The gunsmith (we will call him that because it is still simpler) is the manufacturer who will use the metal and the fabric to make all kinds of objects. He thus manufactures the boots, waders, gloves, coats, shoulder pads and helmets that protect heavy warriors and valiant guardians. They are also able to craft heavy metal chests that you can use as bags.
The armorer, like all protection makers, can also produce runes and badges.
NB: badges produced by a manufacturer can be used by any other manufacturer of armor (heavy, medium or light).
How to learn the trade
Like all trades, you just have to go to the instructor who is systematically located next to the armory forge.
Where to start ?
At the beginning, the main ingredients of the armorer are the bronze ingot and the jute roll, the manufacture of which is as follows.

You have recipes to craft all of the armor apart from the helm and shoulder pads, as well as the first container: the 8-slot reinforced bronze box.

While it may be interesting to craft the chest, I strongly advise you not to craft the armor offered because, and it is true for all professions, discovering unknown recipes brings much more experience than making known recipes. Out in this business discovering the recipes is very simple.
The basic principle for quickly setting up your trade
The principle is as follows and it will be the same for all armor-making trades. Start by making your basic elements (ingot and jute at the start) then make badges for which you have the recipe so at the beginning we have:

Note: While you only need one vial of weak blood to craft the armor, the experience gain for discovering the armor is particularly interesting. Then you just have to decide which armor to produce and craft it with one of the previous badges. Here is the example of how to make a boot (the principle is the same for all armor):

And finally make the boot with the badge of your choice (here it will be the powerful chain boot, it has the same name as the simple recipe)

There are thus 3 boots to discover, if you add all the armor elements available, you get 12 recipes to discover, so you can easily go up to level 25.
After that ?
From level 10
Discover the rune of life.

Note about the runes to discover, there are at least 4 more but which are difficult to obtain because they require a rare ingredient. These are the minor warrior rune and the minor guardian rune (to be discovered from level 0) as well as the minor soldier rune and the minor fighter rune (from level 25). I know they exist but I have never been able to craft them, they all have a bronze ingot to which is added a rare element so do some tests in your discovery panel.
Arrived at level 25:
Check out the two new containers or craft the new badges. I draw your attention to the raw material cost of the containers. The difference between the Chest and the Basic Chest is that the items stored in it do not appear during a sale and are not subject to inventory sorting. weapons and armor will be stored in priority in the equipment box.

With these 3 badges, discover the 3 new recipes for boots, waders, gloves and coats. You can add the 6 helm recipes now available (3 recipes with the first badges and those with the 3 new ones). We obtain a total of 18 recipes to discover.
Arrived at level 50:
There are 6 new badges whose recipe is based on the following principle: basic badge recipe with the specific ingredient of the recipe to the number of eight and we add a spool of jute thread (that the 'we buy from the master gunsmith). Here is an example :

Here you are now with 6 new recipes for boots, waders, gloves, coats and helmets plus 12 recipes for shoulder pads (with the 12 badges available) that appear at level 50. For a total of 42 recipes to discover.
Arrived at level 75:
We use the same principle as at the very beginning but with the recipes of Tiers 2, that is to say the bronze becomes iron and the fabric becomes wool. The elements for the badges are the same except that they are small and not tiny. Note, however, that for chests, you will have to buy the minor storage rune from the master gunsmith.
All armor items (boots, waders, gloves, coats, helmets and shoulder pads) are available from level 75. Progress in the following Tiers will require the purchase of the badge recipe from the master gunsmith.
To conclude
The profession of gunsmith is simple but long because many resources are necessary for the creation of armor. If I advise to do the hidden armor rather than the simple armor, it is for the gain of experience. Now the number of ingredients needed for leveling may seem astronomical and it might be more interesting to restrict yourself to a certain type of badge if we manage to obtain these ingredients more easily (which are moreover the same as for the inscriptions of arms manufacturer). I also remind you that the badges can be used by all armor professions (light, intermediate and heavy). It may be interesting to have the badges made by the professional who can still gain experience with them.
There are other armor recipes that can be purchased from quest givers after you've done what they ask (NPCs represented by hearts on the map). I did not mention them here because they are less classic and depend on the places you have visited.