The Mutant Geonosian Queen is a boss released to the planet Ossus like the Colossal Monolith on Ziost before him. It is therefore an instance boss available for groups of 8 or 16 players in normal and hard (veteran) modes. We will explore the 8 player strategy in these two difficulties.
Normal mode - History
The story mode presents all the monsters in the instance, but the mechanics are simplified. A viable strategy for killing him is to focus on the boss with a tank taking care of taking damage, while the rest of the group gathers under the boss and slays the various waves of monsters that will come upon them with spells of zones.
There are still two peculiarities that can hinder a group in the passage, the first being a green negative effect, dissipable, posed by many zones of targeted damage and the second a cumulative regular damage effect posed by a monster. These are the only two possible sources of death, although more experienced players will be able to ignore them if the performance is sufficient to compensate for the damage taken.
The boss will give three boxes of Ossus equipment upon death. Each will have a chance to donate one piece of equipment from a specific list of level 252 parts. These parts can then be exchanged on the planet for 258 equipment in exchange for master data crystals that are collected from word bosses in the planet or via certain quests (limited to 4 per week per character).
Hard Mode - Veteran
The veteran mode validating a quest gives access to a monumental crystal, the usefulness of which is to be able to buy weapons of index 258. The boss is more complicated in difficult mode with some mechanics in addition, or more punitive if they are ignored.
General course of the fight
The mutant geodesian queen should be taken by a tank and kept as much as possible throughout the fight. The tank will be thrown regularly and will lose aggro during this time until it returns to the boss. A second tank or an off tank can be useful at this time, but it is not mandatory. The role of the tank will be to keep the boss as close as possible to the center of the room to avoid being thrown into the acid that surrounds it. Other locations are also viable such as areas away from red eggs.
In dps the principle is simple, Take down the boss quickly enough not to have too much damage to provide during the last phase. Ideally, you have to be around 15 to 20% of the boss's health points to have a good safety margin, but this is still possible if you get there with 30% at most. The rest will consist of managing the damage zones to avoid the pop of the vandals and a focus of the guardians and caustics.
The healers will have little work on this boss. One can be enough with a change for a dps or one of the two healers can come and just type in his specialization. Even if it will be less effective than in pure dps, the gain will still be quite interesting and will allow a group to pass the boss by gaining the few points that it would lack. They must also dispel the negative effects posed by areas and vandals.
Finally, after the appearance of the second wave of royal guards, the boss will enter soft enrage. The dps will have to focus on him and the tanks / healers will have to keep the other monsters away from the dps as much as possible and run to hold out as long as possible.
The boss is organized in different waves of assault. Each wave has its own particularity and must be managed in a different way. Let's start by detailing how each monster you come across in this fight.
Pure géonosienne mutante: the boss you will face has 7 HP. It will regularly use the following abilities:
Growth hormone: changes the color of 3 blue eggs to red eggs. Red eggs spawn vandals when broken. Blue eggs have 1 HP, red eggs 2 HP. Eggs lose one life while in the pheromone breath, two if it is in the red zone.

Royal Calls: Summon a wave of mighty opponents. Royal Guards and Caustics will be summoned alternately on each occurrence.

Royal Guards attack targets closer to them and deal conical area damage. Caustics attack the target with the most aggressiveness, can be controlled and interrupted, and attack via ranged pipes.
Concentration: places a control effect on the target then continues with a guillotine. If the target is still under control it dies instantly. Defensive abilities are ignored. You have to use your release to survive and take this damage.
Pheromone Breath: Places a circular damage area on a player. After a few seconds it explodes and the eggs lose 1 VP if they are in the yellow part of the AOE and 2 VP in the red part.

Royal Guards: they are two elite geonosians who use the boss's concentration ability. 22 seconds after their arrival, they will therefore knock out a player and then kill him. You have to kill one within this time, then control the second from its first channel.
Vandals: these opponents appear when red eggs are broken. They pose a cumulative effect that deals regular damage (Dot). Above two vandals at the same time on the ground, the combat is much more difficult for the healers, even impossible from 4 if they are not controlled or kited. As they take 80% less damage from AOE, a single target focus is therefore necessary.
Geonosians: these strong level opponents will impact the combat very little. Gather under the boss and kill them with area damage.
The boss is timed. Each phase is linked with a precise timing and a certain level of damage on the boss will have to be inflicted to be able to go to the end. Here are the timings of the maximum health percentages to be reached when triggering certain abilities.
In short
Avoid spawning vandals as much as possible by keeping pheromones away from red eggs.
Focus on a royal guard when it spawns then perform checks on the second to prevent it from killing a party member.
Kill caustics and vandals, if any, as quickly as possible.
Drop the boss to 60% (it is possible to bring it up to around 50%) during the first 2 minutes of combat, then below 30% (20% is better) after the death of the second wave royal guard. Focus the boss after that and let the tank kite the vandals and other Geonosians.
The boss gives two boxes of material of index 252 and via the quest "monumental data crystal" he gives a crystal which will allow, with two and five master crystals and a weapon 252, to buy weapons of index 258 on Ossus .