After a first part devoted to NPCs on vacation on the Republican fleet, in this sequel you will find working NPCs, easter eggs, clones and many other things ...
We left in the paradisiacal setting of the Republican fleet where I have, I must admit, almost succumbed. I even imagined myself bathing with my dear Andronikos in the pure and warm water of its pools. But luckily I recovered in time, realizing at the same time that his marriage proposal had greatly disturbed me
It was time for me to go on a mystery hunt again.
There are still people who work on the Republican fleet
- But they are droids, we must not exaggerate anyway….
It should also be noted that this is not the only place where droids extinguish a fire on the imperial fleet, which indicates a fragility and laxity in the manufacturing processes.
- Or when a living being is working, there are two nearby who are probably discussing their children or their next vacation
It seems that it is classic among civil servants…. I will have to watch this on the Imperial fleet because there is no shortage of it either.
It is also somewhere a questioning of the power of the Sith, how can we suffer defeats in the face of these Republicans. There are certainly also in our camp incompetent and profiteers ...
A little publicity too
And indeed as I indicated to you previously, the Republicans often have to take vacations because there are many places in the fleet of billboards promoting the merits of a company offering travel.
These advertisements can be deciphered because they are written following the alphabet "Aurebesh", the most widely used to transcribe the Galactic Basic Standard, the official language of the galaxy.
The Aurebesh is the retransciption of our alphabet in Star Wars sauce, its name is also taken from the first 2 letters Aurek and Besh. If you want to know more you can consult this site.
This panel, for example, advertises a company called "DGB" which offers "GALACTIC VPYAGES FOR CIVIL SYSTEMS". You will also notice the small ball, a P having replaced an O on the panel.
Now it's up to you to decipher this second panel ...
To conclude on the Aurebesh you will be able to notice in your future walks on the various planets of the galaxy that many inscriptions in this alphabet are present in particular on Nar Shaddaa but also in other unexpected places that I would reveal to you perhaps a day. In addition, the name of the website is also written in this alphabet on the right.
And more clones
As I walked the aisles of the Republican Fleet, I realized that they had many points of convergence with the Imperial Fleet.
- There are many clones performing various actions in different places. These 2 identical groups of people are thus barely 50m apart from each other for example (be careful there is a trap)
- However, these clones are more numerous and we particularly note a greater cultural diversity. on the Republican fleet. Being often considered an "alien" by my Imperial peers, this is something I really appreciated. Here are a few examples. I also offer an autographed photo to the first one which will tell me the races represented on these images:

- There are also real clones one next to the other, or then triplets but in any case the scene seemed nice to me (moreover maybe a hidden easter egg but I did not find the reference)
- And the museum ???
Well this one too is a clone of the one present on the imperial fleet. we thus find there exactly the same showcases, the same exhibitions in the same place. Republicans really have no imagination ... (it is a copy of the imperial fleet and not the other way around because there is also the showcase on korriban which would not have too much to be side Republic). I did not even take a picture of it because I had the impression of having returned to my fleet, moreover I left just after this visit.
On the way back, I still took the time to make a detour to Tython just to participate in a short race.
See you soon for new visits and new mysteries ...