Wowhead recently published an article where they summarize what will go away or change permanently when patch 5.4 is released.
Barrens battlefield
I told you about it recently. It is therefore well confirmed, the quests of the Barrens battlefield will disappear, making it impossible to obtain armor and all items related to the Darkspear Rebellion. Darkspear Revolutionary (for the Horde) and Hordebreaker related achievements will no longer be valid.
It is now too late to collect Mojo Radical but hurry up if you are missing some items ...
Golden lotus
As seen at the end of the video as well as in the article published this morning on the official website, the Vale of Eternal Spring area is totally corrupted by the evil power of Garrosh, impacting the main reputation of the area. .
All quests have been deleted, as well as the related achievement (An Eternity in the Vale) which will become a tour de force. One progresses through the series of quests independently of the daily quests, depending only on the reputation gained. Some hubs have disappeared, such as the Golden Pagoda and Lac Blanc-Pétale, simplifying the general process. Quests asking to kill elites have disappeared.
Now killing a watch in the area rewards 10 reputation points. Rare for achievement An Almighty Army are marked as rare and grant 200 reputation.
To build reputation, it is always possible:
- take work orders in the Valley of the Four Winds farm
- collect stolen Golden Lotus Insignia, including from Zandalari Warbreds.
- to make scenarios or dungeons: reputation bonuses are given for each first dungeon or scenario carried out per day
And make sure you use perks like Darkmoon Top Hat, and don't forget the Golden Lotus High Commendation as soon as you get revered!