Get Airborne !
After many battles over World of Warplanes (official website of the game), I decided to give you a new comeback of the game in order to take stock of the new features of the game, its improvements, its strengths and of course, my point of view. Developped by WarGaming.net, this MMO Shooter (Massively Multiplayer Online Shooter) - for Massively Multiplayer Online Shoot Game - hits harder and harder by bringing more and more quality updates to its license.
► World of WarPlanes has just entered open beta. This means that you can now go to the official website, create a player account, download the game and pilot tons of machines on many epic maps!
Some players were already in the closed beta, you should know that during the passage closed -> open and open -> official release, the game will be reset. Goodbye to our pretty high-level machines, we'll have to start over. The more experienced will be helped because the experience will be transformed into tokens offering bonuses to the gain of experience. Yes, it will obviously be necessary to replay with the old planes but this in order to test them again! Remember that a beta serves as a test before the official release of the game?
Here is the details :
Okay, good, enough talk! We climb into the cockpit and take off!
Game overview and reviews
World of WarPlanes is a MMO de Shoot (Massively Multiplayer Online Shooter) featuring you in a context of war. You will have to shoot down your enemies and protect your allies.
For this, you will need:
- Shoot down enemy "planes", ie fighters, heavy fighters, mounted gunner, assault planes, ...
- Destroy enemy buildings on the ground: DCA, headquarters, important buildings, ...
- Protect your allies as well as your buildings
- Sink enemy ships and protect your own if there are any.
... There are many options available to you depending on the aircraft gameplay you have chosen. A fighter will most often be content to shoot down the other enemy fighters so that our bombers can do their job quietly. A bomber will quickly destroy the FLAK and DCA which will cause harm to our fighters. We protect each other.
You don't change a winning GamePlay, so the game follows in the footsteps of its predecessor: World of Tank. I look forward to access to World of Battleship to give you feedback when the restrictions are lifted.
You will therefore have a hangar with your various flying machines with each their specificities and you will have to launch battles in order to gain experience and credits to unlock new tools, weapons, armor or even directly new planes!
- Do you have the soul of a hunter pursuing its targets with great mobility and shooting them down in cold blood?
- Are you rather the heavy and big type to bombard structures using 450 Kg bombs to protect those who fly higher, hunter on board ?
- You like to do both with your heavy hunter at the expense of a little mobility?
- L'assault plane meanwhile offers large guns and a rear shooter to protect you. You are slow but a real flying fortress!
So ? What kind of pilot are you?
Here is the open beta trailer of World of Warplanes :
Also find the game's youtube channel presenting various planes and tutorials.
There is for the moment 82 modifiable planes depending on what it can equip: missiles, bombs, new cockpit (airframe), cannons, machine guns, engine, on-board gunner and others. Each modification made is then visible on your machine. A good hundred will normally be available at the official release of the game!
Just like World of Tank, we have a crew, usually a single pilot but up to two people can fit in large aircraft. These will gain experience as the battles you play to unlock various skills that will help you manage your device better.
The game
Le matchmaking is organized according to the level of the competing hunters; you will be able to play against planes much more recent than yours. Each country has a technology tree spanning ten levels, the third, each comprising several planes. Newcomers start at Tiers 1 obviously by choosing one of the four machines available at this open beta. They will have to save the rewards obtained in matches to climb the ranks and afford more power. At the end of each match, the player will receive experience points in order to advance the research scientific andargent used to buy unlocked coins.
Each camp has of course its own fleet. from five to fifteen real players, but also a base and / or ships to defend. On this base are located fuel stocks, warehouses but also some antiaircraft batteries ready to fight back. By destroying these elements, the pilots will increase the advantage percentage of their camp. The first 100% team wins the battle! If the game were to exceed fifteen minutes, this same percentage would determine the winner.
So discuss with your allies about "Who's doing what?" : The bombers bomb, the fighters protect and hunt, the heavy fighters sail between the two ... Each his task!
