Gather up children.
I'm going to smurf you a story that happened to me in my youth when I was a video smurf smurf. I wasn't a Smurf at the time, but had a passion for puns that were a little, even smurfingly, useless. Bad smurfs we called them with friends.
It was late October of the year Smurfmille twenty-one. I still remember it, because it was a week, to the nearest smurf, before my birthday which made me change decades for one that I smurfed with all my heart to be more conducive to happiness and in the company of the Smurfette of my dreams.
So I had just smurfed two smurfs to smurf on Xsmurf One after having already smurfed 7 others in the month. It must be said that I was getting really smurfed over this period without work and without too many smurfs with friends. One such smurf was The Smurfs: Mission Malfeuille. At the time, we all smurfed that these were little smurf stories straight out of Peyo's imagination, without even smurfing that all of these situations were real and that we would all end up being turned into Smurfs a few years later. late.
Me first. Besides, I had just smurfed it out of pure curiosity in front of the announcement trailer and smurfed as much as I wanted to receive it to smurf my curiosity as I didn't receive it so as not to be faced with a big smurf again. Which was quite common at the time.
So I smurfed smurf for smurf's sake and once smurfed smurfed, I smurfed him immediately thanks to my smurf which I had also smurfed a few smurfs earlier.
But I digress to smurf technical smurfs that you won't smurf even if you smurf this passage several times. So let's reschtroumpons to our story.
The Smurfs: Mission Malfeuille was a smurf of 3D platforms in which you could smurf Hefty Smurf, Smurf with Glasses, Cook Smurf as well as Smurfette. Their goal was simple: smurfy the origin and cure the cause of a terrible disease that smurfs all over the forest, even smurfing the village of our heroes, some of whom had disappeared.
Fortunately for them, Handyman Smurf has smurfed them the vaporisasmurf, a smurfant invention capable, among other things, of projecting a healing gas with which you will have to smurf on grasses and other contaminated plants. This invention will have many other applications that will be smurfed throughout the story and in the Handyman Smurf's shop.
Embodying a smurf or another does not change things. No smurfing individual characteristics, no special action, nothing. The choice of the smurf is therefore purely aesthetic, at least when the latter allows it. It is however possible to smurf two in front of the television smurf, the second smurf arriving and leaving on the fly and smurfing a kind of rocket which helps to smurf the mission in a smurfly restricted way, since he is not allowed to smurf too much separate from the first smurf. Very frustrating option as smurf number two, you will agree.
But either!
The smurf is rather pretty and very colorful, even if you shouldn't look too closely at the textures of the decorations and, if the camera smurfingly lacks dynamism, so that you have to constantly re-smurf it behind you, the shot in hand remains pleasant. We still have the impression of smurfing in front of the comic strip and it's a great accomplishment already, especially since what smurfs the tip of his nose bodes well. Faith of Smurf!
And for good reason, we take on our smurf in the skin of the little blue smurfs with a game that is not too difficult, but some passages of flat-smurfs will require practice and perseverance to be conquered. Whether it's the gameplay, perfectible but effective like Rayman 3D or the childish atmosphere, but with many smurfs of eyes, little smurfs like big smurfs will have a lot of fun on this smurf. And this, until the dastardly 2D passage of the house of Gargamel. Undrinkable of difficulty for a little smurf with some problematic smurf lamp reaction scripts, going so far as to magically smurf you.
Fortunately, this is only a portion of the last smurf, otherwise many smurfs would have thrown in the towel before discovering a good smurf for young and old.
- Xbox (version tested: Xbox One)
- PlayStation
- Steam
- Nintendo Switch