After successfully completing the Jedi Trials as a Padawan, those who started out as a novice, and who were not failed by the Council of Reassignment, then become Jedi Knights. They are the most numerous in the entire Jedi Order and are sent all over the galaxy to fulfill their destiny, the missions of the Council or whatever the Force makes them feel ...
The missions of the Knights in the four corners of the galaxy are threefold and so are their skills. Just as a doctor in real life specializes in what they do all the time (and especially rust at what they don't), the Jedi Knights select one path from the three that are "naturally" to them. "proposed, because directly related to their type of mission: peacekeeping, diplomacy and investigation. The Jedi as a whole are working for all of this at once.
These three paths - which some would call "classes" - are different from those of Star Wars The Old Republic. This is clearly the story of the universe, and not a restriction on video games / role-playing games (although they were originally created for this). Likewise, do not see them as restrictive as they may seem: many examples in films, or even elsewhere, are at the limit of these "rules", even add certain points.
These routes are as follows:
- The Jedi Guardians are combat specialists, but understand that they are guardians, not combatants. They are the necessary force in case of opposing force; and it is they who by their feats of arms maintain peace in the galaxy. They are affiliated with the color blue for their lightsabers.
- The Jedi Consular are famous for being more in tune with the Force, but that's only because they prioritize knowledge in combat. It is with knowledge that we dissolve corruption, guide peoples and liberate spirits. The cliché on this route makes them wear green blades.
- The Jedi Sentinels are those who fill the gap, those who are halfway between knowledge and combat, those who transcend themselves by abilities outside the Force, and thus can take on missions that no other Jedi will be able to accomplish. They are usually referred to as a yellow saber.
However, as with the abilities that sometimes emerge from the three paths, lightsabers are not restrictive and numbers of Jedi vary the color of their blades for one that is more personal to them (a consular may end up with a blue blade, a yellow guardian, and a green sentry; and so many others ...).
The Jedi Guardians are undoubtedly those who have marked the spirits the most in a visual way and which make that today the average person sees a Jedi with a saber in the belt. The primary purpose of their Jedi ancestors was to secure the borders of the Republic (much less extensive at the time) and today, this maintenance of Order must be done internally as well. In times of war, they are the first sent to the front and the Jedi Knight of TOR illustrates this point perfectly (all advanced IG classes combined). When they are not on a mission, defending the values of the Republic, the Guardians must train. I say must, because any negligence risks costing them dearly, given that they are often among the first targets ...
Although the films and TOR present the Guardians among the military - which happens anyway - the reality is more often close to the police (because of Justice from behind) in peacetime. We see them act in worlds where the authority of the Republic is not enough. Consider Episode I, where Anakin expects Qui-Gon to be here to free the slaves - with these words, he perfectly illustrates what the general population thinks of the Jedi. Concerning the war, without a regular army (since the same reforms of Ruusan) the Republic has therefore called upon them enormously in the event of conflict. But in other periods (Kotor, TOR, from Episode II), the Jedi are called upon to support, even guide forces, but rarely to constitute them on their own. And that's a bit like what happens during the prelogy (well orchestrated by Palpatine, of course): the regular army returns, the Jedi no longer sufficient, they find themselves in command of armies; to a point where the Jedi are useless - in the minds of the citizens of the galaxy - and in the event of a blunder (caused by the Emperor ...), it becomes obvious that they are too many.
The Jedi Guardians are very numerous and very diverse, so much so that they are classified, in this same way, in at least five different ways:
- The Jedi Peacekeepers are Guardians based on a concrete way of mediation and the presence of authority. They specialize in crowd control skills, two-party dialogue and arrest. They are rarely on the battlefield, because they are sent from both sides of the galaxy to serve as a point of reference. They often work hand in hand with the forms of local authorities (militias, police, etc.), where they are not only a major asset, but also the representative and link with the Republic.
- La Jedi Temple Security is provided by various Jedi defined by roles rather than skills. There are obviously Peacekeepers, but also Jedi Porters, Jedi Colossi, or Jedi Snipers. Although the former no longer display their relay roles towards the Republic (in the middle of Coruscant?) Their control skills are highly appreciated, supported by the latter who guard the doors day and night, where the third, by their imposing statures. , scare the morons who believed that the temple is a mill, while remaining able to stand up against adversaries much more prepared. Jedi Snipers don't wield the weapon of the same name - don't dream too much! - but are specialists in the throwing of the saber, which they project from the tops of the temple where they keep watch.
