- Race : Cyborg, Human, Mirialan, Twi'lek, Zabrak
- Poor : Blaster pistol
- Armor : Intermediate weave
- Resource : Energy
- Main characteristic : Tip
On the main stats side, the two to have on our pieces of gear are:
- Tip: Main characteristic, it increases the power of technological skills and critical chance.
- Endurance: Secondary characteristic common to all classes, it increases health and its regeneration rate.
There are also several secondary characteristics that can be found on items that can potentially be of use to us:
- Presence: Increases damage, health, and healing received by companions.
- Potency: Slightly increases all damage and healing.
- Tech Power: Increases damage and healing from tech skills.
- Critical Rating: Increases critical strike chance.
- Surge Index: Increases critical hit damage.
- Alacrity Index: Increases the activation speed of skills.
The other characteristics not mentioned here are totally negligible, if not unnecessary for us as a healer.
The skills are presented here with the modifications made by a template specialized in surgery. They are therefore only valid for a Thief specialized in care. I am only citing the skills that are involved in the healer role, you will have the opportunity to discover the dps skills in the game, and I will not complicate this guide with that.
- Diagnosis (channel 3s, 30m): Channeled and free treatment of 3 seconds.
- Triage (10 energy, instant, 4.5s cd, 30m): Dispell two negative physical, technological or mental effects, also slightly heals the target.
- Kolto's Pack (20 energy, cast 1,5s, 30m): Uses the advantage to heal a target significantly.
- Emergency Medipac (talent, instant, 30m): Uses the advantage to achieve instant healing.
- Illegal Medicines (25 energy, cast 2.5s, 30m): Basic heal, can trigger the perk.
- Slow diffusion medipac (talent, 15 energy, instant, 30m): HoT of 18 seconds, stackable twice per target.
- Kolto Cloud (talent, 30 energy, instant, 12s cd, 30m): Healing AoE in the form of a 15 second HoT on 4 people.
- Benefit (Passive): Using your Illegal Medicines and Slow Release Medipac gives you a chance to gain the Perk which increases your healing for 10 seconds and can be used to trigger certain skills. You can have two Advantage stacks simultaneously.
- Defibrillator patch (cast 1.5s, cd 5min, 30m): Resuscitation in combat
- Pugnacity (instant, cd 30s): Use the perk to regenerate 3 energy every 3 seconds for 45 seconds.
- Surrender (instant, cd 45s): Reduced threat.
- Cool head (instant, cd 2min): 50 energy recovery in 3 seconds.
- Lucky Shots (instant, cd 6s, 30m): Increases party critical strike chance by 5%.
Templates PvE
Insofar as you will not have unlimited energy to be diligent, you should favor a 95% surgical template with a few variables according to individual preferences. The thug is not a HoT heal as one might read or hear it sometimes. Our surgeon friend is above all a single target healer whose different HoTs are used (especially in PvP) to relieve him in the event of a big storm or to allow him to give him time to DPS in periods of “great” calm (at your risk. and perils knowing that the more energy one consumes the more its speed of regeneration decreases). The thug must always think ahead and act cleverly.
From the point of view of the template, we will therefore favor anything that will boost your main treatment spell, i.e. illegal drugs. We will therefore not hesitate to take exploratory surgery on the 1st step as well as care of the patient in order to increase your level of cleverness, essential stat of the thug. Anatomy course is therefore the weak link, direction the second level.
Contraband technology is a huge asset in your role as a healer. 70% reduction in recoil during your incantations, see the opportunity not to be interrupted all the time by naughty Sith who resent your modesty or an add that is a little too sticky. Healing hand is obvious. Scar tissue can help you take some damage if you're out of position or picking up aggro. It doesn't work a miracle either, we're talking about a 4% reduction in damage suffered. I recommend Zen which will boost your cool head, a spell which will come to your aid during energetic droughts.
Let us now tackle the annoying step: diagnosis or not diagnosis, that is the question. I will not recall here all the “advantages” of the diagnosis. If you manage your energy properly, you won't need it. The bonus provided by the diagnosis? Cornelian you will tell me. In terms of HoT and criticism, the slow release medipac is much more advantageous even if it consumes energy. This money, stackable (stackable) twice, criticizes much more than this poor diagnosis. The diagnosis will not save a tank on the verge of death, the spells linked to the advantage being more effective in trying to save furniture (including pugnacity which allows for a point of advantage, to accelerate the regeneration of your energy bar). For this 3rd step, the slow diffusion medipac is essential in all cases. You can then go to level 4.
For this new step, common sense obliges you to take the optimization of the slow diffusion medipac. Mastery of the medipac then gives you a 30% chance to proc one point advantage. Chance but always pleasant to receive. Faced with the non-utility of the diagnosis, overbidding is an interesting option. This passive skill increases your movement speed when using dodge. Pure happiness when you have to kite (flee) the AoE of a mob.
