Today we will introduce you to the player Roommate, faithful reader of Games Managers, and who contributes from time to time to the writing of news for SWTOR.
Past in the video game?
I have been playing video games for 25 years, my very first game was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on NES. Lots of games followed after like Batman etc. When the first generation of the Gameboy and the famous Tetris arrived, I tried games like Jurassic Park, Kirby or even Super Mario.
Finally the era of the PC arrived and the farandole of games I was able to play is quite long but here is a small list:
- Outcast
- Black and White
- Commando
- The Colin Mac Rae Rally series and the Need For Speed series
- The Max Payne series
- And of course the Star Wars
Regarding this last point, the Star Wars games I was able to play are:
- Star Wars Jedi Knight : Jedi Academy
- Star Wars Racer
- Star Wars Episode 01: The Phantom Menace
- Star Wars Galactic Battleground
- Star Wars the Power of the Force I and II
But it was thanks to Star Wars: the Old Republic that I was able to discover the style of the MMORPG. Even though I knew World Of Warcraft by name, I had never paid attention to this style of play.
How long has been on Swtor?
I have been playing TOR since the game's switch to Free-To-Play, ie since 2012. Due to the restrictions that this mode imposes, I switched to privilege mode 1 year later (ie in December 2013). I'm a fairly regular player, about 15 hours a week. Between perfecting the trades of my different crews, their equipment (armor, weapons, etc.) and doing the missions, this management takes time!
Class (es) played? Preferred role (s)?
Regarding the classes having really appreciated the stories of the heroes, I mounted all the classes. But here is the list with the specializations that played:
Republic side:
- Guardian in Tank
- Sentinel in DPS
- Shadow in DPS
- Scholar and Heal
- Commando in DPS
- Maverick in DPS

Empire side:
- Marauder in DPS
- Ravager in Tank
- Specialist in DPS
- Assassin in DPS
- Sorcerer in Heal
- Imperial Agent Healing

However my favorite classes that I play the most are:
- The Specialist / Commando
- The Guardian / Ravager
In-game activities? What do you particularly like to do?
In the game, I enjoy researching datacrons on each planet, helping players in need and / or answering their questions, and even recommending certain equipment to people new to the game. I also like PvP and Galactic. Starfighter, as well as, from time to time, the Litigation Zone of the Kuat Shipyards, it changes a bit from the single player mode. I also enjoy in-game events like Rakghouls and Bounty Hunting Week. And I look forward to next month to be able to enjoy my fortress.
An anecdote in play? Other games in sight?
For the next video games in sight, I would say the next Batman Arkhan Knight.
Passions / Hobbies IRL?
First of all, I like everything that revolves around manga, whether in terms of anime or simple manga. Then the American TV series. And when it comes to films, I am very science fiction oriented.
rjprojectsonline (at) Gmail (dot) com.