- The Jedi pilots form the Corps of Jedi Hunters, which have been found either in support of the fleets of the Republic in times of war, or in exploration in escort of the Explocorps. While their talents in the Force relate to their own piloting (increasing the speed of the Jedi's reflexes, accuracy or ardor ... blurring the perceptions of enemies could prove effective against tough enemies, but the Jedi do almost forbid (out of pride?)), they remain able to fight on the ground in the traditional way. If we were to have examples of the Jedi Pilot in the movies, I think Obi-Wan, Luke or Anakin certainly could. But remember there is still a gap (alas).
- The Instructors the saber laser who bear the title of Master of Arms teach in the temple the art of combat to novices and padawans. Generally, they only instruct forms I to VI, the VIIth being generally compromised, frowned upon, and sometimes prohibited *. The title of fencing master was originally carried by a single person (as Grand Master of the Council), but war promotions drastically increased the number of bearers of this name. Now Instructors are operating in the temple, but also across the galaxy, in all places where the art of the Jedi is taught (from stray outposts to Explororps ships). Despite their apparent number, all of them have acquired the rank of Jedi Master through the High Council, proof necessary to place the learning of so many future Knights in their hands. Likewise, the status of Instructor is only considered when the age of the Jedi is quite advanced, because the title is intended somewhere for an end of career of honorable fighters - but a few exceptions of gifted Jedi, and younger, are granted the title.
- Some fencing masters choose to fight with other tools, and become Exotic weapons specialists. Somehow this is the upper branch of the Jedi Pilots, the latter being specialists in their ships. But among all the Jedi, some derive from the traditional weapon. They are rare and respected by all the order and wield esoteric weapons wonderfully: there is the large lightsaber, the laser pike or even the combat sticks which involve knowing the new dimensions of the weapon (and thus, completely modify the usual attack movements). Then come the whips, not necessarily laser, the number of users of which can be counted at the fingertips (I only know the Laser Whip of Silri), as well as the weapons plagues, both being able to paralyze an opponent. catching him, as if to hurt him badly. Although unpopular, long-range weapons are sometimes carried by some, who sharpen their senses and guide the shots of their weapons (I spoke of a sniper? ^^). Finally, some focus on Jedi martial arts - generally more advanced forms, anyway - and use their body directly as a weapon. The latter have therefore raised their powers of control to an unimaginable point to strengthen themselves and thus compete with other armed combatants.
* In view of the number of practitioners during the TOR period, one can clearly assume that the controversy surrounding the Vornskr path is not as present, if not non-existent. In any case, it remains dangerous (this is a Sith path, remember) and any training is only offered to a Jedi Knight, never to a Padawan or an Initiate.
The Jedi Consular embody the words of the Jedi philosophy to its climax. Their role is to act for peace, or for peace. They symbolize the second point for which the Jedi are called upon: their wisdom. The Republic, and other nations outside, hold the Jedi in high regard for justice, fairness, and trust. Finally, do not forget that these comments are valid for the most part in peacetime (because in the midst of war as in TOR, it is obvious that the consideration is not the same!). This image has spread through the actions of the consular Jedi and their quest for class illustrates this in part, as well.
A rather captivating cliché is to affiliate the blue lightsabers with the Padawans and the Knights, while the green ones would belong to the Masters. What must be understood is that these consular (with a green blade) generally have functions that are given to large bodies or authorities - which, ideally, would shine through experience, intelligence and wisdom. Likewise, teaching powers are attributed to those who are highest (among civilians) and this is a predominant role among consulars. However, the Jedi do not make this hierarchy between their types of members (but rather from one member to another, via another internal pyramid).
Many consulars therefore work directly in the spheres of power and constitute the vast majority of the members of the Council for Reconciliation, the latter working on a regular basis with the Diplomatic Corps of the Republic. It is not uncommon for the nation the Republic talks to insist on dealing with Jedi, so appreciated for their deception-detecting abilities. However, there is also the other edge of the blade: it is not only abusive from a Jedi point of view, but some foreign cultures are downright afraid of the use of the Force to persuade and thus cheat in negotiations - watch Qui-Gon. Jinn, who is bordering on acceptable in the eyes of the Order.
Although all of them have a strong connection to the Force, Jedi Consulars are diversifying and specializing in certain tasks:
- The Jedi Prophets are perhaps the most hated of the Star Wars fan community: they are generally presented as individuals imbued with themselves, as their powers seem great to them. They deeply study the Unifying Force to derive visions of the past and the future, which they record in the Holocrons - which will subsequently be studied. By the scope of their divinations - which affect the entire Order and its teaching - they feel to be the Jedi Order's most valuable asset, for being the only ones looking at Existence as a whole, according to their words. Fortunately, a few examples in the history of Star Wars show their limits (they had not seen it coming, the Emperor, eh ?!); however, it is becoming so common that examples of "envy" Jedi Prophets are almost nonexistent.
