My name is Forsaken, I play a healer thug and one thing I saw with the opening of migrations and the massive arrival of other players on Darth Nihilus (Hallelujah) is that we weren't a lot of Thugs healer before and that we are still not many… Yes I know, starting a guide by saying that the class is only played little is like starting a sale by saying nobody wants the product…
Rather than a guide, it is my vision of the Healer Thief that I am offering you. I will talk as much about our advantages as our weaknesses ... There will be many biases (and therefore subject to debate !!) and I will bring a big focus on PvP.
Presentation of the Thief
The story
Le Malfrat does not burden himself with courtesies and casually heals. In addition to his medical kit, he never goes out without his stealth belt, his blaster and his tricks… The perfect panoply to disembark, to rout the enemy and to escape alive. It is his stealth and speed that are the most effective: even when the Empire blows a wind of panic he emerges from the shadows, regenerates his teammates in a flash and disappears.
EA and Bioware wanted us a raid heal class based on HoTs (Heal over Time) and area heals… I want to say missed! But it does not matter.
The Healer Thief is a class with a very dynamic play style where situational intelligence will often make the difference. It's a subtle and fun class to play. It combines stealth, energy management and the ability to provide emergency care. Like other classes in the game, his ability to icant relies on a system of energy and perk. The management of these resources must therefore be the object of the greatest attention!
The energy system
The Thief's energy bar contains 100 points and cannot be increased (it is still possible to increase it by 5 points with certain HL Sets). The whole challenge is that the lower the energy level, the slower the regeneration. There are three levels of recovery:
- Above 60 points: 5 points per second;
- Between 20 and 60 points: 3 points per second;
- Between 0 and 20 points: 2 points per second.
NB: under the effect of "pugnacity" all the energy gains are increased by 1 point per second.
You will understand that it is essential to keep the energy level above 60 points. Do not worry too much, the Thug has several tools allowing him not to find himself OoE (Out of Energy).
The Advantage System
The other resource of the Thief is his ability to generate advantage points when he uses some of his spells. This is a "buff" that can be stacked twice (2 with the 'New Emergencies' talent) that lasts 3 seconds. In particular, it allows the use of certain spells (pugnacity of which we spoke previously for example).
Templates at 1.3
The question of the talent tree is always thorny… However, in our case the choice is easier than for other classes. I offer you two builds that seem to me to be the most suitable. Of course other variables are possible. I even think that despite the changes made by 1.2 a DPS / Heal hybrid of the Malfrat is still viable (Editor's note: in Pvp).
- All about healing (PvE - side or group PvP) : 33 / 3 / 5
Do you do PvE and PvP? Do you trust your DPS comrades to cover you in the event of a focus and / or do you have a Tank available? Do not hesitate any longer, this very classic but effective template is made for you!
- I will survive (PvP solo) : 31 / 3 / 7
You do mainly PvP and often solo, let's face it it's rare to be covered by a DPS or a Tank in this case ... It is therefore important to boost your ability to get out of a situation on your own. bad step!
The 4 points in 'Critical prognosis' and 'Clinical studies' have been abandoned in favor of 'Overbidding' and 'Vicious escape'.
The advantage here is that you have all the possible weapons to escape a sticky Sith. The downside is that you will have to control your energy well.
As a PvP player, I cannot limit the presentation of spells to only healing spells, a Thief is a brawler who is not afraid to get his hands dirty! I will therefore differentiate between healing spells, defensive spells and offensive spells.
NB: Rest assured, only spells having a direct use for your survival and / or for your heal will be processed!
Healing spells
As Rabelais would have said (cultivation moment), the following part is the substantive core of your spells.
- Illegal drugs: the main treatment of the Thief with two points in the talent 'exploratory surgery' it will automatically give you an advantage.
- Energy consumption: 25 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: 2,5 seconds
- Range: 30 meters.
- The slow release medipac: HoT (Heal over Time) lasting 18 seconds, it can be stacked twice per target. With 3 points in the 'mastery of the medipac' talent each cycle has a 30% chance of generating an advantage. This effect is only available once every 9 seconds. Each use (beyond the first), reduces this duration by 1.5 seconds. NB: Yes, that makes the Thief a machine to generate benefits ...