The game has greatly improved handling, its beginnings were limited but the players were listened to and World of WarPlanes improved. Depending on our aircraft, we can therefore turn more or less quickly, perform various acrobatics if we are gifted, increase and decrease the throttle, extend the flaps and comfortably use the mouse, joystick and other controls. I tested with the mouse which is very intuitive and easy to use. So don't panic if you don't have other tools. For my part, I prefer the joystick for airplane games, quite simply out of habit and by improved playing comfort with respect to the various keys gathered in the same place.
As always, you will have various information on the screen such as your life bar, your number of bombs, the overheating of the weapon or the engine, the mini-map, the communication chat, your defective elements, in short. ... Everything is there but the most important: the game screen is very well optimized and modifiable. Don't you like the reticle? Change it, its shape and even its color if you want. The interface remains very clear and we have plenty of space to see what surrounds us in battle.
My new PC runs the game to the max without any worries, but it was possible for me to play with a 4/5 year old cuckoo clock (which was high-end at the time) all at least quite comfortably. WarGaming.net has provided a wide range of configurations so that the greatest number of machines can play the game according to their configuration and all without losing the fun.
The game rises to Ultra-high, striking effects and graphics! Many improvements have been made lately, especially on lighting and textures. Cannon and machine gun fire have also been improved. During the update, I remember having uttered a "Whouaw!"
A video is available in the test part of this article, do not hesitate to pass it in 1080px to admire the graphics which are well worth the detour?
Note that in Full HD you will even have the bright blur of the sun as well as, for example, the kinetic effects when you make laces (turns) too fast!
Now let's move on to the audio design of the game. I played throughout my test with a quality open face helmet: G930 Logitech.
The music of the game is extraordinary and brings various themes according to the cards on which you play. The atmosphere is really assured.
Regarding ambient sounds, cannon fire, machine guns, fast turns, propellers, reactors, explosions, ... Everything is there and I find that these sounds are just perfect.
Nothing to complain about except a huge "Bravo" !
You will be able to hear all of this in the test portion of this article. A video is available.
PROCESSOR : Get closer to 2.66GHz for optimal quality
CPU: GeForce 8600GT or ATI HD 2600 with 256 MB and Shaders 3.0. DirectX 9.0c
WarGaming provides the player with several graphic qualities, ranging fromultra low withultra high, therefore allowing many configurations to play the game. Still prefer a high-end PC dating no more than 3 years ago.
My configuration to play in full HD:
- Intel Core i7-3630QM clocked at 2.40GHz
- 8Go RAM
- NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M
I had already been able to write a World of WarPlanes test in November 2012, do not hesitate to read it for more information.
This new test part will highlight the start of open beta phase 1, some novelties which I have not yet spoken but above all a game video that I was able to achieve last night, before the game reset!
So I stopped with my little one German hunter Ar.68 but since time I have been able to evolve and improve my Tiers V hunter.

I have also developed a German heavy fighter in Tiers V and I really like this Bomber / Destroyer Gameplay.

The planes always benefit from various characteristics which are specific to them and each one has its elements like the guns, the missiles, the bombs, ... A light fighter will not be able for example to carry bombs (Almost a ton of bomb!) which are much too heavy for him but this same light fighter will be armed with machine guns and cannons of all kinds.
- Structure points
- Firepower
- Vitesse
- Maneuverability
- Climb rate
- And many others...
You can improve these features by researching new options and then installing them on your aircraft. It will take a good bunch of parts to upgrade your device. Here, the research part where you can find out which items to unlock to access a more powerful one.
Each of the base planes of the three nations are split in two in order to offer different GamePlay. From the fighter you can switch to the heavy fighter or the bomber according to your choices in terms of purchasing new planes and materials.
At the moment, we have access to the devices of theUSSR, USA, Germany and Japan which is already all the same 82 flying machines on the hundred that Wargaming promises us for the release of the game.
The game being Free to Play, we also havea shop currently offering thirteen original aircraft already improved to the maximum of their potential. To note that this shop is not Free to Win, that is to say that we do not spend money to own a device that will easily explode all the others. When we play this Shop Plane we will gain more Free XP (to be spent on any other Research Plane) and here is the only Shop Plane bonus. This is called an elite aircraft.
It is possible to have an elite plane without going through the store but this is long and very expensive since you have to buy all the upgrades of an aircraft to obtain it in elite and be able to gain free experience.
