Even under siege, we fight for our lands, our gods and our queen.
Nothing can bring us down.
The human heritage shines above all through its heroes and - as even the youngest Sylvari know - the great legends of Tyria are of human origin. This path to glory marked out by humans, the other races are determined to take it.
- Care skills
- Utility skills
- Elite skills
- Other
- Prayer to Dwayna: Cry to Dwayna to restore your life. Less energy intensive than other treatments.
- Prayer to Kormir: Remove a condition.
- Hound of Balthazar: Summons two hunting dogs who fight alongside the player.
- Avatar of Melandru: Transforms you into a fantastic creature.
- The northern continent
- A Cantha
- In Elona
- Les zaishens
Formerly united under the banners of three prosperous nations, men are now cornered in their last entrenchments and their destiny is found firmly linked to that of other races.
From the invasion of the kingdom of Ascalon by the cruel Charr which ended human hegemony, to the cataclysmic emergence of the kingdom of Orr from the depths of the sea - whence it had been sent by the advisor to the king, a certain Khilbron, more than two and a half centuries ago - humanity has been overwhelmed and very weakened.
Stripped of their native lands and abandoned by their deities - abandonment akin to a test, the last descendants of men now have only one final land, the nation of Kryta, ruled by Queen Jennah. Troubled by bandits and marauding centaurs and torn by political intrigue and treachery, the Seraph Guard watch as best they can over these troubled lands. Only courage, will and unity will enable men to overcome trials and succeed once again in surpassing themselves and proving to all that humanity deserves its place in this world.

For more than a hundred years, the banners floated in the wind, above the Divine Promontory, a peninsula of civilization and peace, far from the world and its permanent chaos. However, the Kryta knows many troubles, starting with the centaurs whose offensives are more and more difficult to contain. The seraphim also have to face the groups of bandits who assail the populations in the most remote places where the law does not have access. Moreover, the White Mantle sect is recovering its strength and operating in the most absolute secrecy, waiting for its time to come at last.
On the former territories of Ascalon, the valiant human fighters, gathered in the fortress of Noirfaucon, lead a fierce struggle to defend this last bastion, symbol of Ascalonian resistance against the enemy Charr. They swear, that one day, they will succeed in reconquering this lost nation, that they will never abandon the cities of their ancestors and that they will not forgive the Charr who crushed the ancient armies of Ascalon under their soles of steel and under a deluge of fire, the Furnace.
The ghosts of Ascalonian soldiers still roam the ancient city, preventing the Charr from taking the now verdant city.
The frail flame of humanity would have been extinguished a long time ago, if courageous and devoted heroes had not come forward to protect it at the risk of their lives. These defenders of the kingdom represent the last hope for their people.
Humanity remains firm and resolute in its faith in the six gods and nourishes, with its queen, the hope for a better future. Once again, men will defend their territory against their enemies. And they will not fail.
Usoku, successor of Emperor Kisu, established an authoritarian regime on the southern continent. Militarizing his empire, he annexed the Luxon and Kurzik territories by force and reserved some sort of fate for the Tengus.
Gradually the regime plunged into autarky and cut off its trade and diplomatic relations with the rest of the nations. Since those distant times, little information has reached the northern lands and the undead ships that ply the seas since the emergence of the Kingdom of Orr prevent any attempt at communication.

In the lands of the golden sun, the situation is hardly rosier. Cut off from the rest of the world, Elona is now subject to Palawa Joko and his armies from beyond the grave. The undead lord has regained his strength since being freed by the Sun Spearmen, and they have paid the price. Like the dire fate experienced by Vabbi, Kourna and Istan, the Order of the Sun Spearmen has been eradicated and the few survivors are hunted down and executed.
While the three human nations did not survive the drought caused by the diversion of the Elon River, Desolation, the stronghold of Palawa Joko, turned green.

Their lands having been engulfed by the tidal wave caused by the return of Orr, the Zaishens took refuge in Lion's Arch, a free city for all those who are deprived of their home, in order to rebuild the temples dedicated to the six gods.

Policies and Lands
- Relations with other races
- Political intrigues
- A troubled land
Humanity is in a delicate situation. Weakened and assailed on all sides, it is no longer in a position of strength and can only ask for help. She has no choice but to find allies to get her out of this bad patch. And who else but the other four races?
Although the Charr people are their sworn enemy, in these dark times when destructive forces are at work, it is more than necessary to bury the hatchet and wipe out the past in order to establish peaceful relations and forging new mutually beneficial alliances. It is in this sense that Queen Jennah established a temporary truce with the Charr legions, which does not fail to stir up the anger of opponents of the Queen and her egalitarian vision.

