With update 1.7 a new system has been introduced: the Reputation. A quick overview of how it works and how it is presently present.
Well known in a number of other MMORPGs, this system is new to SWTOR.
In general, it will now be possible to earn reputation for certain factions. For that, it will be necessary to accomplish certain quests related to this faction which will give, in addition to the usual rewards, "trophies of reputation". These trophies can also drop as loot from certain enemies.
These new items, once used, will increase your reputation with the faction by a certain amount, depending on the quality of the item (such as partner gifts for example). At the moment, the amount of reputation obtained seems independent of the faction and only related to this quality of trophy, with the following distribution for subscribers (who benefit from a 50% bonus on earned reputation):
- Top quality trophies (green): 270
- Prototype quality trophies (blue): 630
- Artifact Quality Trophies (Purple): 1440
For each faction, there are 6 distinct reputation ranks. You start without any rank, and as you accumulate reputation points you will progress among them. These ranks are as follows:
- Foreigner (2 reputation points)
- Newcomer (5 reputation points)
- Friend (7 reputation points)
- Hero (10 reputation points)
- Champion (15 reputation points)
- Legend (30 reputation points)
Note, however, several things:
- Reputation is linked to your heritage! No need to build up the reputations of each of your characters, these are valid for all and certain rewards linked to them are available for all your inheritance (see below).
- For each faction, there is a limit to your weekly reputation gain for your Legacy. Beyond this limit, you can still collect trophies but they will not earn you reputation. Currently, this limit is 12000 reputation points (for each faction) per week. Impossible to become a legend in less than a week?
It's great ... but what is it for?
Different types of rewards are linked to reputation.
One of these new types is that of inheritance titles. When you reach certain rank of reputation (different according to the factions), all your characters will thus gain a title, which you can display in addition to your inheritance name and the "classic" title of your character. The character sheet has been modified accordingly to allow you to easily change this (on the screen, however, I had no title other than "The Eksen Inheritance" to display since I was still at 0 for all my reputations) .
Apart from this new type of reward, you can also find from different reputable merchants new items: armor, weapons, mini-pet ... Be careful though, you will often be required to have a certain reputation rank to be able to buy or use these items!
Reputations introduced with 1.7
Although this system is very likely to expand enormously, especially with the imminent arrival of the "Rise of the Hut Cartel" expansion, the number of factions with reputation introduced in 1.7 is currently relatively limited. They are summarized in this table, with the missions allowing to gain the related reputation:
Note in passing a slight subtlety: the names of the imperial and republican factions are different, but the reputation gained for one is also for the other. So, if you build your reputation with the Empire's First Mobile Fleet by doing space missions with your Imperial Agent, the points earned will also be earned for your Jedi Knight with the Armada of the Empire. hyperspace of the Republic.
Here's what you can earn with these reputations:
Republic Hyperspace Armada / The Empire's First Mobile Fleet
Inheritance titles: Outer Space Hero (Hero rank) and Hyperspace Legend (Legend rank)
Other rewards: a new vendor in the "Space" sections (where you can also buy ship modifications) of the Republican and Imperial fleets has appeared. He sells a full set of equipment that requires you to be at least Hero rank. A second helmet requires him to be Champion rank.
For the Republic, this set looks like this:
Fifth Republic Assault Battalion / Imperial Guard of Belsavis
Inheritance titles: Hero of Sector X (Hero rank) and The Guardian of Sector (Legend rank)
Other rewards: a new salesperson in the arrivals bases of sector X has appeared. He sells a complete equipment set that requires Champion rank, as well as a mini-pet (mini Drouk) that requires Friend rank.
The Voss
Inheritance titles: Honorable Friend of Voss (Friend rank) and The Chosen One of Voss (Legend rank)
Other rewards: a new seller in the cantina of Voss Ka. He sells a full set of equipment that requires Champion rank.
This set looks like this:
The Gree Enclave
Inheritance titles: Research Assistant Gree (Newcomer rank), Honorable Silver Treble (Hero rank) and Perfect Gold Bisector (Legend rank)
Other rewards: two new vendors have appeared in the western area of Illum. They sell many items including armor, weapons, and pets. You can find a summary and images of these in our articles on the Illum Event (here for the Republic, there for the Empire, here for the Secant Gray, or even here for the world bosses) .
This article will evolve according to the new information obtained, do not hesitate to send your screenshots or to share your discoveries!