We finish our tour of the secrets of Telara before Storm Legion, with the region of Stillmoor.
The cairn is located at coordinates 1600, 1865:
To start, go to 1660, 2075 and start climbing.

Zigzag a little to be able to go up, and you will finally come to a clearing full of trees. Go a little higher and you will reach the cairn.
With a little gift inside of course.
For this riddle, go to Thalin Thor camp.
Go up to the first floor of the house by the stairs, then by the wooden planks. Upstairs, go through the door, then continue outside and go through the door just after.

Continue to the rooftops, where you find a small boss of nothing at all, as well as a teleportation plate.
Activate the plate and you find yourself in a room full of bats. In the room you can see several:
- cells, where bats will have to be locked
- bells, which will be used to move the bugs
- crystals, on the doors of the cells, which serve to close them
You will therefore have to ring a bell, by jumping below, and immediately locate the cells that contain bats, to lock them there using crystals. Patience and responsiveness are going to be your best friends here.
Once all the bats are locked, you can open the chest that appears.
And of course get his reward.
And the feat that will allow you to show off with the title I touched him.
You can descend via another teleportation plate behind a cell.