In this article, you will be able to find the various successes of act 2 of the chronicles of the HoT extension as well as explanations on the means to unlock them. This chronicle consists of 15 achievements allowing you to acquire 60 achievement points, 5 mastery points and an elevated amulet (Gaze of Janthir).
Chronicle Reward : 10 + 1
+ Regard de Janthir
Chap. 7 - Valuable effects
You will have to redo the story several times to validate all the achievements as some achievements are only available after completing the instance in story mode.
- Valuable effects
- Perfect escape
- Leak unscathed
- Wild dragon hunt
Reward : 1
Complete the story instance
Reward : 5 and 3 Exalted Keys
Do not get hit by Faolain during the instance. This is the most complicated achievement of the instance because the beginning can be complicated with the appearance of monsters and tentacles. To succeed easily, you have to avoid falling behind Ruka. The simplest solution is not to go to your platform at the start of the instance, which limits the appearance of enemies.
Reward : 5 and 1 Black Diamond
You must not be killed by Faolain. Theoretically, if you make the Perfect Leak achievement you validate it automatically.
Reward : 5 and 5 Auric Ingots
During your run, you will need to collect the 23 Echoes of Brill. If you die (get hit by Faolain) you don't lose your progress. So take the time you need not to forget a single one.
Chap. 8 - City of Hope
You will have to redo the story several times to validate all the achievements as some achievements are only available after completing the instance in story mode.- City of Hope
- Impossible to die
- Just in time
- Predatory prey
- Rider alone
Reward : 1
Complete the story instance
Reward : 5 and 1 Aurilium Bag
During the showdown, you must not die. Success isn't too complicated if you equip your character with a ranged weapon and control spells. The use of companions is also recommended (useful for successes after).
Reward : 5 success points and 1 Aurilium Bag
During the trial of wisdom, it will be necessary to activate the three runes without killing enemies. If you are more than one in the instance, divide the work between you. It is largely possible to do it solo if you think of going up in height thanks to the "stairs" at the beginning of the room. The Mesmer's Portal also works great!
Reward : 5 and 1 Aurilium Bag
During the team event, you must kill all enemies present. The flaw is that in the shape of a rabbit, you inflict very little damage or not at all… To avoid wasting too much time, you can ask your friends to come and help you. They won't be turned into a bunny until you pass through the trial gate.
Reward : 5 and 3 exalted keys
During Team Trial, you must not revive a Pact Soldier while killing Veteran Mordrem Wolf. If you complete the successes together, you can complete it at the same time as the “Predatory Prey” achievement.
Chap. 9 - The path of the predator
- The predator's path
Reward : 1
Complete the story instance
Chap. 10 - Curious observations
You will have to redo the story several times to validate all the achievements as some achievements are only available after completing the instance in story mode.- Curious observations
- Avoid the pitfalls
- Identity Theft
- Friend of mushrooms
Reward : 1
Complete the story instance
Reward : 5 and 1 Superior Sigil of Bestiality
At the start of the instance, avoid both sets of traps. You will unlock the achievement when you arrive in the room where Taimi is.
Reward : 5 and 3 poisonous seed pods
In the first room, you have to eject the Mordrem guards from their bases and take their place to kill them with the special attack. Success is pretty straightforward, just avoid taking all of the monster focus at once.
Reward : 5 and 10 Morels
You should only use 4 mushrooms in the last trial. Nothing too complicated, just remember to aim well and not to stray too far from the dens to lose focus from monsters (can cause you to lose success).