- The Jedi Healers seem pretty rare in the Extended Universe, but in times of war (TOR in the first place, but not that) their healing gifts are a blessing. Not only do they have medical training, but they use the Living Force to feel and act on wounds in living beings. In peacetime, they are generally seen in the Medical Corps, although they are not part of it (they are true Jedi having been Padawan and passed the tests). Others are sent from all sides of the galaxy and dispense their care in the sectors for which they are responsible. Finally, in the midst of war, it is generally observed that their ranks swell and support the military infirmaries, when they are not directly on the battlefield.
- The Jedi Seekers bring together high-level intellectuals, who seek to solve major theoretical problems in scientific disciplines (mathematics, astronomy, biology, physics and so on). Because the Jedi Order trains its members as an elite - something that universities or private schools would do, as a civilian - it is not abnormal that great thinkers emerge from it and desire to devote themselves fully to their cognitive passion. But behind their civilian activity, they keep the precepts of the Jedi and can always be counted on when you need help like this.
- The Jedi Ambassadors are those who work in cooperation with the government of the Republic and are clearly the most "politicians" of the Jedi. They are present in the cogs of the bureaucracy, both to defend visions of order, and to respond to the calls of other civilizations. They are given great impartiality, but we often forget that it did not come from the Jedi themselves: it was by studying the Caamasi people that the Jedi wrote much of their codes of conduct and justice. These aliens being particularly pacifist, tolerant and open-minded, while remaining wise and cautious, it is normal that the Jedi do not feel any aversion to being inspired by them.
- While the Ambassadors are very much oriented towards far-reaching politics, the Jedi Diplomats are more numerous and more active, because more in the concrete. Rather, they will tackle changing chords - when it is not necessary to directly form new ones - from person to person, from tribes and sometimes from entire planets. Thus, they are much more present visually, in the eyes of the people, although not all are scattered at the bottom of the galaxy (Master Yoda refers to himself as such). They are often taken as an example when comparing the Guardians to the Consular: the former win battles by defeating a number of enemies; the consulars win them by saving lives. But do not stay on these unflattering words for the former: sometimes the enemy does not know the way of reason and that is why even the most "hidden" of the Jedi learn to defend themselves and their virtues.
- Finally a much smaller group arrived, that of Keepers of Knowledge. They are found almost exclusively in the Jedi Temple, and all, whatever their specializations (historians, archivists or librarians), form the Assembly of Librarians which also includes members of the EduCorps. The quest for knowledge is always honored by the Jedi and its guardians have the task of examining it, archiving it, translating it, processing it, sorting it, keeping it, and finally sharing it. If that seems much less prestigious than defeating the Sith in a time of war, or even ending it; we must not forget that it is because knowledge has been maintained that the Republic has been able to last as long as it is (for better or for worse). Some would say a little variation would do good, but when compared to the real world, it remains very similar over unimaginable stretches of time (and rarely went through dark times, unlike us). And to underline it all, their role is often overlooked, but if one remembers the loss of Ossus and his library, the need for such a Jedi Corps becomes paramount.
There are things the Jedi are of little use to, being untrained for, or unwilling to do. But some dare to do it, and these are the Jedi sentinels. This path is not only the least populated, but also the least evocative in the eyes of the galaxy - not to say non-existent - it is however very important and BioWare completely annihilated it in TOR (whereas in Kotor I and especially the II , they were honored!). Why ? Yet is there their advanced class? Yes, but not what makes them what they are. Where the guards are strong and shine with their combat skills and where the consulars are wise and unite with the Force; the sentries are characterized by their resistance and their civilian expertise. They don't neglect combat or meditation and have learned things that no Jedi teaches. What are they doing then? Computers, cybernetics, espionage, or other tasks that are usually related only to non-followers. They are symbolized behind a yellow blade, but not only are the saber colors not imposed, but in addition, the Sentinels draw them even less often than a Jedi Ambassador, so much so that the Jedi is generally taken for a pirate or technician (depending on his abilities) unrelated to the Jedi Order. Somehow, the Sentinels are those who have taken the most distance from the Order, in the sense that they use means other than the Force to achieve their ends, as illustrated by their equipment as well as their talents.
Stealth, resistance (whether physical or against the Force) and their skills are part of their attributes and if there was only one tank class to promote in TOR, it was this- there (before the Guardians). The use of the two lightsabers does not bother me (it has nothing to do with the path taken by the Jedi), but in Game their discretion is mixed, their resistance much lower than a defense class, and their expertise is just thrown out the window *. In short, the soul of the Sentinels has been trampled upon. They exist, but their criteria for existence are not in their hands.
