You can find the list of fixes applied to the game since 5.0.5 at this address (or here en anglais) and in particular the last changes made yesterday Tuesday November 6 during maintenance. We note some adjustments for the classes of monks and priests, the cost in point of conquests of a corrected gladiator item and in particular various corrections for the two raids, the Heart of Fear and the vaults of Mogu'shan.
- Classes
- Moine
- Chi Torpedo's base healing has been increased, but it is less affected by attack power.
- Master brewer
- Barrel Shatter deals degressive damage when this skill hits more than 5 targets.
- Priest
- Ecstasy now restores mana equal to 200% of the priest's total Spirit (was 150%).
- The shield generated by Divine Aegis now absorbs 50% of amounts healed (was 30%).
- Moine
- Creatures
- Monstrous Plains Falcons are now more peaceful.
- Trappers, diggers, and tappers are slightly less annoying.
- Objects
- Malevolent Gladiator's Ripper can now be purchased for the correct number of Conquest Points.
- Dungeons and raids
- Heart of fear
- The version of Garalon in the Raid Tool is now more suitable for groups in the Raid Tool. His health has been greatly reduced and Furious Sweep deals much less damage.
- Wind Lord Mel'jarak's health has been reduced slightly on normal difficulty to 10.
- The Sha of Fear's Menacing Sneer skill no longer sends certain players to the same platform twice in a row.
- Grand Empress Shek'zeer
- Visions of Death now deals damage immediately after casting.
- The Empress no longer confuses the phases of her fight.
- Vizir impérial Zor'lok
- Imperial Vizier Zor'lok will no longer summon Echoes of Strength and Verge in the final phase of Heroic combat.
- Echoes of Zor'lok pause briefly before casting Song of the Empress.
- Zor'lok's Berserker Mode countdown timer has been slightly increased.
- Zor'lok can no longer be attacked until all enemies in the Oratory are dead.
- Bitter Bugs no longer appear in the Raid Finder version of combat.
- Un'sok Amber Sculpter
- Volatile Amber Pools now cast a greater number of Volatile Amber Traits in 25-player versions of this fight.
- Amber Shaper Un'sok, Living Amber, and Amber Monstrosities have increased health on Heroic Difficulty.
- The Amber Blast skill cast by transformed players deals the correct amount of damage when it hits more than 10 targets.
- Mogu'shan cellars
- Elegon's Total Annihilation no longer overrides immunity effects on normal difficulty.
- Heart of fear
- Bugfix
- Failing against Imperial Vizier Zor'lok or defeating enemies in front of him in the Oratory should no longer bind players to the Heart of Fear raid.
- The tooltips for the Crystallized Anguish, Crystallized Horror, and Crystallized Terror items have been updated.
- The speed increase granted by the druid skill Roaring Rush can no longer stack with the speed increases granted by Cat Form and Travel Form.
- Battlefield speed bonuses no longer stack with player movement speed increases.
- The Mana Tea channel is no longer interrupted when allied players consume the Monk's Healing Spheres.
Updated with the spanish patch, the translation being online?