Something rare enough to be particularly highlighted: Share Your Fortresses this week is moving on the Darth Nihilus server! It is Zal'Skirata who receives us on Tatooine, in the base which serves as a landmark for his clan, the same one that you could have discovered in his fan-fiction!
Goooooooooooood morning Dromuuuund! Here all the fresh infos approved by the imperial army, the army which smells of the rose of Naboo. Right away, the weather. On our beloved capital, always lightning and rain! Better than the bomb rains on Tereban 6! Without transition, head to Tatooine to visit the glorious 9th Mandalorian Battalion of the 6th Legion, steel guys who are as cheeky as a bantha! Oh but wait, it's just like me!
The holo turns black before descending from space to a sand-colored planet, then an ultra-fast zoom is carried out to find a presenter, human of course, in front of two imperial assault shuttles.
Hello and welcome to Tatooine, the 9th battalion of the 6th legion does us the honor of welcoming us to its rear base, the exact location of which will of course be kept secret! We will be able to visit the quarters of one of the elite units of our glorious Empire. A unit of men who are not imperial at the base but who have understood the superiority of our Empire and have enlisted to fight for it!
The camera turns and we see a group of jawas, then an imposing electric generator.
Immediately, we head for the entrance already well guarded by this large male in armor!
You have to show a white paw to enter ... see accepting a body search. For now we will do without ... But enough reverie, here is the first courtyard of this bastion, weather station and communication relay, a lot of technology in this place, to always be the most efficient soldiers!
We will immediately gain access to one of the most important rooms for an army: the armory!
These are big guns that we have there, but smaller than the one that was outside! The Mandalorians also have big speeders to ride! There, a little further.
It is also interesting to see that they entrust their machine to technicians from Tatooine, these species of little rats that the inhabitants call jawas. Let's see the other piece of tactical importance after the armory: the hangar! They also have big missiles here, and two awesome assault shuttles from our glorious Empire!
The camera turns in the hangar then goes higher and sharpens. You see that up there, it's the command center, I suggest you go there immediately!
The report in holo-camera mode on the shoulder returns to the speeders' area then passes through a guard room before accessing the elevator.
Once upstairs, the presenter followed by her cameraman passes through a common room before arriving on the balcony.
Above, we see on one side a large holocard of a snowy planet, while another communication relay is on the other side.
So here we are in the operations command post! It was here that the tactical decisions were made for several decisive battles of this elite Imperial unit.
There is also a superb view of the area right next to it, very useful in the event of an attack to have an overview of the battlefield!
While we are here, we can visit the relaxation lounge next door.
But relax, we're going to come back down to visit my favorite part! The courtyard where the troops' quarters are located! * after a moment's pause * Uh, this is where you can see the real life of Imperial troops! All their passion, their feelings whatever they are!
After a cut in the editing, we find the presenter downstairs going through another door in the main courtyard to pass through a detention area before coming out into a smaller courtyard.
We start with the basic troops quarters.
And in the adjacent room, these are the officers' quarters, less spartan, but almost the same, we find the brotherhood of the Mandalorians!
And finally the last piece is for the sores, the infirmary!
After another cut, we find the presenter in an outdoor lounge.
I hope you enjoyed visiting this flagship of our Empire, I return the antenna to my colleague on Dromund Kaas! See you soon for the visit of another imperial base and discover the hidden face of our army.
What I took away from this visit: I really liked the hangar, still difficult to fit out in my opinion, given the hooks available in it. But here it is successful, and then the imperial shuttles, it's still class! I also like the armory, which is well built. But my crush is on the detention corridor. The fact that it's in the hallway reminds me a lot of Episode IV, all that's missing is a garbage compactor.
If you enjoyed the visit and would like to discover more, do not hesitate to take a look at Darth Nihilus!
Do you also want to share your fortress or that of your guild, or maybe your ship? Do not hesitate to contact us !