* or they should be the only Jedi who can take on crew skills other than artifice, bioanalysis, diplomacy and maybe archeology.
In the Extended Universe, Sentinels serve as spies, informants, saboteurs, investigators and, because the investigation is often at the rendezvous, they are often confronted with situations that pose them as recruiters. Although we can technically create as many Sentinel paths as there are technical professions, we can distinguish four important ones:
- Behind the name of Jedi Pirate, you have to think about computers, and not about those who loot treasures on board a ship (space or not). Their ability to penetrate networks should be seen as a support to their usual capacities. Certainly, a Jedi will have recourse to the Force to deceive his enemies or to disappear in the eyes of the vigilantes, but in front of a computer screen, the Force is no longer of any recourse. Thus, by computer, these Sentinels have access to an absolutely phenomenal amount of information and are capable of turning droids against the enemy, of transmitting to the Republic the movements of the imperial fleet or of sabotaging a transmitting station. hyperspace signals ... in short, doing the job of a real hacker.
- The Experts Tech are technology-oriented in the mechanical sense. Repair, improve, make, tweak, disassemble ... to put everything back together; such are their aptitudes. While maintenance tasks that require these attributes are typically done by droids, these rare Jedi are capable of much more than just machine maintenance. Many of them use the Force to understand and imprint themselves in their thoughts the patterns, structures and operations of machines (via the power of mechu-deru), which greatly facilitates any intervention on technological creations once everything seems intuitive.
- The Security Experts are masters of infiltration and counter-espionage, their talents being directed at all forms of alarms. They are capable of both overriding every trap and surveillance device on a base and entering them, as well as erecting impenetrable defenses that even spies fear encountering. They represent the ultimate asset in the event of a hostage to be released, ensuring not only their infiltration and that of their partners, the reversal of anti-intruder devices against the guards - especially if a Pirate is there to support - and evacuation. captives without leaving a trace. TOR's Jedi Shadow is halfway between the Security Experts here and the Jedi Shadows of the Extended Universe.
- The Jedi Shadows have the ultimate respect for all Sentinels, not to say the whole Order. In action, they are detected the skills of spy and saboteur, flirting with the characteristics of Security Experts, plus investigation. And not just any, investigative: Shadows Jedi relentlessly hunt down agents of the dark side - or the most terrifying in times of war, given that the Sith are present on every corner ... - to eradicate evil where no one seeks it (or dares to seek it). By their actions, the situations they find themselves in, and the consequences they have in mind, the Shadows are the Jedi who are most faced with compromises, unorthodox actions, the dark side, and therefore remorse after having lost their Salvation for the Republic. But the goal of the Shadows is more important than their spiritual advancement and it is through this "sacrifice" that they alone dare, that the Order raises its esteem towards them.
This large panel is not exhaustive. There are others but, for lack of information or example, I could not list everything (we speak of a sentry "recruiting Jedi", without underlining any particular attributions other than what the name implied. However, any Jedi can do that too). Besides the fact that it is not closed, it is permeable and it would not be surprising that a Jedi who has lived a long time and changed his path find himself decked out in various talents, find himself able to act in multiple ways, and therefore would become unclassifiable.
So yes, classes and their advanced versions on TOR have nothing to do with it. Somewhere, there was a windfall to be exploited, something that was not done by the developers. This would obviously have made the game more complex, something that some players and a lot of developers do not really like. Sorry to be among those who love ardor, difficulty, complexity, and therefore work rewarded from behind. Afterwards, I spit on the Sentinels in particular, but nothing that the films are already a bit out of the way (Anakin and Luke would be Jedi Pilots and Tech Experts?), And somewhere I prefer that the existing paths are not so restrictive and that many characters reside within the boundaries. In addition, the Sentinels' abilities are found scattered throughout the game: crew skills, their own droid paralysis, a very high resistance for DPS (by wielding certain combos) and the presence of shadows which, even if they do not fully fulfill the role they could in their quest for class, honor the symbolic resistance of the Sentinels (they are technically the first to hunt down and fight the worst of the dark side ... luckily they are strong against to him !!), as well as the halfway between Force and melee.
Image sources
- Cover of the Chevalier de l'Ancienne République comic book
- http://isriana.deviantart.com/art/The-Sage-418771312
- http://artpox.deviantart.com/art/Ithorian-Jedi-194832918
- http://www.deviantart.com/art/SWTOR-Jedi-Meditation-459602195
- http://saehral.deviantart.com/art/Jedi-5-6-2013-370188671