WoW - WoD: Dungeon Guide - Grimail Depot

WoW - WoD: Dungeon Guide - Grimail Depot

The Tristerail depot stands next to the Blackrock Foundry and serves as a railroad staging post, supplying the Draenor war front with weapons and gear. The huge train named Tristerail carries a gigantic cannon capable of annihilating Shattrath and our goal is to prevent its use.

WoW - WoD: Dungeon Guide - Grimail Depot

There are 3 bosses to defeat and the equipment to collect is level ilvl 615 in normal difficulty, 630 in heroic.

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Boss to defeat

WoW - WoD: Dungeon Guide - Grimail Depot

Sparkle is a goblin hired by Garrosh to follow the work of Grimrail. He is assisted by a bully named Borka. We face the two characters at the same time, Borka attacking melee and Fusétincelle moving in a jet-pack and firing missile bursts.

WoW - WoD: Dungeon Guide - Grimail Depot



Fusétincelle Rail Master

  • Target Eliminator VX 18-B: Speargun launches projectiles at up to 2 players. Projectiles deal area damage.
  • Projectile Barrage X21-01A: Fusétincelle launches bursts of projectiles at 2 players for 20 seconds.
    • Locked Position: Sparkfire locks its aim, increasing its damage over time until interrupted.
  • New plan! : When Borka the Brute dies, Sparkfire throws projectiles continuously and periodically. Flame Spark also casts Locked Position.


Borka la Brute

  • Knocker: Borka deals damage to all players.
  • Frantic Race: Borka charges straight ahead and tramples everything in his path, injuring and interrupting affected players.
  • Unbridled Aggression: When Sparkle dies, Borka becomes bloodthirsty, increasing his damage by 50% and his attack speed by 50%.


Manage the fight


  • Spark cannot be provoked, so keep Borka's aggro.
  • Use a minor defensive spell on each Frantic Race.
  • Position yourself so that Frenzied Race targets Sparkfire to cause Borka to interrupt Projectile Barrage X21-01A.
  • If Sparkfire is killed first, use protective spells to survive Borka's Unbridled Aggression.


  • Deal damage to Sparkfire as soon as it becomes targetable, so both characters are killed at the same time.
  • Avoid the passage of Frantic Race.
  • Exit VX 18-B Target Eliminator areas.
  • Use damage-increasing spells as soon as one of the two opponents succumbs, to quickly finish the second.


  • Knocker and Projectile Barrage deal area damage, so group healing is expected.
  • Avoid the passage of Frantic Race.
  • Exit VX 18-B Target Eliminator areas.
  • If the tank does not interrupt Spark Spark with Borka's Frantic Race, the damage to the party will become significant with Locked Position.
  • At the end of the fight, focus on the tank if Borka is the remaining boss. If it is Sparkfire that remains, the damage will be distributed over the group.


Heroic / Challenge

Borka's Knocker will now interrupt spells, preventing the impacted player from using this school of magic for a brief period. If you're casting, target Borka to make sure he's not using Knocker. 



At the end of the fight, you will have the chance to pick up an ax with two hands (Last word of the overseer), but also rings and belts. The list can be viewed at this address.

WoW - WoD: Dungeon Guide - Grimail Depot

Nitrogg is a lover of explosives and weapons. He quickly reached his rank of artillery manager in Draenor, and in particular of the cannon transported on Grimail. We meet him on the train leaving for the vicinity of Shattrath.

WoW - WoD: Dungeon Guide - Grimail Depot




Nitrogg Tonnerre Tower

  • Blackrock Mortar: Nitrogg launches mortar shells at a player's location. They deal area damage on impact.
  • Blackrock Grenade: Nitrogg throws a grenade at a player, which also deals area damage.


Assault cannon

  • Suppressive Fire: Using the cannon, Nitrogg prepares a burst of Fire, interrupting player casts and inflicting physical damage. While in cover, players take less damage.



  • Iron infantry soldier
  • Grom'kar Boomer: When defeated, they drop Shards of Blackrock Mortar, allowing players to use Seeking Shells.
  • Grom'kar Grenadier: When defeated, drop Blackrock Grenades, allowing players to use Blackrock Grenade.


Manage the fight

The fight begins with a direct confrontation with Nitrogg. Once he is down to 60% of his health points, he takes place in the assault cannon and many reinforcements come to help him. The cannon destroyed, Kilrogg returns to confront us directly. Be careful because in some areas (such as the edges of the train), it has wind which slows you down in your movement. Obstacles prevent this effect from affecting you.



