Witchy Life Story could simply be presented as a visual novel, but it turns out that we are far from the classic format of this style of game. Here you will really embody a witch (in the making) and concoct potions and other charms.
After this pretty welcome screen, we start with the creation of your character, and there is clearly plenty to do! The customization options allow you to choose many elements: hair, eyes, nose, mouth, silhouette, the gender you want, the clothes you want to wear...

After having created his character, we discover his story: we are 18 years old, not really an adult but no longer really a teenager. A little hair in the hand and a certain rejection of family authority. It must be said that our last name seems particularly heavy to bear. Fortunately we can count on the support of our pet, a crow named Ramsey.
In order to put us a little lead in the head, our grandmother sends us in a backwater answering to the sweet name of Flora in order to help its inhabitants with our witchcraft.
From the outset the graphic style charms me. Our character has several expressions that perfectly punctuate the dialogues.

The village is illustrated by a map where you can then visit each of the buildings present. The house at the top right with the garden is yours! As I said at the beginning, Witchy Life Story is not content to be a 100% reading and choice visual novel: you have your little garden that you must maintain every day in order to cultivate and harvest the ingredients for magic. It's very basic gameplay but that's by no means a fault.

Flora, the village where we will spend some time.
Your role will be to provide for the needs of the villagers who are focused on organizing the upcoming festival in two weeks. You will therefore have to respond to their order and concoct potions and other witch whatnot.
To carry out your mission, the house you occupy is equipped with everything you need. Outside you have a garden where you can harvest your ingredients.

Let's start with the garden! It is made up of 3 plots where various plants and flowers grow. You also have some weeds around to pull. These can be turned into compost to accelerate plant growth. In a basket you have your tools: the gloves for the weeds, the secateurs to shear...
There is also a watering can next to it, because the garden has to be watered every day.
You also need containers: vials, small sachets, etc... They differ according to what you need to create. During your first visit to the village shop you will get some free of charge. (Finally, it smells a bit of the stuffed blow...)

Your grimoire details the different containers.
Now that we have everything we need, let's take action!
When you receive an order from a villager, shapes are visible at the bottom of their letter. Pressing it reveals a symbol, linked to a passage of the letter. These symbols will tell you which plants to use next. In your grimoire is the list of all your plants with the characteristics of each. It is then up to you to select the right plants according to the symbols.

Once the orders have been analyzed and the small harvest in the garden done, it's time for action! Your cauldron workspace in the center and your inventory on the right. You can open your grimoire via the G key to watch the commands display one at the bottom of the screen. Very practical for making what you have been asked to do without having to write it down somewhere.
Apart from this crafting part, we find the classic gameplay of a visual novel: choice of your lines, influence on the scenario and relationship between the characters. I won't say more, it quickly spoils a VN!

Well then .. I answer him what?
Witchy Life Story is clearly the game that will give you a good time if you love to read and are looking to relax. After all, autumn will finally show up and Witchy Life Story will be your perfect ally for a relaxing evening with plaid and chocolate. Funny dialogues, endearing characters and your hero who has a great character without forgetting this charming graphic style... It's all there!