The Sword Squad is a double boss and the second in Operation Temple of Sacrifice. He is a cut above Malaphar in terms of difficulty. A good trip and a lot of care will be necessary. The boss consists of two walkers, called Unit 1 and Unit 2.
Combat boils down to attacking Unit 1 until it obtains a shield. We then switch to unit 2 until a bomb is placed on the unit to remove its shield and so on. The 2 walkers must die at the same time.
The 2 Walkers have different abilities with which you will have to juggle:
Unit 1 : Has a fast attack, depositing many blue circles under the tank's feet. Causes heavy damage and should be avoided at all costs. Other direct attacks must be taken by the tank.
Unit 2 : Alternate between bursts of missiles and an avoidable rain of missiles (static purple circle).
Mines : The mines appear every 45 seconds under the 2 bosses and are characterized by an orange circle. It is possible to cause mines. Minimal damage.
Targeting droid : Regularly, a target droid spawns under Unit 1 and casts a spell. At the end of the channel, Unit 2 will target the droid target. Logically the target is the tank, it will then be necessary to make a switch here.
Grenada : Materialized by a huge white circle, the targeted person must move away from the other members and take the damage. Disabling effects applied at the time of damage. Improves visibility (whatever your graphics settings).
« Big missile »: Materialized by fixed red circles under some people in the raid. These cause heavy damage and should be avoided.
Missile rain : Raid damage every 20 seconds.
Course of the fight
In the sweater, each tank must take care of a walker. They won't change the whole fight. Unit 1 is where the blue circles will take place, Unit 2 will have the purple circles. Unit 2 has the particularity of being immune to provocation. All DPS therefore start by attacking Unit 1, allowing the tank to mount its threat.
When unit 1 places its shield, all of the DPS switch to unit 2. You can visually spot the appearance of the shield, unit 1 will be golden over its entire surface. This shield makes unit 1 immune to any type of damage. A shield spawns every minute and they can stack.

Unit 1 Shield
To destroy the shield, you will have to use one of the 5 Bombs available at the bottom right of the combat area. Each bomb destroys 2 shields present on unit 1.

Location of bombs
In fact, as soon as the shield appears on unit 1, 3 DPS switches to unit 2 while the last one takes care of taking a bomb. Once the shield is destroyed, the DPS return to unit 1. You have to repeat the operation until unit 1 is close to 5%, then you must have 1 bomb left (or more if you have a lot of margin).
Then just bring Unit 2 close to 5%, destroy Unit 1's shield and kill them at the same time.
We usually wait before destroying the first shield. A shield spawns every 60 seconds and a bomb is capable of destroying 2 shields. We therefore synchronize with the appearance of the second shield in order to destroy both at the same time. A CaC DPS usually stays on Unit 2 from there.
The person who takes care of destroying the shield, usually triggers a CD in order to predict the appearance of the next shield. The objective is to destroy the shield as soon as it appears.
Another method would be to use the Parsec timer tool.
- Unassembled Risen Ear (192)
- 1 Belt or Relic (192) (may not drop)
- A random Massassi coin (192 without set bonus)
- 1 exons
- 4 elite distinctions