This dungeon, accessible at level 85 in its normal version and heroic at 90, offers 4 bosses. I am going to show you some tracks so that the ride takes place serenely. For the record, as with all dungeons and raids now, you can find the list of boss abilities in the Dungeon Codex (Shift-J) if you want more information on a particular spell.
Towering over the eastern side of Pandaria, the Temple of the Jade Serpent is a sacred monument to the legendary Pandaren Emperor Shaoshao's victory over the sha of doubt thousands of years ago. but a deplorable conflict recently shook the Jade Forest and freed the sha, who plundered the temple's greatest treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
When you arrive in the instance, you generally take a left and the first creature encountered, a corrupted droplet, gives an idea of the boss that you will meet just after by creating a puddle from which you must of course get out. quickly.
Wise Husband
The sage Mari, a venerable jinyu eauracle, has drawn knowledge and foreknowledge innumerable times from the water of the fountain of Eternal Witnesses. But when the sha of doubt corrupted the currents, Mari succumbed to unfathomable suspicion.
Already, it should be known that the water is corrupted and therefore that, as long as the wise man is not defeated, it is necessary to avoid putting any toe in the water otherwise "the water reacts violently to your contact" (like you can see it above), dealing 20k damage every 0,25s (it can sting quickly). Stay on the slabs that go around and avoid this unnecessary damage.
The fight against this boss takes place in two phases. In the first phase, he is under a shield, invincible to damage and brings out elementals named Living Water from the 4 fountains all around the room. Once dead, this elemental becomes a puddle of water (from which it is necessary to get out) and makes 3 droplets appear as previously encountered. Some tanks like to go north, at the door where you have more space, while others move in front of each fountain.
In the second phase, his shield drops and he begins to spin slowly, spitting a long jet of water in front of him. If you have the misfortune to find yourself facing him, in addition to taking damage, you will fly backwards and you may even end up in a chain by landing with your feet in the water. Needless to say, you shouldn't take it and shoot at the same time as the boss.
Once the Sage Mari is defeated, you have to go back to take the other door, to the right of the entrance. Luckily the gentle boss applies a blessing of the water, increasing movement speed by 50%.
Hydrophobia: Defeat wise Mari without being hit by Corrupted Water, Hydrolance, or Leach.
Columnist No Stone
The servants of the Sha of Doubt happily invaded the library of the Temple of the Jade Serpent, creating distorted and destructive versions of the heroes and other figures of Pandaren culture. Despite all his efforts, the chronicler Pas de Pierre has not succeeded in restoring their healthy forms to the manifestations of the past.
This fight can be presented in two ways, including one which unfortunately has the unfortunate tendency to get stuck ...
Discord and Peril
You have in this configuration 2 mini-bosses with rather aggressive behavior. The more you hit them, the more they accumulate Intensity Charges, increasing the damage taken by the entire party. It is fashionable to avoid going over 6-8, depending on the equipment and the reactivity of the group and especially on the healer. It will therefore be necessary to type only one, then switch to the other while waiting for the first to lose its charges.
The champion of the 5 suns
In this configuration, 5 suns appear in the room but only 4 can be typed. For each sun killed (the suns inflicting random fire damage on players in the group), a haunting sha appears which must in turn be killed. If your group is not very equipped, avoid killing all 4 suns simultaneously and prefer the method: 1 sun, 1 sha, 1 sun, 1 sha ...
Once the 4 suns are extinguished, Zoa, corrupted by a haunting sha, attacks the group. Don't worry though, he doesn't really hurt much and quickly finds himself defeated. Once this boss is dead, the doors facing the entrance are opened, allowing access to the Dragon Terrace, filled with Servants of Doubt and lower Shas. Once these adds are dead, Liu arrives screaming "the heart of the great Serpent will not fall into your hands".
Liu Heart of Flame
Ever since she was little, Priestess Liu Heart of Flame has studied the cycle of rebirth for the Jade Serpent, Yu'lon. When the sha of doubt attacked them, she was the first to oppose him, but also the first to succumb to his corruption. Today, she is consumed with uncertainty, fearing that she does not have the strength to ensure Yu'lon's rebirth.
The priestess will do classic damage to the tank, the group (especially the distant ones and the healer) will have to be vigilant to the serpent wave, creating 3 tongues of fire, moving away from the boss outwards in a straight line, in 3 different directions. It is recommended to get out of the way because it stings.
The healer will also have to do with her chain of Snake Strike and Serpent Kick abilities, dealing damage to the tank, then in stride to all characters around her. Contact classes must be responsive and move when the Serpent's Strike is announced in order to avoid the kick and relieve the healer.
This is all the more important that at 70% Liu calls out the Serpent for help, increasing the effect of his abilities that hurt more or have additional effects like absorbing an amount of healing (Serpent's Strike of jade) or knock down (Kick of the Jade Serpent).
Finally, at 30% of her life, the priestess goes into a trance ("the cycle must be perpetuated, the Jade Serpent must be reborn"), becoming invulnerable, and it is now necessary to hit the serpent. Regularly, he will blow on a random player and create an area on the ground at his feet, inflicting damage, of course. To optimize this phase, it is therefore advisable to avoid unnecessary regroupings and to keep a reasonable distance with his companions.
Sha of doubt
A physical manifestation of suspicion, this sha was imprisoned in the Jade Forest after being struck down by Emperor Shaoshao ten thousand years ago. There he developed an obsession with the Jade Serpent and spirit of wisdom and forethought, Yu'lon, and gloats at the idea of corrupting his home.
This boss requires a lot of healing, inflicting unpredictable damage to 2 players, taken at random from the group. Regularly, it brings up a chimera of doubt attached to each player. It should be killed as quickly as possible because if it is not done in time, it explodes, does damage to the group and gives 10% of its life to the boss. The simplest strategy is to regroup, to use area damage, cleave and other mass damage and thus help the healer and the tank to kill their chimera.
During the fight (and especially in the phase when the group is gathered), keep within reach of the dissipation of magic or any similar spell because it inflicts Touch of Nothingness which does damage to the infected player but also to all his little companions near.
The Great Cleansing: Defeat the Sha of Doubt under the Purified Water effect.Seeds of Doubt: defeat the Sha of Doubt under the effect of 4 Seeds of Doubt.
Thanks to you, the temple is now cleansed of all corruption and the monks will be able to resume their quiet life.