At the end of October, while we were still waiting for the release of Shadowlands, I presented to you volumes 1 and 2 of the reissue of the World of Warcraft comic strip, originally released between 2007 and 2009, which goes back to the sources of the history of MMORPG. In the first volume, we followed the human gladiator Lo'gosh evolve in Kalimdor, and make two unlikely friends, the elven druid Broll Bearcloak and the blood elf Valeera Sanguinar. In book 2, we followed them to Stormwind, where it was revealed that Lo'gosh shared the appearance of Varian Wrynn, the king of Stormwind, who also behaved strangely since he was kidnapped by the Challenges. They were particularly aided by the dwarf Thargas Anvilbender in their quest for the truth.
Volume 3 picks up directly where 2 ended, when the company has just freed Varian's son, the young Anduin Wrynn, from the clutches of the dragon Onyxia. This passage really puts things in perspective compared to the time we live in Shadowlands, when now the young prince has become a king, and he is about eighteen years old. There, he is a young boy of about ten, who does not hesitate to insist that his father make peace with the Horde, an alliance that Lady Jaina approves, she who has recently moved closer to Thrall. But when the leaders of the two enemy powers meet in Theramore, the summit is under high tension, because it wouldn't take much for things to get out of hand. And for episodes 7 to 9, here is the summary:
The evil dragon Onyxia has been defeated and Varian Wrynn has returned to his former self. Fortunately, because the threat that is about to descend on his kingdom and all of Azeroth will require all the strength and determination of the King of Stormwind. The danger is so great that Lady Jaina Proudmoore has decided to attempt the impossible: a peace and cooperation agreement between the Alliance and the Horde. But someone is plotting to frustrate the truce and is preparing to send his most fearsome assassin: Garona, the half-orc who killed Varian's father!
A new opus which takes up the same qualities as the previous work, very expressive drawings, which lead to high-flying action scenes. Every detail is important and makes the player in me vibrate. I therefore have no difficulty in recognizing the pools of vision, under the summit of the spirits at the Pitons-du-Tonnerre or the port of Hurlevent. There are even some bosses, as the Lich King unleashes his armies on Azeroth.
- Screenplay: Walter & Louise Simonson
- Design: Jon Buram, Mike Bowden, Pop Mhan
- Encrage : Jerome K. Moore, Derek Fridolfs, Walden Wong, Phil Moy, John Livesay, Sandra Hope, Richard Friend, Tony Washington
- Colours: Gabe Eltaeb, Jonny Rench, Randy Mayor, Tony Washington
- French translation: Thomas Davier
- FR lettering: Christophe Semal
Here are some photos taken from the Kindle version, which you can find for free on Amazon's site here to get an idea before you potentially buy it. The book costs €14,99 in digital version, €20 in paper version. I recommend without hesitation the latter, printed on glossy paper and with a solid cover. A very nice gift that will please any World of Warcraft player (even if you will probably want to start with volume 1 that I present here!).