Ashes are items you will find during your adventures in Dark Souls III. When you have them, bring them back to the Sanctuary maid in the Fireline Sanctuary. This will unlock new items for you in the store.
Undead Ashes - Undead Camps
Go to the Collapsed Bridge campfire and go straight to the area where the giant throws his spears. The ashes are on a body near the tree to the left of the portal, near the wooden hut.
- Burnt pine resin
- Human pine resin
- Elegant skull
- Key to the Tomb
Ashes of Hollow - Darkfirelige Sanctuary (Sanctuary of Forgotten Graves)
Once you've beaten the boss and entered the Darkfire liege Shrine, go to where Yoel of Londor is standing in the shrine in normal version (to the left of the anvil at the bottom stairs). The ashes are on a corpse.
- Bleeding Stone
- Poisoned kunai
- Ashes from the sky
Dreamer's Ashes - Farron's Bastion
Meet at the Old Wolf of Farron fire, the ashes are clearly visible on a window sill placed high up in the room. Exit the room, take the stairs and turn left as soon as you get to the top. You will see a suspicious wall which is actually an illusion. Hit it and it will open, allowing you to reach the ashes.
- Green flower
- Golden pine resin
- Rotten pine resin
- A fragment of the Titanite
- Arc composite
- Leather Armor (Torso / Gloves / Boots /
- Fletched arrow
Ashes of an Eastern Man - Irithyll of the Vale of Borealis
After killing Grandmaster Sulyvahn, cross the courtyard and go up the stairs. Go to the arch on the far right and climb up. When you get to the end, jump onto the ledge a little below. You will find the ashes on a corpse. But beware of the knight who can attack you from above!
- Large Titanite Fragment
- Eastern Armor Set / Eastern Armor Shiva
- Washing Pole
- Wood Grain Ring
Excrement Covered Ash - Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
When you get to the River Irithyll, look for the slightly curved arch that leads to the sewer. Once you're there, look for torches on the walls. You will see a staircase going up: the ashes are just on the other side in front of the stairs, on a floating corpse.
- Bouse
- Tuft of Purple Toxic Moss
Ashes of Paladin - Cathedral of the Deep
As you descend the gigantic steps that lead to the first Campfire of the Cathedral of the Abyss, turn right just before you reach it. Go down the narrow path and after a few steps you will see a corpse with the ashes.
- Tuft of Purple Toxic Moss
- Lloyd's Talisman / Undead Hunter's Charm
- Double Amulet
- Lloyd's Protective Ring
- Crescent ax
- Morning Star
- Canvas Talisman
Ashes of the Chief Prisoner - Irithyll Dungeon
To complete this mission, you will need the Jailer's Key. Go to the church surrounded by poisonous water near the Desecrated Capital, then climb to the roof. From there, a flight of steps leads to the dungeon. Take them and you will find the key at the end of the corridor.
Then teleport to the Irithyll Dungeon Campfire, go to the Great Prison Room and jump downstairs. Walk all the way to the right: the last cell you see will have two doors with a weird chair. The ashes are on the corpse which is sitting there.
- Human pine resin
- Karla's equipment
- Jailer's Key
Xanthoma Ashes - Irithyll Dungeon
Drop down to the lowest level of the prison, where a dozen jailers are just waiting to kill us. Always continue to the left, until the end then, once at the end, open the cell with the two bodies: the ashes are on the body next to the door.
- Xanthome Armor Set
Tomb Warden's Ashes - Catacombs of Carthus
After the first fire, eliminate rats then turn left. Take the stairs on your right to go up. Once upstairs, behind where you arrived is a small passage defended by a skeleton. The ashes are behind him.
You can find many other guides on Dark Souls 3 at our friends Gosunoob!