Step 5 is an important step in the life of the young surgeon. The emergency medipac is now available (for description see the page devoted to the various techniques of heal of the thug). The emergency medipac is optimized with new emergencies which have the advantage (once) of proc an advantage point (twice) if the target is less than 30% max health. The medipac is further strengthened as well as all your regular care thanks to home pharmacology. Psychological drugs are not essential but you will need them if you want to go to the 6th level without having to take a diagnosis. It allows you to heal your target a little when you launch your wound triage debuff.
The two passive skills of stage 6 increase on the one hand, with a completed surgeon, 15% critical healing bonus from Illegal Medicines, Kolto Pack and Kolto Cloud; on the other hand, 15% of the healing received when you use your defensive screen with the medical screen. The medical screen comes in handy when the tank is doing its job poorly and the animosity you generate while trying to save it aggravates all mobs around.
At level 40 you unlock your ult, the Kolto Cloud, your first HoT-type healing AoE. The last ten points that you have left to assign will be shared between the fight and perfidy template.
As a good healer, the 3 points in scar of the survivor of the brawl template are mandatory, they will allow you to increase the power of your healing even more. Then increase your critical by 6% on your ranged and technological abilities by placing 3 points on all hits allowed on the treachery tree. Stay on this tree and offer 2 points to Black Market Mods that will boost your Alacrity by 4%. As a reminder, alacrity reduces the time required to cast and channel your spells. You therefore have 2 points left to spend. Indulge yourself with for up your decisive shot in brawl, a useful little DoT that will allow you to assist DPS without paying too much attention to your target and return to the heal more quickly if necessary. However, you can act as a better support by optimizing the blinding bomb by assigning your remaining 2 points to blinding powder from the perfidy template (minus 10% accuracy to all targets for 8 seconds when the blinding grenade dissipates).
So your choice: assist bonus DPS: 30/5/3 or bonus support: 31/3/5
Update of 28 / 02 / 2012
As it is only fools who do not change their minds, I would like to come back to the diagnosis. It turns out that having tested the thing in Op, Chamber of Eternity and Karraga, this skill can definitely find its use. Indeed, wedged between two illegal drugs and supported by the slow release medipac, chain dignostics accelerates your energy regeneration while maintaining the HP of your target. In the event of a kid slap, you then have the possibility of launching your most greedy skills without being afraid of being too fair.
Before starting the raids, I was afraid that the surgeon thug, despite all the love I have for myself, would be a little more helpless compared to his fellow scholars and commandos. Nay. We are holding the road well and it is always this ease of being mobile that allows us to be really responsive and well placed in the field. I am thinking in particular of the first boss of Karraga who has no aggro. Thank you volatilization. This technique, despite a terribly long CD (refresh), allows you to let go of aggro and get out of combat. You can also use it before everyone else wipes (dies) in order to be able to ground more easily without your team having to release and redo the road to the boss.
New PvE template I do raids because I'm worth it: 33/3/5
Update 12/04/2012: Legacy
- New Emergencies now increases the max stack limit of Advantage by 1
- Healing Hand now also increases the duration of Boon by 2 seconds per point
- Homemade Pharmacology now also reduces Kolto Cloud energy cost by 2 per point
- Kolto Cloud has been revised. It now has a 15 second cooldown, heals for 6 seconds, and heals for about 10% more than before
- Examining Patients now increases the rate at which Diagnosis is channeled by 15% per point.
The surgeon thug is a bit like SWTOR's “different” guarantee. Criticized by the PR (where does a smuggler play nurse?), Shunned by many players (they look a bit slender in their big furry puffer jacket), the thug healer seems to suffer from hummingbirds that the we tell about him and that make him look sad. Water has flowed under the bridge from BETA, so it's time to take stock. I would even add that since BETA, there has been 1.2 and this guide will therefore suffer the consequences.
A serious case of schizophrenia
Until you get the Slow Release Medipac, the thug's heal palette is relatively small and you'll be more able to DPS effectively rather than focusing entirely on healing. Indeed, the trick, your main stat, also allows you to increase the technological power which boosts the power of your damage. Until level 20 pending (or heroic), it is not your heal that will make the difference with a specialized thug brawl, just like during your leveling phase where you will not procrastinate while watching your fart take charge of the mobs while waiting to be able to treat him here and there. An early career surgeon is not the funniest, let's be honest. You will be relatively steady and you won't have the skills to be able to do a lot of things without wasting all of your energy all at once. You will therefore alternate the phases of illegal drugs then the phases of energy regeneration. Illegal drugs consume a lot, especially at the beginning. This period allows you to understand the basis of the treatment of the thug while teaching you how the energy system works.
