Twitch, the game streaming platform has evolved significantly over the years, since it has diversified around other subjects, but also and above all, has become the reference platform for video game events, especially charitable ones.
Event Sans Nom is one of them that a friend is helping to organize. Suddenly, it was enough to play the piston to find yourself talking about it in our pages.
But what is the Unnamed Event?
We questioned Stéphanie and the organizers of this Event which will take place from June 10 to 12, 2022 on Twitch on this subject to enlighten us.
Hello Stéphanie.
Tell me a bit about Event No Name.
The Unnamed Event is an initiative of small streamers present on the Twitch platform with the aim of meeting for a weekend with the aim of raising funds for an association, in this case for this first edition. the Work of the Pupils of the Firefighters of Spagnol, helping the orphans of firefighters.
Why did you choose such an anonymous name?
It's a rather fortuitous anecdote: when the project was still in its infancy, we created a discord to exchange more easily. But at this still preliminary stage and simply wanting to discuss ideas, we named it as it appeared to us: an unnamed "Event" 🙂
Among all the charities that gravitate around the Firefighters, why did you choose this one, rather than another, as the recipient of donations?
It seemed important to us to choose an association in which we could easily identify the stakeholders. Here, orphans, moreover in a context of "devotion" to the French and French. Having people we know carrying out this activity, or even carrying it out herself for one of the organizers, it was obvious.
Tell us a bit about how the project was formed and how it evolved in relation to your expectations.
It was a bit of an ambush! At the turn of the stream of one of the organizers, Breizhnight, it is briefly mentioned that he would like "one day" to organize a charity event. A little private message from the other organizer, ShaDuBois, later, and the project was unofficially started. A fear that we had was to commit ourselves to a heavy project, but in the end we were lucky to find a dynamic team that pushes back the hopes that we could have had at the start of this adventure. In total we have 12 small participating streamers, as well as our community manager and our graphic designer to carry out the project.
We bet that this is not just a one shot project. Do you already have things planned that you couldn't slip this year for a 2023 edition?
They whisper to me in the headset that we could have a bigger part of the happening in person. But that's just a rumor...
What would you say to our readers to encourage them to come and see your streams and above all make donations for the Oeuvre Des Pupilles?
This is an opportunity to discover small quality streamers, with welcoming communities and varied stream areas. The donations will be linked to "donations goals", which are not yet revealed, but which will allow you to test the streamers. It's a little sadistic pleasure shared by many viewers! Be sure it won't lack spice 👀
Thank you Stephanie
You can find all the links to the social networks as well as to the channels of the participating streamers here: Linktr.ee/eventsansnom
Find the news of the Oeuvre Des Pompiers association on its Twitter: https://twitter.com/OdpPompiers