Warning ! This guide is designed for level 90 Brewmaster monks. It will of course be updated and completed after the release of Warlords of Draenor, once the maximum level has been raised to 100.
The Brewmaster Monk is a peculiar tank that is quite difficult to master, on the other hand, it is very fun to play! The latter uses his different types of brews to attract enemies to him, to boost his stats and make totally insane moves to dodge hits and stay alive! 6.0 didn't really change the way you play Brewmaster, so old timers should be fine.
Stamina> Armor> Bonus Armor> Mastery> Versatility> Agility> Multiple Strike> Critical Hit> Haste
Note that the Ferment passive increases the chance of critical hits by 5%!
Glyphs & Talents
In terms of talents, we recommend Thirst for the Tiger for the considerable mobility gain (removing the control effects is a significant plus), Chi wave for its multi-target aggro / healing potential, Ascension for regeneration. of energy, increased and Mitigation of the evil that can save when the fight becomes a bit too tense!
Regarding glyphs, we recommend the use of Fire Breath and Fortifying Drink which allow better control of targets (in AoE) and grant a significant survival boost if used properly! More details on the talent page visible via this link.
Gemming a brewmaster monk is not very complicated, we will make a point of honor to increase his Endurance, his mastery, his armor and failing that, his agility!
Similar to gemmage, we will preferably choose anything that gives a boost to endurance and mastery!