The Martel Station is SW: TOR's second contentious area. To start it, please go to the "Departure of missions => Hangar of the transport vessel" area of the Imperial or Republic fleet, a holoterminal awaits you there to brief you. Dark Malgus (Empire) or Satele Shan (Republic) will explain to you that a mobile station of the republic has been captured by the Advozse Hegemony. The Motivations of your Empire / Republic leaders being different, we still have the following objective: Destroy the Martel Station so that it does not become a threat. Let's go for the adventure!
Normal Mode (Level 17 to 20)
This Flashpoint is a step above the first, it is advisable to go with a basic composition with a tank & a heal.
Hard mode: There is no hard mode yet.
Unlike the first Flashpoint, this one is little or not scripted at all, so it's a rather classic dungeon with packs & bosses waiting for you (as well as a rather skinny guide). Your first objective will be to infiltrate the station, progress to this objective by facing the different packs. At this level of play the tank characters lack multi-target attacks and especially aggro, so it is advisable for the dps to tackle the focus of weak / strong type enemies first before hitting the elites. Do not hesitate to bang in the explosive barrels as well as the various pipes to get rid of them more quickly. When you arrive at the Development Digs, your first boss awaits you.
Tunnelier DN-134
Health Points: 30.950pv
- Mining beam: A channeled beam that does more and more damage, to be interrupted to avoid unnecessary death.
- Demolition drone: It will spawn small drones in an increasing and regular manner which will roam the room and then explode a few seconds later, to be avoided. You will quickly be overwhelmed at the end of the fight, slam everything you have to finish off the boss.
Once the boss is defeated, continue your progress until the next "Check point" where the second boss awaits you.
Vorgan le Volcan & cie
Points de vie de Vorgan: 17.393pv
Gjonf Surgeon hit points: 6433 hp
Health points of 2R-CH "Torch": 6433pv
- Vorgan is a basic cock, he doesn't do anything special
- "Torch" is as its name suggests a follower of fire, he will attract you to him and cast a flamethrower, move away quickly
- Gjonf is a healer, he will occasionally drop kolto packs on the ground (green aoe heal that heals his allies)
Once our friends are defeated, use the security console to deactivate the Section Zero lock, you will also have the choice between Overloading the energy pipes or deactivating them. The consequences don't seem to affect what happens next, you just collect a few alignment points. Finally continue your progress until the final boss.
Final Boss: Warlord Kreshan
Health Points: 25.640pv
- Burst shot: "Barage" type shot that you can avoid by passing behind the boss (or interrupting him)
- Call for Reinforcements: Calls on 2 advozse Column Breakers in combat, to kill quickly before they kill the heal.
- He also throws proximity grenades around the room, don't stand by.
Once the boss is defeated, destroy the hammer station and return to the holoterminal for a debriefing with your "Boss". The contentious area is over.