I had the opportunity to access the beta of Weapons of Mythology - New Age, a new MMORPG published by IDC / Games. A little cautious at the idea of discovering an xth Korean MMORPG (the game is made by Taiwanese to be exact), I admit having launched the game with a lot of apprehension. And I was quite surprised, rather in a good way! Already, a little video to warm up:
The game begins like any self-respecting MMORPG by the character creation. There are five classes, or rather five clans as they are presented here:
- Defense. Tanks, with a lot of force to block enemy attacks. The main weapon is the spear.
- Recovery. Healers who take care of their allies.
- Magicians. Observers with powerful magical powers who master a sword charged with Taichi energy.
- Melee. Fast and energetic, these fighters soar through the air and hide behind the backs of their enemies doing feats with a dagger.
- Distance. Fast and agile, eagle-eyed shooters shooting arrows with exceptional skill.

Currently quite fond of archers, I opted for a ranged fighter. The rest of the creation goes through the choice of sexe, An face, from skin color, from coiffure then a hair color. There are about ten options each time, but no possibility of configuring the characters in detail by modifying, for example, the morphology or the bones. The tool is also not very practical because it is based on a cascading selection. If I want to change my face after selecting everything else, I have to undo my previous choices to go back to the face.
Well, other than that, I managed to do something pretty nice!
Once in play, a tutorial starts. It is very well done and goes through all the features of the game. It becomes almost annoying because it details each action. Well, at least we know exactly how to equip an item, use / improve skills or even collect herbs. On the controls side, it's rather classic, WASD (it is possible to edit the shortcuts in the options for the spanish keyboard). A click on the ground also allows you to go to the place. Actions are done on click, or on the default interaction key F.
L'interface is minimalist, the menus being hidden by default and displayed with the Esc key. We have in order:
- Character : equipment, attributes, skills, general
- Collection : bags, pets, relics, mounts
- Improvement
- Social : mailbox, friend list, guild, leaderboards
- Activities : instance, quest
- Shop : reward code
- systems : character menu, music, settings, controls, exit
Here are some elements of the interface. You'll notice the funny character sheet: it's just a bottomless square centered on the character! Ingenious.

Fortunately, the tutorial only lasts a while and quests take me to discover the concerns of the locals. I discovered with surprise a really cute colorful world. The whole thing is linked in a rather classic way, the tasks consisting for the most part to kill x critters or to collect x elements. A good thing though, you should never kill more than 3 or 4 units or bring in a maximum of 5 items. This avoids weariness, I walk around, I discover new areas with its varied flora and fauna.
A lot of things are done in the interface to simplify the life of the player. So, if I pick up an item that is better than my current one, a tooltip is displayed at the bottom right offering me to equip it directly. By clicking on the current quest, my character goes directly to the place in automatic mode, invoking if possible the mount. In this regard, the first is recovered very quickly, from level 7, a magnificent raccoon:
To fight loneliness, Aurora is my first companion around level 13, a cute bunny! It comes with the ability to automatically pick up loot on the ground as well as all nearby items! The pets have levels, as well as stars, on the other hand I did not understand exactly what this improved (even if it seems possible that some participate in the fight, the rabbit in any case seems to have only a purely purpose. utility / cosmetic).
La mort is not very punitive (loss of 5% of durability) and rare, levels rise rapidly, unlocking access to new types of content like raids or dungeons. The first is a five wave event (including a final boss) that you have to survive. The dungeon is group content with small and large monsters. He scares the big bunny boss, doesn't he?
Here is a video of this same instance. Be careful, if you are afraid of rabbits, I do not recommend it ...
Without being revolutionary, Weapons of Mythology is a promising little MMORPG, with pleasant graphics and simple mechanisms. I climbed level 22 in a big evening, the maximum level being a priori 60 (30 in this beta phase). I could not test the PvP (not being level 30) or group content (for lack of players at the time of my test), my opinion is therefore necessarily only partial (especially that the strength of such a game comes from its high-level content more than from its content during the leveling phase). There is also no store yet, so it's impossible to know what will be sold there and the impact it will have on the game. However, I was rather convinced, having had a good time in this new world, looking for a relic that could save the world. It certainly won't be the MMORPG of the year, but it's free, so why not give it a try? That's good, we have the keys for you:
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