Damion Schubert took the floor to talk about the new guild features. For them, this is important and a priority. The current interface is functional but there are not enough features. The entire team is working exclusively on the subject. In 1.2, we will see guide banks arriving, with more than 7 tabs (at increasing prices). Guild leaders will have full control over the permissions of the guild bank and logs to find out what is going on there. It will thus be possible to define the rank necessary to take items from the bank or to use the credits to repair or change specialty. It may be necessary to have an authenticator for some tabs.
After 1.2 there will be other features like a calendar, emblems / armor in guild colors and advertisements to help guilds recruit.
They're working on guild progress and ships, but there's no date yet (they're on it, it's not that bad!).
They work on a system similar to a newsletter system, via the calendar or the announcement of the day.
In 1.2, they will correct the issues on the guild interface. It would be nice to have the crew skills displayed for each guild member. Someone also offered to show people already grouped together and that was noted on the TODO list.
Nothing concrete yet for most of the questions asked:
- taxation system
- ready check
- replace the guild hall (what we had on the website before launch)
- have a log of guild guests, excluded or inactive