If you play Tank Warrior you should have had quite a bit of trouble, I wasn't aware of not playing this class, but apparently it was urgent for Carbine to make some fixes for this class and specialization.
Corrections are not not yet applied in game, but here is what is expected soon, subject to modifications following the tests they will do:
- Threatening Strike : Generation of more threat for each third, the T8 will be less random but will have a cooldown.
- Choc : transformation into a kinetic energy generator. Will have a cooldown. The T8 will be modified to orient itself towards a threat boost.
- Plasma wall : Generate more threat at the cost of less damage reduction. The T8 will be revisited to focus on self-damage mitigation.
- Atomic lance : Will now be triggered when the Warrior's attacks are deflected. The spell will be castable even if the plasma wall is active.
- Reinforcing Strike : the research time will be increased but the care performed will be more important, this will prevent constantly spamming this spell.
- Polarity field : increased threat to each third. The T8 will be revisited to increase the effectiveness of fields on enemies taking damage from both fields.
- Expulsion : Increased cooldown, no longer dispels 1 debuff but increases the threat generated. T4 will be revisited to deal additional damage at high energy levels.
- Shield Discharge : takes the place of Shock as an energy consuming spell, it no longer regenerates a shield, the cooldown is reduced, no longer needs our shield to be destroyed to be launched, the damage inflicted will be according to the current shield level it will generate more threat and this will increase with thirds, T4 will be about threat generation and T8 will debuff enemies and boost Warrior's tanking skills.
This therefore seems to totally change the gameplay offered by this class / specialization combination! I hope if you are playing Tank Warrior you will enjoy these changes, but based on the forum comments for this announcement, it seems to be greatly appreciated!