Estus Shards are collectable items in Dark Souls III, needed to boost the power of the Estus Flask and increase the number of abilities it possesses. They can be found all over the game, sometimes well hidden, sometimes well guarded. This guide, translated from Gosunoob.com, will show you all of the places to find these Estus Shards in Dark Souls III. Remember that once collected, these fragments must be brought back to André the Blacksmith at the Sanctuary of Lige-Feu. It can also give you some additional information on the location of these so-called fragments.
Shrine of Lige-Feu
This fragment is on the arches near the ceiling of the Fire-Lie Sanctuary. You will need to purchase the Sanctuary Key for 20.000 souls. When you have the key, go up the stairs to the right, straight to the top. Once outside, go to the tower, use the key and climb. Jump from the roof deck, then onto the terrace on the other side. Enter the shrine again and walk on the arches to access the fragment.
Undead Camp
This fragment is next to the pyre in the middle of the village, where bodies are burning and a dozen enemies surround it, next to the big tree. You don't have to kill them all to get the shard - just push them away from the fire, then run to the pyre to quickly retrieve the shard.
Bastion of Farron
Go to the collapsed tower in the middle of the swamp - you'll see an active fire nearby. The fragment is on a body next to the tower.
Route of Sacrifices
Go to the fire in the Woods of the Crucifixion, then go to the nearby church. Pass under the small bridge connecting the two buildings, then in front of the pyre, then to the left. You will see the fragment in the corner.
Cathedral of the Deep
Make your way to the fire in the Chapel of Purification, then exit through the main entrance. You will see a monument near the road that goes up the hill, with four praying figures in front of it. You will have to attack these because the fragment is between them and the stone monolith.
Lothric Castle
After defeating the Boreal Valley Dancer on the Great Wall of Lothric, move up the ranks. Go up the stairs to the left and follow the path to the elevator. Take it, but jump before you get to the bottom. Exit on the terrace and look to the right. There you will see a corpse with the fragment of Estus.
Lothric Castle
Teleport to the Great Archives fire and use the elevator to go up to the roof. Go right to exit the building, then go up the stairs on your left. Climb onto the dome and turn right. Then take the last flight of stairs, then turn right again. You can then slip under an arch to get to the upper part of the roof. The fragment is on a corpse next to the railing.

Catacombs of Carthus
Go to the fire in the Demonic Ruins. Go down the stairs and turn right. Then continue your way to the end of the room, then turn left and cross the passage. Turn left again at the end of the room, then left again as soon as you are in the hallway. Watch out for the gargoyle on the right. The fragment will be in a gap - you will need to jump to catch it.
Great Wall of Lothric
Go to the second traffic light in this area, then go down the stairs in the tower. Jump one floor and exit onto the terrace. Then go to the left corner of the roof, then jump down. Go through the room next to the ladder, turn right and go back into the building. The fragment will be in the middle of the room.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley - Anor Londo
Go to the Anor Londo traffic light, climb the steps and enter the cathedral. The fragment is in a chest to the left of the main entrance. If, however, you cannot unlock it, you will have to go through the tower on the left.
Irithyll Dungeon
Go to Irithyll's Oubliettes light and follow the ledge of the ledge. Go right and jump through the window, then jump down and go right again. There will be a Mimic in the first room you enter and, when you kill him, he will drop the shard.