Blizzard has announced several cards, a new spell for the Warlock, a neutral minion, and every day a known player will announce a card. You will be able to vote via the official site to choose the player who will announce the card.
2 days ago it was Kripparian via his YouTube channel who revealed the legendary Shaman. Two other cards have been revealed, one of the Warrior and a neutral.
The cards

When your spells deal damage, heal your hero that much.
Here is a card which is already talking about it, it divides the players because some think that the effect is not profitable and others find it brilliant.
Let's see the card for 5 mana a 4/6 of perfect statistics, it imposes a good presence while being difficult to kill. In addition, its power is a significant plus and will force the opponent to manage it as quickly as possible. We think directly of the combo with Lightning storm or Elemental destruction which with a large number of creatures gives you back to 30 VP directly.
This card is clearly not for the aggressive archetype that the Shaman is currently playing but rather for control or mid game oriented decks. She finally brings a viable solution to the Shaman to return to the game against aggressive decks.
All in all, a very good legendary for the Shaman who will certainly be played if the game's meta slows down.
For 1 mana, a 1/1 that equips you with a 1/3 weapon is clearly a very bad card, its weapon is reminiscent of the Justice of light of the paladin but the creature is too weak to be profitable.
Note that the map is a pirate, it would have been much more logical to include it in the Thief class which already has a lot of pirates. In short, a useless card for the Warrior.
For 4 mana, a 1/1 taunt. Where the card is interesting is that it allows upon arrival to copy the attack and the life of an allied servant.
Suddenly, the map is very interesting, we can easily imagine it in a Handlock and copy a Drake azure or a Lava giant. Imagine turn 10 you are at 16 hp, Lava giant + Faceless straggler it can be very strong.
We can also imagine it in other classes like Druid with the Druid ramp which has a lot of big creatures or Warrior control.
A very versatile card that I'm sure will find its place in a deck in order to exploit its power, the only downside is that it is sensitive to silence which can cause a big loss of tempo if it is neutralized.
Again, very control oriented cards are shown by Blizzard, is it a desire to slow down the meta or are the aggressive type cards going to be revealed at the end?