Here is the patch notes for the update released today February 07. On the program, a lot of balancing and changes in the talent trees. I especially remembered that from now on the sprint will remain activated after the death! Here are all the details:
1.1.2 Release Notes - 07/02/2012
Classes and combat
Reactivity of powers in combat
- Further improved the reaction time of powers, especially in situations where the number of frames per second is limited.
- The power activation bar appears at the appropriate time (at the start of a power's activation) and disappears when the activation is complete.
- Fixed an issue where instant combat power animations would sometimes trigger twice, resulting in choppy character animations.
- Healing floating text display is no longer delayed by animation on the game client and now correctly reflects when the effect occurs on the server.
- Powers that are not yet reusable are now easier to distinguish from those that are.
- If Sprint is active when a player dies, it will now stay on when that player is revived.
Jedi knight
- Pacification: This ability can no longer be used on op bosses.
- Plasma Blades: Now increases burn damage by 5% per point.
- Searing Saber: Now correctly modifies critical damage caused by burning effects.
- Changes to Searing Saber and Plasma Blades result in an overall increase in damage per second (DPS).
Sith warrior
- Evasions: This ability can no longer be used on op bosses
- Bleeding: Now increases damage caused by bleeding by 5% per point.
- Bloodshed: Now correctly modifies critical damage caused by bleeding effects.
- Changes in Bleeding and Bloodshed result in an overall increase in Damage Per Second (DPS).
Jedi Consular
- Unity: Correctly reduces damage taken when used.
- All abilities now cost 100 Strength.
- The Force Breach Force ability now deals damage when applied. The total damage of this ability has not changed.
Kinetic combat
- Skill Mastery: No longer increases the duration of the Force Technique's Breach effect. The damage dealt by the Force Technique has been increased.
- Particle Acceleration is now also triggered by Spinning Strike. It is now triggered by damage dealt (rather than use of the ability) so that Spinning Strike, Double Attack, and Whirlwind Blow have a chance to trigger the Particle Boost buff. The proc chance has been reduced to 30% per hit, and it now correctly increases the critical damage dealt by Blast when a Force Content charge is used.
- Bitter Shadows: Stacks of Bitter Shadows now last 30 seconds. Using Slow Time now adds a charge of Relentless Shadows.
- Spinning Shadows now requires the purchase of the Shadow Tech power. Shadow Technique must be active in order to activate the Spinning Shadows buff. This power now triggers with Spinning Strike.
Balance (common core)
- Force Catalyst now reduces the cooldown of Force Breach while Force Technique is active.
- Force Strike now procs on melee attacks hitting a target affected by the Force Technique Breach effect. This effect now procs more easily but cannot proc as frequently.
- Force in Balance heals the cast for 1% of their maximum health for each target hit. This healing can no longer have a critical effect and no longer consumes Force Content charges.
- Psychic Absorption now doubles the amount of healing generated by Force in Balance and Insight Focused.
Sith Inquisitor
- All saber charges now cost 100 Strength.
- Lightning Charge's discharge now also deals damage when applied. The total damage of this ability has not changed.
- Charge Mastery no longer increases the duration of the Lightning Charge Discharge effect. It now increases the damage done by Lightning Charge.
- Stimulation is now also triggered by Assassination. It is now triggered by damage dealt (rather than using the ability) so that each hit from Assassination Correct and Lacerate has a chance to trigger the Boost buff. Chance to proc has been reduced to 30% per hit.
- Bitter Shadows: Stacks of Bitter Shadows now last 30 seconds. Using Wither now adds a charge of Relentless Shadows.
- Induction now requires purchasing and activating the Surge Charge ability in order to trigger the Induction buff. This power is now also triggered by Assassination.
Madness (common core)
- Crackling Charge now reduces the cooldown of Discharge while Lightning Charge is active.
- Tidal Wave now procs on melee attacks hitting a target affected by the Lightning Charge Discharge effect. This effect now procs more easily but cannot proc as frequently.
- Deathfield heals the casting character for 1% of their maximum health for each target hit. This healing can no longer have a critical effect and no longer consumes Recklessness charges.
- Devourer now doubles the amount of healing generated by Field of Death and Parasit.
Precision shooting
- Diversion can no longer be used on enemy bosses in operations.
Imperial Agent
Tireur d'izard
- Diversion can no longer be used on enemy bosses in operations.
Bounty hunter
Advanced prototype
- Hydraulic Manipulation: The animation and sound effect of this power is now easier to recognize.
- Soldiers can now return to their starship after leaving Corellia and then return within the next 30 minutes.
- Immutability: The animation and sound effect of this power is now easier to recognize.
- Partners no longer occasionally spawn in their underwear when summoned.
