Galactic History
When you look at the biggest names in the galactic underworld, you realize that many would like to become legends but very few do. In the last twenty years, only three names have really stood out to enter the firmament: Nok Drayen, the Void Hunter and finally Hylo Visz. The first is dead, the second is a rising star. Finally, the third has barely reappeared after years of absence. Where had she been all this time? Although, before asking this question, maybe it would be better to explain who she is and how she became a legend. The answer would then be obvious.
Hylo Visz is a Mirialan. But she can hardly speak of the frozen deserts of Mirial. It was on Balmorra that she was born about twenty-eight years before the Treaty of Coruscant, and that she spent her early years. Until the Empire launched its first attack on the planet, causing the death of his father during the fighting. His mother dragged him among the refugees who were leaving the planet. But she died of illness before reaching her destination. It is therefore orphan that the teenager Hylo Visz landed on Nar Shaddaa. On the smuggler's moon, the heart of Hutt territory, she joined a band of orphans. Then found work as a mechanic. Before starting out as a pilot. It took her a few years, but she made a small reputation for herself in the service of the Hut Cartel. Her vessel was called the Red Fleece (Crimson Fleece in VO), like some of her locks that she had dyed. She lost him in an incident on Corellia, when a delivery for Barrga the Hutt turned into an ambush. But at the same time it won a prototype called the Avant-Garde. At her command, she decided she could do without the Hutt tutelage. Around this time, she also began a relationship with the Devaronian Tyresius Lokai. But his greatest achievement was yet to come.
The war between the Republic and the Empire, that war that had driven Hylo Visz from Balmorra, did not end as it made a name for itself among the Hutts. The initial offensive had been blocked, forcing the Sith to resort to alternative strategies. One of them was a reunification of the Mandalorian clans, who put in place a blockade on the Hydian Trade Way. The Republican Core was isolated, the capital Coruscant could no longer import the food it needed to survive. Seven years before the Treaty of Coruscant, the young Mirialan began a tour of the Hutts and smugglers to convince them of the opportunity that would arise for those who succeeded in breaking this blockade. The SIS learned of this rescue attempt, and ordered reinforcements to be organized. Attacked from both sides at the same time, the Mandalorians had to retreat. Freight ships reached Coruscant and Hylo Visz became richer than she had imagined. But she remained independent, and never came to the ceremony which should have covered her with medals.
With this action, by having carried out this operation against the Mandalorian blockade, Hylo Visz achieved the status of legend of the underworld. Years later, when Supreme Chancellor Dorian Janarus created the Republic Corsairs Corps, it was to once again bring together the fleet she had led. But the mirialan was no longer there at the time. The years following this moment of glory were very difficult. She was betrayed by her lover Tyresius Lokai, who ran away stealing all his fortune. She was unable to repay her Hutts creditors. His exploits also landed him on the Mandalorian blacklist. She was caught between two relentless machines that would eliminate her at the first opportunity. Rumor has it that they are the first to have it, just a year after his feat. In reality, she was hiding. Until Zale Barrows, an associate who had officially joined the Republic, offered him a way out. Belsavis prison had stasis chambers. No one would suspect that she would be there, and she would survive there after the death of her opponents.
Hylo Visz therefore remained in stasis for fifteen years. Less than what was expected. Confusing remorse and curiosity, Tyresius Lokai wanted to know what was becoming of her. After being one of the most incredible bounties in the galaxy following his various scams, he had managed to temporarily restore his virginity. He didn't believe the rumor of the Hutts murder. He managed to trace his trail back to Belsavis and unplug the stasis chamber. Identified, he was received with blasters. He fled, but the damage was done. She couldn't reconnect, especially since Zale Barrow was dead. Far too many of his contacts were in the same situation. And not enough of his enemies. All she had to do was pick up her career where she left off. To find its marks. And to find a place in the galaxy.
Ten years after returning from Belsavis, Hylo Visz was contacted by a former SIS agent. Theron Shan, an ally of former Imperial Secret Service Minister Lana Beniko, was recruiting for an alliance against Zakuul's Empire. He needed specialists capable of supporting the new commander. This new organization is not supported by an official government. It is a gathering of goodwill. Which makes his stewardship very difficult. By virtue of its knowledge of the contraband world, the Mirialan sees it in charge of this supply. This is the second time that Hylo Visz has found himself involved in a movement of such magnitude. At a lower rank, but his new allies have enough to soften his old enemies. Its position is therefore more stable. And if the Alliance succeeds in bringing down Emperor Zakkel, his participation in another operation of this magnitude will place him even more in the pantheon of galactic legends. After all, it is present on the two biggest operations not decided by governments. A guarantee of quality ?