsely decorated, with its red carpets and sofas, as well as its walls adorned with Republican banners.
At one end there is a relaxation room with a splendid view of the skyscrapers of the city-planet.
Opposite the entrance you can find the temple infirmary, enough to treat small and big ailments!
We find the hangar at the other end of the hangar, this one is in the image of the Jedi, wanting to be bright, open and spacious!
Next to the hangar is also the access to the upper floor, which makes the place truly a temple for the Jedi!
In the center is the council chamber, while next to it is a library.
It itself gives access to three smaller rooms, one containing datacrons, the other a droid workshop and the last, a "throne" room to state important decisions for example.
Finally upstairs is the balcony, a quiet and peaceful place with its garden side, but also anchored in the reality of its galactic context: war.
So now let's come back to his fortress of Dromund Kaas, before seeing the new photos, I advise you to review the old ones. The same goes for the descriptions of the parts. The idea has not changed overall although many decorations have been. We especially note as a major change a return to the sources of SWTOR, with a tribute to the KOTOR period and to the Revan of that time.

What I took away from this visit: As they say for a wine, the fortress of Dromund Kaas has improved over time! The decorations are richer and more numerous, normal with all the additions of course, however there is a real opulence in the imperial residence, whose adequacy with the framework is perfect. I also really liked the Republican infirmary which incorporates unusual elements as part of an infirmary. Finally of course, the council room with its soothing setting and its chairs in a circle fulfills its role perfectly!
If you liked the images, you can visit these fortresses yourself from the public lists on the Battle Meditation server.
What if you too want to share one of your strongholds, or that of your guild? Do not hesitate to contact us !