New more powerful vehicles are available on ArcheAge, we are entitled to the Sylvestre Coupé and the Longboard.
Sylvester Coupe
This car has 4WD, 60 horsepower and anti-lock brakes. It is also equipped with a speed boost so as not to slow down on climbs. As a result, we have 3 active skills that each require a volume of biofuel:
- Supercharging: propels the vehicle forward (20 sec recovery)
- Vehicle jump: allows the car to jump (5 sec cooldown)
- Rotary jump: allows you to roll in the air (5 sec recovery)
If you want to upgrade your wheels, you can use your old vehicle blueprint as well as 500 Gilda stars and Sylvester Coupé vehicle frame to craft them.
The darus have created two types of longboard, each combining speed and lightness. The basic Longboard has the particularity of propelling itself by foot offering 4 skills:
- Push: push the Longboard with your foot (3 sec recovery)
- Jump: allows you to perform an ollie (3 sec recovery)
- Turn left or right (3 sec recovery)
The difference between the two Longboards is in terms of propulsion. The second is self-propelled so there is no need to push it with your foot. It is also more efficient than the first version. You will have the right to 5 skills:
- Jump: Allows you to perform an ollie (3 sec recovery)
- Turn left or right (3 sec recovery)
- Flipped Air or back: Allows you to do tricks (2 sec recovery)
Whether it is the basic or self-propelled version, you can customize it with a coat of arms.