Remember to unlock the two skill bars at the bottom of your interface to place above your DPS skills and below, everything related to heal or that is close to it, your buffs, debuff (triage of wounded) and all the hoopla of the accomplished doctor. If you play Naga for example, you can configure the scroll so that you can switch between your heal and DPS bar. But this is now ultra-customizable.
In addition to juggling these two types of play, you'll also need to organize your skill bar when you're in cover. Once you've learned your fighting skills, you won't need to cover up to deal damage. A psychological relief that will prevent you from having to juggle between three different action bars. You will quickly realize that the coverage has no influence on your heal, quite the contrary. The thug must be as mobile as possible. I also advise you to configure your pet's skill bar on the left or right of the screen in order to have easier access to his skills without having to hinder yours. On the interface side, privilege an operation mode as well as an enlargement of the life bar of the members of your group. Your heal will be even more comfortable.
Use of benefit
One of the main characteristics of the thug is that he has the ability to generate advantage when he uses some of his skills such as illegal drugs. The advantage is a buff that can be stacked 3 times and lasts at least 10 seconds. You can increase the time of your advantage by 6 seconds with Healing Hands (second level of the tree). Among other things, it allows you to use spells that will not consume your energy.
Before engaging in combat, it is necessary to have at least one active advantage point. It will give you access to pugnacity, a buff that speeds up the regeneration of your energy bar. The short duration of the perk forces the healer to use it quickly, but care must be taken not to waste it.
If illegal drugs ensure a point advantage with each use, it is nonetheless a relatively expensive spell in energy. Note that the thug also recovers an advantage point when he comes out of his stealth state to send a backlash.
During intense heal phases, it is possible to proc a point advantage from the use of the slow release medipac provided that your target is below 30% maximum health.
Thanks to mastery of the medipac (see template) you will gain an additional chance to proc an advantage point which will allow you to launch the emergency medipac which will instantly heal a small part of its health. When a target begins to descend too low (less than 30%), the emergency medipac activates. You can switch to single-touch mode until it is above 30%.
The advantage also allows to use the kolto pack which in form looks like illegal drugs but is not worth it in terms of potency and consumes too much to really be relevant. Bosses in raid do not allow healers. Your cycle will therefore be focused primarily on illegal drugs and emergency medipac.
The emergency medipac is obtained as soon as you go to the 5th level of your tree structure. This instant healing is an excellent asset to relieve your energy in order to use more greedy spells. Much like the Slow Release Medipac, using the Emergency Medipac on a target with less than 30% health has 15% proc a new point advantage. The surgeon must know how to count on his luck, it will be the same for the use of his HoT, sensitive to your percentage of criticism.
Give me HoT
The surgeon has at his disposal different HoTs as varied as each other. The first of these is the slow release medipac. Stackable twice, this ability costs little energy and provides support for the healer. It is interesting to place it before the sweater and then to refresh it throughout the fight. It's a spell that lasts a long time, 18 seconds, you have to take advantage of it. Everything related to HoT is sensitive to criticism which should be one of your priorities in your stats with cunning, power and alacrity. This choice is justified because the majority of the thief's spells are instantaneous. As far as possible, HoTs are placed in priority on vulnerable targets (tank and DPS at CAC).
The diagnosis is channeled but there are still many doubts about its effectiveness. It allows you to keep your hand on a target to avoid spending energy but the slow diffusion medipac does it very well too and allows you to be always mobile compared to the diagnostic which cannot be used in motion. Diagnosis can be an option between two casts of illegal drugs.
Kolto Cloud is a heal up AoE for 1.2. More efficient but whose CD has been increased, it is nonetheless difficult to use. It will never replace the AoE of a scholar who in raid, just becomes indispensable. The kolto cloud is useful for CAC DPS as well as tanks. It hits 4 players around the target at random, hence the difficulty.
Energy management
The thug's energy bar contains 100 points and it doesn't increase, though. It is still possible to increase it a bit when acquiring the HL stuff. Energy regenerates itself in a special way. The less there is, the longer it takes to rise, count 2 / s from 0 to 20 points, 3 / s from 20 to 60 and 5 / s above 60 energy. It is always necessary to take into account during a big sweater that sending the direct sauce will paralyze the rest of the events. Luckily, you have two very useful abilities in your bag of tricks at your disposal:
- Pugnacity: consumes a point of advantage and allows to increase the regeneration speed of your energy bar (1 / sec). This is where you should start by spending your advantage points.
- Cool head: allows you to recover 50 energy in 3 seconds
Despite a difficult start, once 50, you have the opportunity (enjoyable) to be able to send heavy without ever running out of juice.
Nurse Joëlle had better watch out (bonus)
- Take advantage of the blinding bomb to stun the mobs around the tank for example, you will give your energy bar time to go up, use a cool head and return the sauce to put your target to safety.
- If the tank passes the weapon to the left, you unlock the defibrillator patch at level 50. Ideally, you shouldn't have to use it, especially since the surgeon has a very good predisposition to heal in emergency situations.