- Energy consumption: 15 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: Instant
- Range: 30 meters
- The emergency medipac: it allows you to heal a target instantly by consuming an advantage. With the talent 'New Emergencies' it generates an advantage if used on a target with less than 30% health.
The emergency medicine pack, also called “stress buton”, is a double wonder. First of all because it is completely free on a target with less than 30% health (since it's a moment, I'll let you imagine the rest) and then because it can be launched directly after 'Medicines Illegal '. With a minimum of HL stuff (a columi - rakata or Combat Master - War Heroes mix for example) you can calmly consider as long as the two critics (which is not so rare) to send 4500+ on the first and 2000+ on the second and all that for 25 energy + 1 advantage.
- Energy consumption: 0 points
- Consumption advantage: 1
- Cast time: Instant
- Range: 30 meters
- The kolto pack: it uses an advantage and energy to heal the target. Its only appeal is that it has a short cast time. To be frank, it's deep in my spell bar and I never use it. It is far too expensive to be effective.
- Energy consumption: 20 points
- Consumption advantage: 1
- Cast time: 1.5 seconds
- Range 30 meters
- The diagnosis: the only channeled spell of the Thief. It lasts 3 seconds, ticks every second and is completely free. It does not generate a benefit. With 4 points in 'Critical Prognosis' and 'Clinical Studies' it allows each critical 'tic' to recover 10 energy points. If you manage your energy well, you shouldn't overuse it. It is nevertheless very practical in use.
- Energy consumption: 0 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: 3 seconds channeled
- Range: 30 meters
- Sorting: it removes two negative effects on the target. With the 'Psychological Drugs' talent, he also heals the target (slightly).
- Energy consumption: 10 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: Instant
- Range: 30 meters
- Kolto's Cloud: The ultimate healing spell from our talent tree, this is also our only AoE heal in the form of a HoT that will target 3 players in addition to target within 10 meters. . The only heal that also has a 12 second Cool Down (cooldown = cooldown).
- Energy consumption: 30 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: Instant
- Range: 30 meters
Defensive spells
It is often thanks to his spells that you will survive in complex situations, hence the interest in presenting them.
- Dodge: this "green bubble" will allow you to dodge attacks for 3 seconds.
- Energy consumption: 0 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: Instant
- Scope: Player
- Cool Down : 1 minute
- The defensive screen: with 2 points in 'Medical Screen', it allows you to increase the healing received by 15% for 20 seconds which will help you and your healer friends to get you up in a flash! It is also supposed to absorb the impending damage ... but I have never seen this effect ...
- Energy consumption: 0 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: Instant
- Scope: Player
- Cool Down: 45 seconds
- The blinding grenade: this is an 8 second mezz (control) hitting up to 5 targets (within a radius of 5 meters). Something to escape from players or adds. Damage of course interrupts this effect.
- Energy consumption: 10 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: Instant
- Range: 10 meters
- Cool Down : 1 minute
- The tranquilizer: a mezz of 60 seconds (in PvE, much less in PvP) which requires to be in stealth mode. Several limitations: the target must be out of combat, only one non-droid target at a time.
- Energy consumption: 20 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: Instant
- Range: 10 meters
- Cool Down : 0
- The Vicious Kick: a stun that will stun a target for 4 seconds (inflicting light damage in the process).
- Energy consumption: 10 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: Instant
- Range: 4 meters
- Cool Down: 45 seconds
- Flight: this spell will negate all control effects affecting you. He has no blow. However, he has a 2-minute cool down (rather long).
- Volatilization: it allows you to switch to stealth mode in combat! However, all healing received or performed within 10 seconds of activating it is nullified. It also has a 3 minute cool down (very long therefore).
Offensive spells
I will only talk about spells that can help you survive or have a tactical interest, don't worry.
- The decisive shot: this is your only DoT (Damage over Time). In PvE, it is always useful to cast it in 'quiet' times. In PvP, it will prevent your target from going back into stealth mode (very useful against our alter-egos of the empire).