- Crazy Talk (mission): Male characters can now complete the conversation related to this mission.
Crew skills
- The message "There is no mission defined for crew skill [Crew skill name]" is no longer displayed incorrectly.
Tailoring skills
- Crafting skills no longer inform the player that there is no mission set for the crew skill.
- Energizing and Exotech stims and dopants no longer require Biochemistry to be used.
- Energisants and Exotech stims and dopants are no longer linked, allowing them to be sold or bartered to other players.
- The potency of reusable Rakata stims and dopants has been reduced to provide equal level buffs to Energizing stims and dopants. However, the tooltips for these objects have not been updated and still show the old values.
- The Exotech Med Unit blueprint obtained in Operation Chamber of Eternity now functions correctly and can be learned.
Collection skills
- Gathering Nodules on Ilum no longer spawn in Allied Bases.
- Slightly reduced the amount of resources collected from droids and other creatures.
Contentious areas and operations
- Players can now collect loot from chests when the loot master option is enabled and they are not the loot master.
Contentious areas
The False Emperor
- Jindo Krey's ship can now no longer bug and take damage.
Kaon's siege
- Infected Mercenaries can no longer permanently stun players.
Eternity chamber
- Soa no longer resets if he uses Mind Trap on the main tank. Soa now frees players caught in her mind traps before moving into her platform phase. As a result, players are no longer stuck in its mind traps during the platforming sequence. Players freed from Soa's mind traps after he is defeated are now teleported to the appropriate location, and can thus collect their loot.
Karagga Palace
- The chest that spawns after defeating Karagga on Nightmare difficulty no longer partially spawns in a wall.
- Foreman Crusher's Perforating Rend effect now applies correctly to targets within his conical area of effect.
- Jarg and Sorno: The Carbonizer Probe no longer disappears if all players who attacked it are dead before it is destroyed.
- Karagga no longer spawns above certain parts of the walls during combat.
- Rakata weapons now have an index of 140 and contain Tier 25 mods. These items were previously less powerful than intended.
- Champions Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Awards and 7 Champion Awards, and the chance of getting an Item Trade Token has been reduced. Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Honors.
- It is no longer possible to purchase items while the Shift, Alt, or Control keys are pressed.
- The experience required to reach heirloom levels beyond level 20 has been increased.
Missions and NPCs
- Increased Daily and Weekly Flashpoint Rewards on Hard Difficulty.
- Players can no longer accept missions from the mission boards if they have reached the limit on current mission rewards.
- Resetting a mission dependent on the success of other missions no longer prevents players from receiving credits for their mission.
- The fifth time will be the good one: Gholan no longer gives experience when he dies.
- General Faraire: Khourlet's Elite Guards no longer hide behind a door, preventing the progress of this mission.
- Final Entrenchment: Players can now complete this mission while Voss Scholars are inside the cell.
- The Big Game: Using Force Occult, dying, or leaving the area during the "Defeat the Faithful of the Howling Blade" step can no longer remove NPCs necessary for mission progress.
- Leave No Trace: Loot from the Frozen Biomass Container will now remain recoverable if the loot window is closed.
- Wanted Notice: A dice roll is no longer made for a mission item if a player is in a party.
- Good Impression: Players can now speak to Ambassador Jannik if they have already completed the Lands Gormaks mission.
- The Shining Source: Vaverone Zare and Nariel Pridence's resistance has been reduced. Players can no longer fail this mission.
- The Hand of Shadow: This mission has been reset for players who started it. Players can no longer be stuck outside the Stealth Generator chamber.
War zones
- Class powers that attract a hostile target (like Hookshot, Harpoon, Force Pull) can no longer be used to lure enemies into the spawn area.
- Players can no longer catch the ball in the spawn area and will not be immediately killed for being in possession of the ball on an unauthorized spot.
Open world PvP
- Chests on Ilum now respawn less frequently to reduce potential farming gains.
- Particle Cannons can no longer be permanently disabled.
- Added security measures to prevent game mechanic exploitation related to Valor.
Combat spatial
- The speed of enemy ion cannons has been reduced to rebalance high-level space combat missions.
User interface
- The reverse engineer button no longer occasionally disappears after the initial learning of a crafting skill.
Various bug fixes
- Loading screens no longer appeared in low resolution if the player chose the low resolution textures option in preferences.
- Animations have been fixed in some scenes where they do not trigger.
- During short teleports, the fast loading screen no longer overlaps on the loading screen.
- Players will no longer have issues with sound, missing portraits (black background) or the inability to start conversations after reconnecting after disconnecting.
- Fixed a crash sometimes occurring when updating player inventory while loading the game.
- The loading screen no longer appears during fade-to-black sequences.