The warehouse always allows to see the devices that we have, to sort them, we can see their characteristics, their skills, crews and skills. It is also possible to give appearances to our aircraft such as new colors, whether it is the trim or the paint on the nose. You could even add some logos. Everything is currently free but there is no doubt that appearances will pay off when the game is released, just like in World of Tanks.
There are different battle modes but the most used remains the solo battle. It is possible to group into a squad of 3 players but of course types of clans can be implemented when the game is released.
Regarding the open beta, don't worry, a tutorial will teach you the basics of the game. Let yourself be guided!
Let's move on to the video I was able to make for you last night. Open your eyes wide, wear your best headphones and don't forget to play it all in 1080px!
- 15 seconds: GamePlay Hunter || Fight in the clouds!
- 5 minutes : GamePlay Heavy Hunter - Heavy Bomber || Last standing!
Do not hesitate if you have any questions about the game, I will be happy to answer you.
WarGaming.net is always implementing more high quality content, taking World of WarPlanes further forward.
World of WarPlanes has just entered open beta. This means that you can now go to the official website, create a player account, download the game and pilot tons of machines on many epic maps! We will only have the second part of the open beta left and we will finally see the end of the tunnel?
For my part, I no longer have any criticism to make to the game except for a few suggestions that could be a plus.
Suggestions for new WoWP features
Landing following damage
► Presentation
It would be good to be able to deploy / retract our landing gear whenever we want to minimize late game repairs.
Our engine stops working, our handling has become too weak and we are useless to the team? We might as well land or land safely in order to reduce the cost of repairing our machine.
To do this, it would suffice to press a single key which would extend or retract this landing gear.
These parts of the aircraft could also be damaged by gunfire. We could also get shot once on the ground and be very vulnerable.
► What would be the goal?
- Reduce repair costs
- Win a experience bonus for a successful landing or ditching
- Caring for partial repair of the damage incurred thanks to the skills of our pilot (s)
- You have fun
► Presentation
Our landing gear is damaged and cannot deploy fully if at all, only one solution, the parachuting of our pilot (s).
This maneuver would be dangerous at too high or too low altitude. We could also be shot by players or even crushed if we were to get into us (the device would be damaged depending on its resistance). Game 12+ therefore effects to moderate.
It would be impossible to eject if our plane exploded or if it spins too fast, which happens when you have a wing ripped off.
► What would be the goal?
- Reduce repair costs (in the idea because the device is suddenly destroyed because without a pilot, it will crash)
- Win a experience bonusfor a successful parachuting
- Opening of the canopy, parachuting, opening of the parachute, reception
- You have fun
Vision obscurcie
► Presentation
We all know the effect of kinetic energy. No ? Hop a little court! This effect, named J, applies when one object interacts with another. For example, throwing a ball. We give that ball an energy, kinetic energy. In short, we say that it is a force. This force can be very powerful (cannon fire, rocket takeoff, ...) depending on the force given to it by another object (The hand for the bullet).
If you've ever done roller coasters and other rides, when a turn is done quickly or you accelerate / decelerate quickly, you feel like a ball, a force, you can even go as far as to faint (or even explode if this force is enormous but we will pass over it MWAHAHAH).
This is the famous black sight that we can see in various aviation simulation games.
To make short for the literary people who dropped the previous paragraph, it would have been good for our pilot's view to darken when we perform maneuvers with sharp turns, when we are going much too fast (a dive for example) or when we are turning. at a moderate / fast pace in a circle (which the low-level third parties very often do) in order to catch up with the one behind us ... While the latter also seeks to catch up with us on this same circle which can often take a long time .
There could also be white views due to the sun facing us which would add sympathetic tactics.
► What would be the purpose
- Give more realism that the game does not already have
- Avoid repetitive maneuvers on too tight turns that the devices can make, it will be necessary to use the maneuvers sparingly to avoid not seeing anything on the screen
Do you already have an idea of which device you would like? A fast and manoeuvrable hunter? A heavy and powerful hunter but less maneuverable? A bomber? ?
I wish you all good luck and ... Get Airborne!