Hitman's second episode, Sapienza, is finally available. The release of the episode is also an opportunity to make some corrections, improvements and new features!
The beautiful and sunny coastal town of Sapienza, Italy is an opportunity for the team to allow players to freely explore an entire town.
The level is, at present, the largest ever seen in a Hitman game. The latter is full of places and passages, such as houses, a church, the beach, tunnels, a biolaboratory and many other things.
Taking advantage of the release of this brand new episode, an update to the "base" game is also appearing!
Additions specific to episode 2
Chapter 2: Wisdom
This new map, which happens to be episode 2, has many new features directly related to it.
- A new mission: World of Tomorrow.
- Ten new opportunities.
- Twenty levels of expertise to unlock, unlocking in total:
- Eight starting locations.
- A special starting location for the challenge.
- Eight extraction locations.
- Six new weapons and equipment.
- A new costume: The Italian costume.
- 75 Sapienza-specific challenges.
- Seven new successes.
- Exclusive to PS4 : A new contract: "The Sarajevo Six"
Live content
In addition to all this, Live content for Sapienza is also emerging:
- New Escalation contracts.
- New Target contracts.
- New types of contracts.
- Added new sounds specific to Sapienza.
- Added new sounds for the "crowd vibe".
General additions and improvements
Interaction and animations
- New costume interactions have been added.
- New draw / sheath animations have been added for small weapons. (pistols, etc.)
- Persistent findings:
- When a player discovers an opportunity through tracking, it will no longer be necessary to use the tracking again in subsequent games.
- New category: Types of chess.
- This new category will allow the player to discover the reason for the failure of an opportunity.
- Challenges are now validated and saved as soon as they are reached and / or completed during the game. It is no longer necessary to reach the end of a mission to validate them.
- Display of Challenge texts: Players now have the option of choosing the amount of information and descriptions for the challenges. Three options are available:
- Complete : All challenge information is displayed.
- Minimal : only the image and the name of the challenge are displayed.
- disabled : only the image of the challenge is displayed.
Climbing contracts
- The list of objectives and chess conditions are now available during the game and the planning phase.
- It is now available to know from the start how many stages a contract has. (example: 3/5)
Intel menu
- A new option allows direct access to the Intel menu as soon as the player finds it.
Objects, costumes and weapons
- Disguises, weapons, and items that the player has already collected are now displayed on the in-game map.
Options and optimizations
- Reconnection option:
- It is now possible, in the event of disconnection, to reconnect and resume the game in progress without having been returned to the game menu and losing progress.
- This option is currently only available on the PC version. The latter will be available on PS4 and Xbox One in a future update.
- It is now possible, in the event of disconnection, to reconnect and resume the game in progress without having been returned to the game menu and losing progress.
- Charging times have been significantly reduced on console. (Estimate: 50% reduction in loading times.)
General Improvements - PC
- The launcher will now offer the graphics settings adapted to the configuration.
- The launcher now allows you to directly choose the resolution in window mode.
- Audio volume for cutscenes and briefing videos has been adjusted.
- An issue preventing the key configuration from being saved has been fixed.