This scenario, planned for 3 characters of level 90, takes place in 4 phases which will allow the festival to take place in good conditions: with Kun-Lai ravigote!
- Phase 1: the Brasse-Lune festival
- Phase 2: The Scouts Report
- Phase 3: the yaungol attack!
- Phase 4: Porteguerre Qobi
Phase 1
When we arrive in the village of Binan, the master brewer Giclette is really happy to see us, the festival is taking place tonight and he still does not have the necessary ingredients for his famous Ravigote de Kun-Lai. He sent his assistants to collect some but none came back. At the same time, given the bugs that roam his village, it's not surprising. There are 3 skulls which indicate the 3 enemies to be defeated in this phase:
- the virmens in the silos
- Karsar the Bloodbath
- Li Te
For the first task, join the assistant Kieu near the silos where there are two groups of 3 small virmens with 393k points of life. Once dead, the mother of the Mouf den appears with 4.73M health points. She's pretty naughty and deals pretty heavy damage to a class without heavy armor. She has two notable abilities, flip that causes her to deal damage around her and burrow. While under the ground, dirty little virmen (yuck!) Spawn with only 78k hit points (6).
Karsar is at the bottom of the cave, guarded by disturbed Saurok. He also has 4.73M of life points, apart from that, he is really useless (good at the same time, the death knight was tanked, obviously that helps) ...
Finally, Li Te is in the middle of the lake. Talk to the Pie assistant on the bank to get an upgrade that allows walking on water (more convenient!). Small water spirits channel a large stream of water, kill them (they come in groups of 3) and the boss appears. Like his companions, he has 4.73M hit points and, not surprisingly for a water elemental, he casts water strokes. It will also place jets of water in the lake, which send it into the air and allow it to break its water shell by placing it on it.
Once the 3 bosses have been defeated, return to the entrance, beyond the village square to help brew Kun-Lai's Ravigote. There is nothing to do, except wait, the assistant corresponding to the last killed boss will bring the ingredient on his own and start the brew.
Phase 2
No sooner had the brewing started than the Yaungol arrived, certainly attracted by the idea of a free little booze! Brewmaster Giclette asks us to help again and set up the village defenses. We must therefore defeat the scouts arriving from the west, the bridge and the old Passage. Village guards will help and in particular set up care areas for groups that lack them. Bataari dispatch riders have 393k health and usually arrive in groups of 2.
In the middle of the village square, Derpa Derpa gives emitters of wave pulses to be placed preferably at the 3 arrival points (the enemies will continue to arrive there in phase 3). The effects are quite nice, dazed nearby Yaungol for 5 seconds and inflicting 150k nature damage.
Phase 3
During this phase, the Yaungol continue to arrive (they are just more numerous) and the guards to help, however we must move well to prevent one side from being overwhelmed (in my group, we had separated in order to cover several places, I don't know if it's more efficient but it worked well). Bigger critters come as reinforcements, War Yetis with 1.97M hit points. What they like to do is jump and land as hard as possible on the ground! There isn't much you can do to avoid it when you're a contact class. Once the 3 waves are pushed back, the boss arrives, triggering the final phase.
Phase 4
The Qobi Warbringer has 9.45M health. The main ability of this boss is lines of fire, the result of several small hot circles which must of course be removed. Do not hesitate to reuse the transmitters placed in phase 2, it will always be won.
Thanks to our intervention, the festival can take place in good conditions and we are of course invited to the celebrations. A small glass ?