The barracks house the troops of your stronghold as well as your subjects.
This building, the only large building available on level 1 of the fiefdom, requires a large location and its main interest is to be able to better exploit its subjects. We will thus have access to a specific style of mission (patrol missions) yielding more experience, have bodyguards and increase the maximum number of subjects by 5.
1 level
Unlock Patrol Missions. Patrol missions grant your subjects more experience.
- Alliance
- Horde
It is a very modest house at this level.
Inside, there is an office for the chef.
As well as several rows of beds.
There is no room for the superfluous! What to train outside:
And inside, a few berths.
Hope the blankets are warm because hello drafts!
From level 1, you get a new skill that you can slip into the shortcut bars.
2 level
Allows a subject with the Bodyguard trait to accompany and protect you in areas of Draenor.
To get the Level 2 Blueprint, you must be Level 100 or complete the Nagrand Outpost questline. The boss costs 1500 gp or is free with the Detailed Guide to Outpost Building obtained from completing the Outpost Quest.
- Alliance
- Horde
We find the chief's office, properly tidy.
While his guards are not very careful!

It is still spartan although a few more walls will certainly improve the comfort of the troops.
There is certainly less draft like that!
From there, it is possible to assign a subject to this building by clicking on the building, from the mission table, then via the big + in the description at the top. We can then on the left see the subjects that can be affected.
We find this NPC assigned next to the barracks. If we talk to him, he'll go for a walk with us and help with the quests.
Bodyguards have a specific reputation. They gain 10 reputation for each enemy killed near us and there are 2 gauges of 10 to fill, corresponding to the two friendship levels: Bodyguard and Personal Bodyguard. At level 000, we gain an additional combat capacity for the subject while at level 2, we obtain a quest rewarding an advantage.
3 level
Increases your maximum number of subjects by 5 and grants you access to race guards and banners
To purchase the blueprint, you must first have completed the Draenor Patroller achievement, which consists of completing 50 Garrison Patrol missions.
The available banners are:
- Races of our faction
- Ebony blade for the Death Knights
- Argent Crusade
- Shado-Pan
- Alliance
- Horde
And some images from Boussole:
Thanks to Mioko-Archimonde
Feel free to send screenshots of your level 3 building!