- Energy consumption: 20 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: Instant
- Range: 30 meters
- Cool Down : 0
- Tendon Shot: The advantage of this spell is that it adds a 'debuff' of 50% of its speed to your target for 12 seconds.
- Energy consumption: 10 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: Instant
- Range: 10 meters
- Cool Down : 0
- Backlash: this spell can only be used in stealth mode and behind the target's back. It is above all a DPS spell ... Nevertheless it is my favorite weapon to finish an Imperial in a war zone or to help a fellow healer who is under focus. [Volatilization> Return of Staff> Defensive spells or switch to DPS].
- Energy consumption: 17 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: instant
- Range: 4 meters
- Cool Down: 8 seconds
- Cargo XS Charge: this is your only AoE (Area of Effect) damage. By calling on your ship. Very useful for helping your DPS in PVE on mob packs or adds. In PvP, it will allow you, among other things, to protect an objective (a bomb on a door in the Nether Star for example).
- Energy consumption: 30 points
- Consumption advantage: 0
- Cast time: 2.63 seconds
- Range: 30 meters
- Cool Down : 1 minute
Buffs and the like
- Pugnacity: This buff consumes a boon to increase your energy boost by 1 point per second for 45 seconds. You will have understood it is always necessary to be under pugnacity!
- Lucky Shot: your class buff, it increases your critical rate by 5% for one hour.
- Cool Head: this spell allows you to recover 50 energy points in 3 seconds. With two points in the talent 'Zen' you immediately recover 16 more points. He has a two minute cool down.
Statistics and headings
This part is divided into two, the meaning of the important statistics on the one hand and the caps or at least the prioritization to be brought to the different statistics on the other hand.
- The surge index increases the damage and healing of critical hits;
- Potency increases damage and healing;
- The trick increases technological damage and healing and critical chance;
- Alacrity decreases cast times;
- Critical rating increases crit chance;
- Tech power increases tech damage and healing.
The Chiefs
I won't write you a treatise on Theory Crafting, I'll leave it to you to go to MMO-Mechanics for that. I will only give you the conclusions:
Tip> = Power> Critical Index (up to 350)> Surge> Critical Index (after 350)> Alacrity
Stuff pvp EnG-Game
This sheet gives you an idea of your stats once equipped. These levels do not vary whether you have chosen the "All about healing" or "I will survive" template. However, I have counted all the datacrons that are useful to us as well as the buffs.
Besides the very questionable "cow guardian" look (the arrow above the head not being a sufficient indicator for our imperial friends, they had to dress us in a conspicuous green ...), we have to In my opinion, too much alacrity which does not serve us much. To obtain the "BIS" (Best In Slot) stuff, it would therefore be necessary to replace the modules containing alacrity by others (Power / Critical for example).
To be honest, I did find some information about “BIS PvE” but in PvP we are quite limited. Except, perhaps, to replace a sophistication: "War Hero's Quick Savant Enhancement 26" present on the helmet, leggings and boots by a sophistication: "War Hero's Battle Enhancement 26".
The choice of tailoring trades for a Thief comes down for me to:
- Cybernetics:
- Grenades are a must in PvP! You will get a DoT, a root, a stun, a mezz ... Finally something to have fun like crazy in the War Zone.
- Biochemistry:
- Very useful in PVE.
- Medipacs, Doping Drugs and Stims are useful in PvP too!
Le Heal and PVE
In raid, there are two possibilities. Either you are in a duo with a Scholar in which case you will certainly be in charge of the Tank, or you are in a duo with a Commando or another Thief and you can be in charge of the Raid. "Being in charge of" does not mean being obtuse, of course remain attentive to the fate of the Tank or the raid as the case may be and hesitate to support your partner ("situational intelligence will often make the difference").
Of course, some bosses will require a separation of the raid into two distinct groups (on Denova for example) in which case your heal will be very close to that of the main Tank.
Heal Main Tank
I usually put the Tank in concentrated target (Focus) and target a DPS CaC or a more "fragile" limb.
- Before the fight throw two slow diffusion medipacs on the Tank and a DPS CaC or the more “fragile” limb;
- While the Tank generates its aggro, accumulate the advantages and go under pugnacity. Be sure of course to stay pugnacious throughout the fight!
