The Guild Bank comes with Update 1.2, offering the classic options one would expect from this type of functionality.
Access is at different places, in the capitals but also at the Fleet stations.
The icon representing it is the same small key as for access to the hold, but in pink! It is therefore impossible to miss it, whether on the mini-map or on the general map of the area where you are. To display it, use the generic option "Access to the hold", you will then have yellow and pink keys!
The first tab requires 600 credits and 000 members minimum. So impossible here to create your personal guild bank to avoid the mules! A priori, there would be 12 or 7 accessible tabs. Difficult to know exactly the prices, here is what I could glean on the net:
- 600 k
- 1M
- 2M
- 3.5M
- 7M
- 15M
- 30M
- ??
Each tab offers 90 places, enough to put already a lot of objects:
As you can see at the bottom left, it is possible to define, depending on the status in the guild:
- authorization to deposit x credits per week
- authorization to collect x items per week
Each time, you see the number of items and the number of credits you have left as well as the time left before the reset.
A register allows to know what happened recently, who took what, who gave what ... The ugly ninjas will be discovered immediately!
Finally, here is an overview of the small windows to withdraw / deposit credits:

Thanks to Yll, Test Guild leader, I was able to get some screenshots of the administration version of the system. I let you discover the images, they will speak more than words:

I like it all! I can't wait for it to be implemented ... I just have to find a guild!