If you missed the Saturday night Blizzard show, June 6, that's okay. The information has been communicated to the community and the least we can say is that we have heard and seen future content: 2 heroes and 2 battlefields will be released around the event. Eternal conflict, revolving around the universe of Diablo. This is due to the lack of presence of characters and elements of this universe.
To start from 2:08:00 for new content (these are matches before)
Fields of eternity
Map revealed more or less since BlizzCon 2014, the Fields of Eternity finally arrive in the game at the end of the month! Composed of an angelic side and a diabolical side, the card is made up of 2 lanes. At the center, the developers have found a new mechanic around which players compete: On either side, we find a boss (the Immortals, an angel and a demon) who fight eternally. Players can engage the opposing boss and if he defeats him, their boss comes to help them on their way to destroy buildings and minions for a limited time.
There are also mercenary camps with a really sophisticated design:
- Siege Golems;
- 3 Khazra;
- Two dogs and a shaman who invokes the dogs endlessly while he is alive.
Global overview of the battlefield
Presentation of the Immortals
Easter eggs will be added to the map before the game is released. We can already see that by destroying the opposing idol, heaps of gold coins and rare and legendary items fall around the idol. the way of Diablo III.
The butcher
NB: The figures given are still subject to possible changes. The purpose of this table is to give you a general idea of the gameplay of the upcoming hero, The Butcher. This is a direct translation made by me, the spanish names may differ from the official version.
- Passive
- A
- Z
- E
- R

Cooldown: 4 seconds.
Power: 50.

Cooldown: 14 seconds.
Power: 60.

Cooldown: 20 seconds.
Power: 75.

Cooldown: 90 seconds.
Power: 75.

Cooldown: 60 seconds.
Power: 75.
Assumptions and other information
- We can assume that a similar event will take place around the Starcraft universe.
- The Eternal Conflict event hits the Public Test Realm on June 23, and live servers on June 30 if that's okay.
- From the superb artwork that is part of the event press kit, we can clearly see the Skeleton King Leoric, the Blood Elf Tyrande and Demon Tyrael skins (removed from the store a few weeks ago), a probable skin Amazon for Nova, and an Archangel-themed Anub'Arak / Diablo skin. There is no doubt that the Skeleton King will be part of the event.
Eternal Conflict Image Gallery