- It is useless to notify that the heal generates a strong animosity which will make it seem that all the mobs like you if your tank is a little light. A little in the hand (capitulation) will give you the opportunity to reduce your sex appeal “moderately”.
- Don't forget your main buff, lucky shot. 5% more chance of crit ', that cannot be refused.
- Sometimes the healer needs to heal himself. It is with this in mind that the craft in biochemistry come to help you. At high level, you will have the possibility to make among other things the supreme medipac which can be used like a normal potion with the difference that it is consumable to infinity every 90 seconds. It regenerates between 3740 and 4575 health points without doing anything or abusing your energy. The Rakata medipac can be used as a healing spell, but only once per fight. If you ever find yourself in a critical situation, use volatilization to get out of combat and reactivate your potion.
As with any other class, do not hesitate to boost yourself with stims and dopants. Hunt for holocrons and you will make a difference.
The optimization of the villain at high level will be done according to your gameplay. Just know that we're not going to do math here.
The main statistics
- Tip: Increase your tech power (damage and healing), knowing that your weapons, first and second, give you a pure tech bonus.
- Endurance: Increases your health.
Secondary statistics
- Surge Index: Increases the power of critical hits.
- Critical Rating: Increases critical strike chance.
- Potency: Increases damage and healing.
- Alacrity Index: Increases the speed of casting abilities. (Alacrity does not affect the base 1,5sec GCD except in certain cases - The casting of a spell that is 1,5sec base and which ends at 1,3sec thanks to your alacrity , will see its GCD also reduce to 1,3sec - Alacrity does not modify the GCD of instantaneous spells nor the "ticks" of HOTs - see commando guide)
Fostering alacrity to pick up an ally quickly helps focus someone else. The speed inevitably leads to a large consumption of energy due to the fact that it does not have time to go up. The stuff offered at level 50 is balanced around alacrity and criticism but depending on your way of playing (and depending on the level of stuff you access) do not hesitate to take out-of-set pieces if you feel that you are fishing. on some of your stats. Namely, the tip also influences your review.
Your HoTs are sensitive to criticism and don't need to be channeled, that's a plus. All the same, it is difficult to base care on luck. On your spells such as illegal drugs, the critical allows you to heal effectively, with less blow. However, alacrity remains essential. A spell that you channel for too long is a spell that will waste your time and prevent you from getting your boat right. In view of the uselessness of the kolto cloud compared to the scholar's group HoT for example, I persist and sign by recommending that you favor your alacrity.
Level 50 gear
The high level equipment consists of three levels commonly called T1, T2, and T3. The T1, called Tioniste, equivalent to Centurion PvP gear. Suffice to say immediately that it is not necessary to waste time on him knowing that you will be able to recover the T2, says Columi, also easy". All this before Q3 Rakata. The sets are organized according to your specialty, nurse in the case of the surgeon thug. The bonus, however, is different from that of the PvP set. Two pieces of nursing equipment allows you to reduce all your HoT by 4 energy points. From four pieces, your kolto pack will be increased by 15%. An angel passes, doubt sets in.
The Kolto Pack is by far the least used spell in the surgeon's heal cycle. It costs one advantage point, it has a cast time. Everyone sees noon at their door and will appreciate or not this bonus which for my part seems useless. Gaiters and nursing boots are mandatory because these two pieces increase your alacrity. The rest of the set is all about critical and potency, much like the pieces in the Executor Set (Dps). A grudge can be quite possible especially since unlike the PvP equipment, the weapons obtained in PvE are not subject to a particular class (medic, executor or technician). You are free to make the composition that suits you the most, according to the statistics you have chosen to build.
Don't under e-stim-e the power of doping agents
A good trick stim (opt if you are a biochemist for the Rakata, +136 trick and +56 potency, reusable) twisted with a little bit of power is a must to do a clean job. Biochemistry is a really relevant skill for the surgeon who will be able to craft his own stims as well as the reusable medpacs which are extremely useful despite the nerve operated on during the first updates. Just like the stim, at high level, try crafting the Rakata Medipack (regen from 3750 to 4575 hp and increase your bar by 15% for 15 seconds).
Your goal is no different from other heal classes. You need to optimize your healing bonus which you will find in the Techno part of your thug's stats. To increase it, you will therefore need to promote your cunning, your power as well as your technological power.
Editor's note: since the Heritage Update, a good deal of information on this page has become obsolete. I'm talking about, among other things, the nerve operated on biochemistry and the appearance of the new Black Hole stuff.
Printable version: Thanks to the work of Tektonis, take advantage of a printable version of this guide in paper format of this guide to read in the subway, on a bench, in the toilets… To print in booklet / brochure format for a mini guide all pretty? Please note, however, that this paper version is not kept up to date and may differ from the online version which remains the most recent.