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At the very start of the previous war against the Empire, Corporal Jace Malcom lost his entire unit when the Sith surprised Korriban. Of the three survivors on the Republican side, he was the only soldier. As expected in these cases, he was transferred to another battle group, the 326th Infantry Squad. A fairly anonymous group where he will build himself up to the rank of colonel, the maximum he can reach in this kind of configuration. At its head, he will make him integrate the Special Forces of the Republic, the elite of the army. And when his rank took him to lands where his men could no longer follow him, his successors had to fight to maintain the reputation that had been earned by what was now known as the Chaos Squad.
Without a doubt, the most famous battle in which the Chaos Squad took part was that of Alderaan. Jace Malcom was then captain, and directed for this mission several squads. Alongside the Jedi Satele Shan, they led several ambushes to slow down the Imperials and block them while awaiting their reinforcements. In one of these skirmishes he was pitted against Darth Malgus himself, one of the most important Sith commanders in the enemy offensive. The future Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic escaped with scars that almost completely disfigure him. But he's the one responsible for the injury that forced his opponent to wear a respirator for the rest of his life.
When the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, Jace Malcom entered the High Command. So the Special Forces had to find a replacement for him. The role was naturally taken over by his right-hand man, Jek Kardan, with whom he had built the Squad. He held the post for most of the Cold War. Peace having been officially declared, the missions he had to deal with were more of espionage. They thus had numerous clashes with the Shadow Fist, an Imperial unit fulfilling a similar role. A certain rivalry developed between the two groups. Then there was Ando Prime, a particularly difficult deployment where the Squad was almost destroyed. They only came out of it narrowly, and only on themselves. The Senate commission responsible for overseeing the functioning of the Special Forces has blocked aid. A decision that Kardan could not support and he resigned when he returned to Coruscant.
Harron Tavus joined the Chaos Squad after signing the Treaty of Coruscant. He had become Jek Kardan's little protégé, and a logical choice to succeed him when his mentor resigned. But Ando Prime had left him other traces. Since the Senators ruling the Republic had no loyalty to them, then he no longer felt obligated to be loyal to them. He organized his passage to the Empire on Ord Mantell, and trained all his subordinates with him. A choice that put them at the top of the list of Special Forces targets. Less than a year later, one after the other, all had been eliminated or imprisoned. Including Jek Kardan whom he had made use of. Her short stint at the head of the Squad was therefore a dark period for her.
The defection of Tavus and his men from Ord Mantell could have meant the end of Chaos, if one last recruit hadn't joined the Squad. Nicknamed Meteor, it was too recent to have been corrupted. It was to him that the reconstruction of the unit was entrusted. It was not complete that he was already taking care of each of the traitors. When the war against the Empire resumed, in two years, this young sergeant had already become a major. Either the last rank before that of colonel. During the Battle of Corellia, he and his men secured General Rakton, a high-ranking Imperial strategist. Their most publicized action since the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant and the departure of Jace Malcom. The press has widely relayed this action, giving them a reputation that prevents them from returning to their secret missions. Special Forces can no longer deploy them as they would like. This is why their assignments were transferred directly to the office of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic. Rans first on Illum. Then a few weeks later, the new Supreme Chancellor replaced him with Jace Malcom. For the Chaos Squad, the founder is back in business.