  • There are loads of addons to deal with, the most important are the Grom'kar Boomers and the Grom'kar Grenadiers. Iron infantry are weaker and pose no immediate threat.
  • If you are targeted by Suppressive Fire, take cover to break the cannon's line of fire.


  • Use Heroism, Time Warp, or Blood Fury during the adds + cannon phase to make it last as short as possible.
  • Aim first at the Grom'kar Boomers, then the Grom'kar Grenadiers and finally the Iron Infantry. Between waves of enemies, apply DoTs or attack the cannon directly.
  • Quickly search the Grom'kar Boomers for Shards of Blackrock Mortar. Then click on a blackrock turret to enter inside. Then use the homing shells ability on the assault cannon (it takes 3 shells to destroy the cannon).
  • Also search the Grom'kar Grenadiers for Blackrock Grenades. This causes you to appear a special button that allows you to cast the skill Blackrock Grenade (3 charges). While casting this spell, you must also aim at the area where you send your grenade. As long as you do, aim for the Grom'kar Boomers if there are any.
  • If you are targeted by Suppressive Fire, take cover to break the cannon's line of fire.
  • Stay away from other players to avoid taking more damage than intended by Blackrock Grenade from Grom'kar Grenadiers.


  • Just use powerful spells (CD) if the party is in danger.
  • If you are targeted by Suppressive Fire, take cover to break the cannon's line of fire.
  • Stay away from other players to avoid taking more damage than intended by Blackrock Grenade from Grom'kar Grenadiers; and not to be interrupted (grenades make you jump slightly).


Heroic / Challenge

Nitrogg's Assault Cannon gains a new ability: Slag Blast, which covers the section of the train with dangerous flames. There are 3 segments of the train that can be targeted, the goal being to go into the 2 unaffected segments. The combination of Suppressive Fire and Slag Blast is fatal.

In addition, a new enemy will appear: the Grom'kar Machine Gun. Shooters should be placed away from the group as they have a powerful Cone Damage Ability, Scrap Gun. When they die, it is possible to retrieve Blackrock Shots, unlocking the Scrap Cannon ability for the Blackrock Turret.



Nitrogg, in his great kindness, allows us to obtain a one-handed mace and a jewel (Scepter of Brutality and Tonnerre Tower Sighting Reticle), but also necklaces and chest pieces. The complete list can be viewed at this address.

Sky Lord Tovra is an orc from Frostfire Ridge where she hunted the fiercest beasts there was. Spotted by Garrosh, she now leads the Draenor Air Force. He is also confronted on the bandwagon.

WoW - WoD: Dungeon Guide - Grimail Depot



  • Freezing Slow: Tovra launches a Frost Trap on the ground that deals area damage and immobilizes all players caught in the radius of effect.
  • Spinning Spear: Tovra throws a spinning spear at a player, causing them to fall backwards in addition to taking damage.
  • Scattered Energy: Tovra forms a pool of slimy electricity on the ground, dealing damage to players inside.
  • Thundering Breath: This spell traverses the entire combat zone, dealing damage to all players. Each time this spell is used, part of the combat zone is permanently occupied by Energy diffused.


Manage the fight


  • Do not tank Tovra in front of the group, to prevent Spinning Lance from hitting other players if you are targeted.
  • Bring Tovra out of the Freezing Slow and Diffused Energy areas.


  • Move away from other players to prevent Spinning Lance from hitting them if you are targeted.
  • Exit areas of Freezing Slowdown and Diffused Energy. Melee DPS must follow the tank's movements to avoid ending up in areas of Diffused Energy.


  • In this fight, the majority of damage is dealt to the tank.
  • The party takes moderate damage with each Thundering Breath.
  • Move away from other players to prevent Spinning Lance from hitting them if you are targeted.
  • Exit areas of Freezing Slowdown and Diffused Energy.


Heroic / Challenge

Tovra gains an additional ability, Hunter's Mark. It targets a random player and launches an explosive attack at the player's location. Target player has 6 seconds to move and avoid damage. It is preferable to space out to avoid multiple strikes.



Tovra drops a Trinket, Shield, and Staff (Arrowbreaker Gabion, Thunderlord Flame Staff, and Tovra's Lightning Vessel), as well as wristbands, leggings, and gloves. You can consult the complete list at this address.

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