It is no longer a surprise, the first expansion of The Sims will be released in April and will be dedicated at work. For the moment, only the career of doctor is revealed in detail, we have today the proof on the official site with the video trailer of the career as well as this article.
It will be possible to control every action of your Sims when you start a new career. We already know that the three new careers will be: Doctor, Detective and Scientist. You can already visualize a trailer of the profession of doctor which is for the moment the profession on which we have the most information.
Here's the typical day for a Doctor a Sim can experience when this expansion releases:
Banal day for our doctor Padma Arani
It is 9 a.m. Doctor Padma Arani, general surgeon, takes a few steps towards the hospital kitchen to start her day.
Dr. Arani's first patient is waiting for him. This is a slightly overweight young adult who complains that he is not on his plate. It's nice to start the day with an easy case. Dr. Arani sends her first for an X-ray only as this is standard procedure. She then has him sit on the examination table to examine his eyes and ears, and take his temperature. Dr Arani is about to get more data for his diagnosis by getting his patient down on the treadmill when a pregnant woman suddenly arrives at the hospital.
The work has started! Dr. Arani is on call and quickly takes the woman to the operating table to deliver her baby. This is the very first time she has done this. It's terrifying, but the baby arrives happy and healthy. The baby and the mother are doing very well.
Oh no ! Dr Arani forgot his first patient! She puts him on the treadmill for a diagnosis. She gives him instructions until he's exhausted and a little thinner but ready for a diagnosis. It turns out that this is a relatively mild case of gas and giggles, which can be treated without much effort.
It is now afternoon. A few more cups of coffee and a quick meal in the kitchen gave Dr. Arani a boost. She has an important operation to perform on the new operating table. The operation is long and intense, and rather complicated, but this is her specialty: she is known to remove all kinds of vital spongy organs better than anyone in the hospital!
The day ends, fortunately without a home visit to make. As a high-level surgeon, Dr. Arani sometimes has to leave the hospital to care for Sims in the neighborhood. Usually she doesn't mind, but today she is so exhausted from her day's activities that she is delighted to be able to go straight home.
We can see that the profession of doctor will require finding a balance between the needs of patients and their own needs as well as between the daily life of their hospital. Many devices will also be available for diagnostics. This promises to be very exciting and highly developed!
Next week, more information will be unveiled on the job of a detective.
So, are you ready to become the perfect doctor?