At the origin of Star Wars, there are the films. But quickly, derivative products appeared. George Lucas is even famous for funding most of the Empire Strikes Back with Star Wars merchandise. From 1995 and the release of the Heir to the Empire trilogy novels, all of these derivative stories are officially organized in what is called the Extended Universe (or EU, for the sake of speed). There is even a service paid by Lucas to judge what can fit in with what already exists and reject what is contradictory. It works more or less well. The EU therefore includes novels, comics, television projects (unfortunately… uh sorry for the digression) and video games. So, by definition, The Old Republic is part of this Extended Universe.
But TOR is linked to the EU in a deeper way. First, because behind there is Bioware. A video game company that has already created Knight Of The Old Republic, a video game very respectful of what they borrowed from the EU but also strongly nourished it. Among the best Star Wars comics of the last decade, we can not neglect the prologue of KOTOR. And the main person in charge of the history of the game also wrote three very good quality novels on Darth Bane (-1000 years before the films). In TOR, it is the Jedi Knights who benefit from his talents. But TOR also fed the EU in its promotion. Three novels have been released, two translated in Spain and the third announced for the second half of April (by the author of KOTOR, by the way). But also several comics.
The first of these comics is called Threat of Peace (an English word play on a peace treaty, translated into spanish by Risques de paix). It is still available on the official TOR forum, Multimedia / webcomic section. For many, this was the very first contact with the game world. It was also recently published in issues 33 to 36 of the Star Wars the Comic Saga magazine. In issue 34, an article featured seven characters described as main. But their choice was surprising: no mention of sentry Miralan Fortris Gall while mobster Nok Drayen has a good place. The first and yet at the center of the plot while the second is not even a subordinate role. Why ? Yet it is simple, and the answer lies in the game: these seven individuals can be found in the codex under the heading important characters. I therefore invite you to find them with me. While still trying to limit some spoilers ...
Shan villages

The descendant of Revan and Bastila has not changed much since 2010. It must be said that we already knew almost everything about her at the time, her biography being the first published on the official site. We also followed her physical transformation live when fans identified the anonymous jedi in the Hope video as Satele. Her looks after that had to follow the choice of the public.
A very high-ranking master of the Jedi Council, Satele can be found on Tython for Jedi Knights and Consulars. But, the main character in the promotion of the game, it also extends to all the republican classes in contentious areas. And some appearances also in the imperial zones of contention (the Blackhouse, in particular).
Harron Tavus

He was a lieutenant in Threat of Peace, a commander in TOR. This soldier thus followed a beautiful rise. And he's still on the front lines. Physically, he hasn't changed that much. He has only undergone the passage of years and a few hair modifications.
The soldier class is the only one that I have not tested. So I won't be able to talk about him. But I still have some information. Tavus is a central character of this class, and can be found directly on Ord Mantel. He must regret certain choices of Threat of Peace since after having been the player's superior, he is quickly chased by the latter for treason.
Nok Drayen

What a physical change! We can see that the appearances of many characters were not yet well defined in 2010. And here, the argument of past years does not work. Why ? Direction the story of the smuggler then.
Threat of Peace gives us very little information about him. We see him as an ally of the Sith Dark Angral, but little more. The game describes him as a great criminal, who disappeared a few months later. He is supposed to be dead, in any case entered into the legend. Act I of the smuggler revolves around the search for his treasure. Will he live up to his reputation?
Orgus Din

And we're going to complete the Republican Class Archetypes with the Jedi Knight. Orgus Dyn suffered in Threat of Peace a trauma that years and hair have failed to erase.
Having become a member of the Jedi Council, he sees the potential of an apprentice and decides to take him under his wing. He thanks him by helping him heal from his old trauma. And this is just the prologue to the Jedi Knight. Orgus will continue to be there afterwards, being the player's mentor.
Dark Angral

The famous sack of Coruscant, which allowed the Empire to impose its terms on the Treaty of Alderaade. Darth Malgus, the star of the opening videos, destroyer of the Jedi temple in Betrayal. The great moff Kilran, the strategist praised in one of the first biographies of the official site. And the battle commander, Darth Angral. It doesn't show that much in these images, but the prosthesis is not the same. And in terms of clothing, I have bad news for those who don't like skirts: although a warrior, he has one.
So where do we find this Sith pest? Well with the Jedi. Dark Angral is the main enemy in Act I of the Knight. He seeks to avenge his son, killed during an imperial mission. And with the means at his disposal, he has enough to disrupt the balance of forces in the galaxy.
Dark Bar

The architect of the Treaty of Coruscant, the manipulative inquisitor who refused even to sit on the Dark Council… But what took them to turn him into a big pile locked in such armor? This is to give him a unique look (which works average because with the exception of the helmet which is a mix between two models, the rest of his outfit is pve hl equipment)
Darth Baras can be found in the Sith Warrior scenario, which he takes as an apprentice on Korriban. Or rather as a hunting dog, his executor ... At his own risk for all those who know the law of the Sith.

And we end with the Bounty Hunter. Here, the transformation is not physical. Rather, it concerns the character's past. In Threat of Peace, he was presented as a Mandalorian. In the game, there is no mention of it. The opportunity is there, however.
Feeling aging, Braden gathers a whole team around him to participate in the Big Hunt. But half are murdered by a competitor who does not respect the rules. Only Mako and the player survive. Their participation in the competition for the best Bounty Hunter in the galaxy will therefore be tinged with revenge ...
There you go, I had promised seven characters and we went around them. The presence of codex entries gives another thickness to this first BD derived from TOR. But there are still injured classes. The Jedi Consular has to settle for a few crumbs. The Sith Inquisitor doesn't come to see anyone here. And the Imperial Agent was not even quoted. I will soon try to correct it a bit by coming back to the second comic, Blood of Empire.
(Inquisitor Finris on Battle Mediation)