Small find reported by Twitter Bethesda and which made me laugh, here are the top 20 things we do and which prove that we may have played a little too much in Fallout.
- You ask for a nuka cola when you sit on the terrace.
- You have decided to join the association "Sortir du nuclear".
- You have already tried to pay in beer capsules.
- You took days off to turn your garage into an atomic bomb shelter.
- You always plan to wear light clothes for walks in the forest.
- You only listen to old standards from the 50s.
- You wonder if you're going to be able to run if you fill your backpack with too many books.
- You bought a 2 x 3 meter mousetrap just to be ready in the event of a Rataupes attack.
- You are always afraid that a gang will stop you when you travel.
- You bought a robot kit to customize your dog.
- You never go out without a shotgun.
- You thumbs up all the time and for anything.
- You are terrified as soon as you see a wasp.
- You tell yourself that next to the Brahmin, the cows fed on GMOs are finally peanuts.
- You know you always have to have a spare water chip when you build a bunker.
- When you watch the news all you hear is "War. Always war."
- You don't want a smartwatch for Christmas, but a Pip-Boy.
- You stash trinkets in all the storage that you find, telling yourself "it will be useful in the end".
- You asked your doctor for preventive treatment against radioactivity.
- You decided to call your dog Canigou.
Feel free to comment if you find more!