We knew that other heroes, good guys and bad guys had to be announced for Battlefront. Three new ones have just been announced. Also, there will apparently be no other heroes (for now at least), so the total will be six. Three for the Empire and three for the Rebels. Everyone has a very specific role due to their skills. A little hero / role synthesis is required before seeing in detail the three new heroes announced.
- Empire
- Darth Vader: melee damage
- Boba Fett: distance fishing
- Palpatine: ranged damage / support
- Rebel Alliance
- Luke Skywalker: melee damage
- Han Solo: ranged damage
- Leia Organa: ranged damage / support
So now let's see the specifics of each of the three new heroes. And let's start by completing the Imperial faction with theEmperor Palpatine. As you may have read in the summary above, Palpatine differs from his Imperial hero allies by his mixed support role. His abilities are not based only on his person, but also on the reinforcement of his allies.
- Main attack: Force lightning. Severe damage to troops within range.
- Chains of lightning : More powerful Force bolts bursting in all directions.
- Force Vivacity : uses the Force to move very quickly in a given direction.
- Imperial Resources : Distributes bonuses to teammates and health bonuses to other heroes.
- Special Ability: Allies that spawn near Palpatine have the appearance of (more powerful) shocktroopers, not mere stormtroopers.
As much to continue with the counterpart of Palpatine side Alliance Rebelle, I named Leia Organa, which fulfills the same role and therefore also needs to be played more strategically than rushing into the fray.
- Main attack: blaster shots
- Soldier radiation (thanks the translation teams for that nice name ...): very powerful blaster shot, instantly kills an enemy soldier, and deeply wounds an enemy hero.
- Improved Squad Shield : Similar to the classic squad shield available with bonuses, but this version is more powerful and allows certain Force powers to be blocked. If Soldier Radiation is on, Leia can shoot through this shield.
- Refueling : Distributes bonuses to teammates and health bonuses to other heroes.
- Special Ability: Allies that appear near Leia have the appearance of Alderaan Honor Guards (more powerful), not regular rebel soldiers.
Finally, let's end with a nice rascal. Han Solo is the last of the six heroes, and will be to the Rebel Alliance what Boba Fett will be to the Empire.
- Main attack: blaster shots. Han Solo is described as being identical to a classic Rebel soldier but better armed!
- Instant fire (thanks again the translators for the name): allows you to use your blaster continuously without any overheating. To better describe it we can call it Nourished Fire. Useful against compact groups and enemies such as Darth Vader.
- Lucky shot : shot to load then release. Particularly effective against vehicles and against Darth Vader's defense.
- Roulade : allowing to get out of dangerous situations
- Shoulder load : Allows you to charge in the chosen direction (allows you to get closer or away from the fight quickly). Basically the principle is the following scene of episode IV (the inspiration for this ability!)
I leave you with this pretty image of Han Solo surrounded by storms on Endor.
I can't wait to experience Leia and Palpatine's supportive powers, and you, which character are you most looking forward to trying out?
- http://starwars.ea.com/fr_FR/starwars/battlefront/news/the-villains-of-star-wars-battlefront-emperor-palpatine-fr
- http://starwars.ea.com/fr_FR/starwars/battlefront/news/the-heroes-of-star-wars-battlefront-leia-organa-fr
- http://starwars.ea.com/fr_FR/starwars/battlefront/news/the-heroes-of-star-wars-battlefront-han-solo-4