- Launch Illegal Medicines and Emergency Medicines if necessary;
- Renew the slow release Medipacs (before the end of course);
- Repeat until exhaustion or the end of the fight depending on your mood ...
> What is that all ??
Yes that's all, I told you our heal is situational, so you will have to adapt to the situation. Some "tips" nevertheless:
- Do not hesitate to give rhythm to your cycle with Diagnosis, which will allow you to quickly recover energy and not to overheal too much;
- Use your Kolto Cloud after a boss hit the CaC (Garj's jump for example). In this case, and in order not to waste your energy, replace your Illegal Medicines on the Tank with an emergency medipac.
Heal Raid
Often teaming up with a Scholar I don't often have responsibility for the raid. I don't see a “cycle” per se. Otherwise, pay close attention to your energy level and keep your HoT on CaCs or non-tank targets likely to take damage. I also advise you to abuse the Kolto Cloud which although expensive can relieve you.
NB: If you are doing PvE and PvP and you are in the process of equipping, I advise you to take two pieces from the PvP set and the rest of PvE to have an accumulation of bonuses making your Kolto Cloud very interesting.
Le Heal and PVP
So of course these are just a few examples here and the difference between theory and practice is huge!
Basic principles
- Stay Stealthy: the Thug must be as discreet as possible. He is a prime target (we were even put an arrow above our head, that is to say). When defending a point with a DPS comrade wait until he has lost 10 to 20% of his life before exiting stealth mode! Several reasons, first of all remind you that our cast times are very short and that you shouldn't have any trouble putting it back up quickly, then this will allow you to see how the fight evolves (presence of a stealth that tag in your back etc…).
- Stay Mobile: that's the strength of the Thief! If you remain static, you will even see several of your Sith friends come and stroke you… In addition, you have many moments and a cast time, once stuffed, of less than two seconds! Conclusion, do not spend more than two seconds in the same place !!
- Keep your distance: I know I'm pushing the doors open, but we often forget that the maximum range in SW: TOR is 30 meters and that we are therefore not attackable as long as we stay at a sufficient distance!
Are you focused?
- Transform yourself into a tank: start by throwing your defensive shield then two slowly diffusing medipacs, a kolto cloud. Also launch your diagnosis (generally the adversary clicks his "interrupt" on it. Take the opportunity to launch the dodge and your illegal drugs.
Of course he should not let you do it ^^ so for the controls, use the flight, pray and move on! Of course the basic principles remain applicable here, out of the question to remain static while you are focused, use the scenery! Besides, before the diagnosis there is no reason to stop!
- Counterattack: so yes, we are not able (with some exceptions) to effectively “fall” an opponent. But the interest here is to discourage the adversary or better to find him a new enemy! Use the vicious kick first (usually if it can break free that's where it will). During the 4 second respite put some distance between you and your new friend and use Tendon Shot. Then use one of your grenades if you are a cybernetician then your blinding grenade if necessary. You will understand that everything must be done to make the gentleman understand that he is clingy. So I know there is this 'resolution' thing but as a rule, by the time he gets back to chasing you his bar has dropped enough to be checked again ...
Variation: if you are focused by a class that can switch to stealth mode, take advantage of the first "stun" to launch Decisive Shot and Tendon Shot.
More than a heal!
Being the first healer in the War Zone and scoring big is good for the ego, but winning the War Zone is better. In defending a point, it is up to you to sound the alarm. The DPS or the Tank will necessarily be occupied. As such, it is up to you to analyze the situation to know if you need help or not.
You are stealthy and you can make your allies stealthy, so you can attempt a “back tag” when the time is right. The scenery breaks the lines of sight making casts impossible (remember when you run after the dps that goes around the post ...) so use them to remain discreet.
Finally, do not hesitate to use your 'Freighter Charge XS' to protect an objective or to ward off our Imperial AoE friends from a Scholar or to deprive them of their equivalent.
This guide is far from perfect, I am aware of it. However, I hope that it will be the starting point for many discussions around this class which is a real pleasure to play in DPS as in Heal, in PvE as in PvP.
We look forward to seeing you at "Port Nulle-part" ...