The site RedRancor today published Georg Zoeller, Principal Lead Systems Designer, answers to many fan questions. Here is the translation of this article.
Red Rancor: What is the maximum number of members in a guild?
Georg Zoeller: Currently, the maximum is 500 members.
RR: In previous MMOs, tanks based on avoidance were not preferred in groups, and especially by healers because, if the tank is hit 2 or 3 times in a row, it can die due to its damage. Light Armor. Intermediate tanks are preferred for the much lower amount of healing healers have to provide. Is there a system in SWTOR that allows Shadow Jedi or Sith Assassin tanks to survive these 2-3 hits and be as viable as heavy armor tanks?
GZ: I guess this question stems from the assumption that the Shadow and the Assassin will be dodge-based tanks in their defense-oriented talent tree.
In fact, both of these classes have abilities that increase armor and defense. Admittedly, they rely a little more than other advanced classes on avoidance in their abilities necessary for their role of tank. And that is the problem that gave rise to your question. In fact, the effective contribution of Avoidance to Shadow and Assassin survival is only about 5% higher than other advanced classes. They also have active defensive abilities that can increase their chances of survival and mitigate possible heavy damage.
RR: What was / What is the biggest difficulty in balancing classes?
GZ: I wouldn't speak of a problem, more of a challenge. Because maintaining the iconic character of Star Wars across the different classes has required a lot of thought and a great deal of creative work for creators and designers.
The second big thing has been to make sure that Force users and non-Force users are equally interesting and viable. I think SWTOR is special in that the players who start the game make their choices more out of accomplishment and love of fantasy than anything else.
With our game, we are clearly going to see great popularity for classes like the Jedi Knight or the Sith Warrior. Lightsabers! Force Jump! Force Shock! This is the kind of thing most players want to try in their first class. Other classes, like the Imperial Agent or the Soldier, lack a model in Star Wars, like Darth Vader, for example. Few players will therefore take these classes as the first choice.
Our job is not only to make sure that force users are as iconic as players hope, but also that players who take non-force classes will have something as interesting and visually impressive. We also need to create the game with the risk of faction imbalance in mind, which is why the Consular has the option of becoming a healer or a tank.
RR: Will there be boss encounters with voiceovers during the fight?
GZ: Some encounters have mechanics that use voiceovers.
RR: What will make skincare fun and unique in SWTOR?
GZ: Our healing classes are currently undergoing changes based on feedback from testing, so I'm deferring this question to a future interview to avoid talking about mechanics that are currently under modification. Having said that, do you think it's not fun in itself?
RR: What will make tanking fun and unique in SWTOR?
GZ: Due to the advanced class system, we have great variations between different tanks in terms of appearance and gameplay. Style differences between classes and tank specializations include:
• Ranged play: a Soldier plays differently from a Sith Warrior thanks to the humanoid enemies remaining at a distance, common in the Star Wars universe.
• Mobility: Iconic skills like Force Push for Guardians / Ravagers or Force Pull for Shadows / Assassins create unique game mechanics, both in PvE and PvP. Force Leap / Force Charge both provide flexibility in movement and a great possibility of chaining (ex: that annoying smuggler trying to get you out of your melee zone? Send him flying with Force Push, then join him with a powerful jump that also gives you additional Rage). The same is true for non-Force users: is your healer in trouble? No worries ! The Soldier's harpoon missile will solve the problem in an instant and create a space to breathe. And you know, the environment, like lava pits, can turn deadly if you find yourself in it!
• PvP Survival: Abilities like Taunt or Guard have powerful PvP applications that ensure tanks can use their skills in both PvP and PvE. Also, is there another MMO where your tank has the ability to vanish?
• To conclude: the companions. We are very proud of this unique ability in our game. Especially for tanks or healers, it allows players to maintain their group play style when they are alone in the PvE game! You can also bring your fellow healers to keep you alive during quests. And, in a group, if you are without a dedicated healer, an alternate healer, supported by a well-managed and well-equipped companion, allows you to experience much of the group content.
RR: How do you think SWTOR will implement a player feedback system to promote helping other players or good dungeon behavior?
GZ: I think there's a good chance we'll add more mechanics that help players find other players and stay in touch. It is a subject that interests us but it is also a big risk of creating abuse, so we treat this subject with great care. We have nothing specific to announce on this point.
RR: What are the numbers for Daniel Erickson's abs? Are they over 9000 now?
GZ: You should ask Dallas Dickinson's epic beard the question. But he clearly lost that last game with Daniel.
RR: When will we be able to get the title “Scruffy-Looking Nerfherder?” *
GZ: Kill 20,000 Nerves? No one can tell.
RR: Will the Assassins wear pants?
GZ: Yes. There are outfits for the class with pants.
RR: Can you give more details on the customization of companions or the ad law system at Comic-Con? (if not, I understand perfectly, but I had to try!)
GZ: Not at the moment ... but keep an eye on these topics!
* this title comes from a famous line from the movie Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back. In the original English version, Princess Leia curses Han Solo: "Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder!" ". The Nerves are large herbivores from Alderaan.