We continue our adventures with Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings, a legendary mace obtainable by the Paladin, Priest, Shaman, Monk and Druid classes in the Ulduar raid in the Storm Peaks.
To begin obtaining the hammer, you will need to collect 30x Fragments of Val'anyr which can be obtained from all Ulduar bosses in mode 25. However, these fragments have a higher chance of dropping in heroic difficulty (heroic difficulty no. is not existing in Ulduar, but you can activate on each of the bosses an increased difficulty by doing a special action, such as, for example, by pressing the red button behind Mimiron). The rate of appearance of fragments is estimated between 10% and 15% on all bosses except the last where the rate is on average 75%.
Once you have collected the 30 Shards of Val'anyr, you will need to combine them to create the Shattered Shards of Val'anyr allowing you to start the From Ancient History quest which asks you to bring back the Shattered Shards of Val'anyr. at the Archivum Console within Ulduar.
Return the quest, a small event will happen in front of your eyes. The Console will finally give you the second and last eponymous weapon quest, Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings which gives you Scattered Fragments of Val'anyr as a quest item. The reward for the quest is the legendary weapon.
You will have to go to Yogg-Saron, the last boss of Ulduar (make sure you have at most 3 guardians activated otherwise the quest will not be validated). You will have to engage in the fight against Yogg-Saron and, during this one, you will be invited to enter one of the many portals that appear. These portals lead to the brain of Yogg-Saron which you will have to kill. Once Yogg-Saron's brain is "dead", return to the portal to exit. From this moment on, you should definitely not kill Yogg-Saron. To complete your quest, you will need to click on the Scattered Shards of Val'anyr when Yogg-Saron casts his Deafing Roar spell. Once you've thrown Scattered Shards of Val'anyr, defeat Yogg-Saron to pick up the Reforged Hammer of Ancient Kings from his remains.
Then go back to the Archivum Console which will give you Val'anyr, the hammer of ancient kings.
Good luck !