Humanity is already trying to forge links with other races by taking an interest, for example, in their technologies. In particular, it uses the Asura portal system; but are these little intelligent beings for all that true allies who offer their service without compensation?
Humanity, though no more than a shadow of itself, nevertheless inspires other races, such as the sylvaris, by its glorious heritage which it has been able to preserve through its heroes.
Will she have to rely on her story to find help? Or will she have to free herself from this past which imprisons her by showing everyone that she knows how to progress? It's up to you to decide.

Among the three Krytian military orders, the Seraphine Guard is by far the most imposing. Composed of valiant soldiers in the service of Kryta, its mission is to protect the population. Between five to ten captains, who act independently while collaborating, are in command of the Seraphine Guard and answer directly to the queen. Each Captain Seraphim is entrusted with authority over a territory of Kryta - whether it is the foothills of the Hauts-Bois concessions or the lowlands of the Terrace of Nebo. The troops under their command report the information and receive their orders directly from the Queen.

The cities of the country have all been provided with military outposts in order to prevent any enemy incursion attempts, to extend the influence of the seraphim and to facilitate military logistical operations such as supplies. However, every day, cornered like never before, the seraphim fight body and soul to defend Kryta.
Recently, it is Captain Logan Thackeray who bears the responsibilities of the command that Queen Jennah has abandoned the time to parley with the Charr and to settle certain obligations with Noirfaucon.
The second largest military unit is the Ministry Guard. Guarantor of peace within the ministry and of the security of ministers and their deputies, her field of action is confined to Divine Promontory, although in reality she is responsible for protecting the Krytian nobility - most of whom members are very involved within the ministry - across the country.
However, the Ministry Guard holds more power compared to the Seraph Guard. Indeed, in order to protect government secrets, it can override the powers of the seraphim when ministers are concerned.
The Ministry Guard responds to the Commander of the Divine Promontory, who reports to the Minister Legate - that is to say the most senior minister - and interlocutor of the Queen.
The Shining Blade forms the third Kryta military corps. Watching over the Queen and her loved ones, the Shining Blade is an elite unit unrecognized by the majority of citizens. From spying on political opponents to transferring secret messages across the land, the Shining Blade performs hidden missions at the behest of the Kryta Throne. Their leader is the Exemplary Master of the Shining Blade, appointed to this position by the queen, on whom he is solely dependent. He has the power to override the authority of the other two military orders with the permission of the Sovereign.
Today, the Exemplary Master of the Shining Blade responds to the sweet name of Anise. Formerly a countess, she now serves the Shining Blade and Kryta with her cunning political spirit and unwavering devotion, and maintains a bond of complicity with Queen Jennah.
Unfortunately, the balance of power is fragile. Relations between the three military orders are strained to say the least. While the Séraphine Guard wishes to have authority over the nobility, the Ministry Guard, to prevent it, allows commoners to access this status. The Brilliant Blade, for its part, acts alone and far from the eyes of other army corps.
The legal texts distinguish the competences of the three orders. Thus, the Seraphine Guard must mobilize its soldiers throughout Kryta while the Ministry Guard must focus on diplomatic aspects and legal decisions. Each, in their own way, tries to gain control of the capital and fight against authority.
Recently, the tide has turned in favor of the Ministry Guard as the Seraphim have too much to do to deal with politics, leaving them to lock in their grip on the Queen's City. In addition, the war that dragged on against the centaurs and the resurgence of raids by thugs have dealt a blow to the patience of the populations and the Seraphine Guard is singled out for its inability to win decisive victories and for the financial weight that 'it represents on the economy of Kryta.
This change in balance does not go unnoticed. It has provoked the emboldening of certain ministers, denouncing the Seraphim leaders - and more recently, in uncomfortable tones - towards Queen Jennah herself. Respected leaders across the country blame the throne, repeating that he no longer looks after the needs of the people and they are rallying more and more supporters to their cause. Unless the Seraphim are able to consolidate peace within the Kingdom and overcome the dangers they face, the country - and the Queen - could run the risk of an uprising.
An armed uprising, with the Ministry facing the Throne.

Although close to the great human capital, the Queen's Valley is a land where neither serenity nor peace reign. Living with fear in their stomachs, the natives of this valley are more and more often exposed to raids by bandits and murderous assaults by centaurs that the Seraphine Guard struggles to repel.
This is how centaurs reached the gates of the capital, besieging the village of Shaemoor and attacking the defenseless villagers. You will have to assist the Seraphine Guard who is overwhelmed and rescue the inhabitants to shelter them.
This is where your story begins.
- Humans
- Character Art – Designing Humans
- Humanity in Guild Wars 2
- Games within the Game
- VO and Dialogue in GW2
- The Alphabets of Guild Wars
- The Fashion of Guild Wars 2
- Virtual Universes