You probably all know it (In view of the many people looking for groups for this dungeon in Lion's Arch!), Since the end of the event The Lost Shore, a new dungeon has opened. This one is called Mist Fractals.
This dungeon is unlike any we've played in Guild Wars 2, as it consists of a whole bunch of mini-dungeons called Fractals. These are slices of the Mists, fragments of time that have been stabilized by These, the intrepid scientist Asura. Some of these story fragments may seem familiar to Guild Wars players, while others will be completely new events. Due to their eclectic origin, each fractal constitutes a distinct experience with a specific theme, mechanics, and artistic direction.
Prepare your group
To access the dungeon Mist Fractal, we need to assemble a group of 5 players at Lion's Arch and pass the new Asura portal available south of town near the Consortium Souvenir Shop.
All players, whatever their levels, will be able to participate in this new dungeon. Obviously ... They will see all the colors because the content is at the base, intended for players with all the skills and the best possible skills and statistics.
Like World versus World, you will be projected to level 80 in order to benefit from this new content.
Once the group is ready to enter the dungeon, you will be randomly launched into one of the 9 fractals of the dungeon.
Each of these fractals will take between 15 and 40 minutes and will be composed of bosses, puzzles, mobs and other characteristic challenges de Guild Wars 2.
The Fractal Solid Ocean appears all even levels; It is in this fractal that the special boss appears. Once this is done, your next set of fractals will be higher difficulty, then even harder, then again and again… It will take some serious skill and fierce strategies to navigate your way through these fractals. The challenge is waiting for you!
You will need to complete three randomly selected fractals from the 9 available in order to return to GardeBrume observatory to rest. This observatory contains various merchant and armor repair NPCs.
GardeBrume Observatory
This space is the place that one meets after crossing the Asura portal of Lion's Arch. We return to it each time we have completed 3 Fractals of the Mists.
You will find:
- Des basic merchants ;
- What repair your armor ;
- Un merchant specializing in rewards of these Fractal dungeons;
- Obsidian fragment, highly sought after for the manufacture of legendary weapons || 15 Relics ;
- Dessa's Experiment Journal, will give you a skill point by consuming it || 35 Relics ;
- Infusions, to be placed on your Ascension equipment (Pink) || 75-225 Relics ;
- Fractal Gear Boxes, sort the equipment according to their rarities in a bag of 20 places || 150-200-250 Relics ;
- Gift of Ascension, used for crafting Ascension gear at the Mystic Forge. || 500 Relics ;
- Prototype of accumulator Fractals, they are precursor pieces to be transformed with the appropriate elements into Ascension gear via the Mystic Forge. || 1350 Relics ;
- Dessa near the central gate on the ground.
► You can make several types of infused books and quivers (Back gear) and even infused rings using the items the merchant sells!
Back gear infused with Mist items
First you will need to buy a prototype ofaccumulator Fractals for 1350 Fractal Relics. There are 5 different versions, with very specific characteristics:
- Prototype In 1: Power, Accuracy, Critical Damage
- Prototype In 2: Accuracy, Toughness, Damage from Alterations
- Prototype In 3: Power, Toughness, Critical Damage
- Prototype 4: Robustness, Vitality, Discovery of magic
- Prototype In 5: Power, Robustness, Vitality
At this seller, you will also find the Ascension grant for 500 Fractal Relics.
You must therefore buy these two items (1850 relics in total) and go to the Mystic Forge. Use the following recipes depending on what you need (a defensive or an offensive infusion slot).
- Offensive infusion location: 1 Prototype Fractal Accumulator + 1 Gift of Ascension + 40 Crystals + 1 Condensed Mist Essence Flask.
- Defensive Infusion Location: 1 Prototype Fractal Accumulator + 1 Gift of Ascension + 240 Philosopher's Stones + 1 Condensed Mist Essence Flask.
Note: Crystals and Philosopher's Stones can be purchased from Miyani at the Mystic Forge in Lion's Arch. Condensed Mist Essence Flask is a rare drop that you can find in Mist Fractal dungeons.
Prototype Infused Improvementaccumulator Fractals (Fractal Accumulator Beta): To make this improvement of the Fractal Accumulator, you will need the following components (to put in the Mystic Forge of course).
- Prototype d'accumulator Beta Fractals: 1 Infused Prototype Fractal Accumulator + 1 Gift of Ascension + 250 Ectoplasm Balls + 1 Coagulated Mist Essence Ball
Recipe for crafting Coagulated Mist Essence Balls:
- 5 Condensed Mist Essence Flask + 1 Mystic Coin + 1 Ectoplasm Ball + 1 Pile of Crystalline Dust
Note: Coagulated Mist Essence Balls can also be dropped from high level Mist Fractal monsters (10+).
Fractal Accumulator (Infused Version): You can combine the Beta Fractal Stack with a Shard of Crystallized Mist Essence, a Ball of Ectoplasm, and a Gift of Ascension to make an upgraded version of the Beta Fractal Stack. This version simply adds a glowing effect.
- Fractal Accumulator: Beta Fractal Accumulator + 250 Ectoplasm Ball + Gift of Ascension + Crystallized Mist Essence Shard
Recipe to craft 1 Crystallized Mist Essence Shard:
- Crystallized Mist Essence Shard: 5 x Balls of Coagulated Mist Essence + 1 x Mystic Coin + 1 Ectoplasm Ball + 1 Pile of Crystalline Dust
Note: Crystallized Mist Essence Shards can also be dropped from high level Mist Fractal monsters (20+).
► Guide: Creating Infused Equipment and Their Infusions ◄
The Fractal Solid Ocean appears all even levels. It is in this fractal that the special boss appears.
Once your group is ready, all in the center of the portal, we choose its level according to the maximum level that the other players in the group have reached and let's go for more. big fights, and Fractal relics !
Here of course I haven't done any Mist Fractals yet, my dungeon level is therefore 1.
Fractal Dungeons
Here is the list of the 9 Fractals currently available!
- Snow blind;
- Urban Battlefield;
- Underground Complex;
- Flank of Falaise;
- Swamp ;
- Unclassified ;
- Solid Ocean (Appears at all even levels and contains the special boss);
- Aquatic Ruins;
- Volcanic.
Each time you level up, the difficulty increases and the rewards are better. So you will earn more Fractal Relics and more items!
Relics of Fractals rewards according to the difficulty chosen
- Level 1 to 5: 5 Relics of Fractals;
- Level 6 to 10: 6 Relics of Fractals;
- Level 11 to 15: 7 Relics of Fractals;
- Level 16 to 20: 8 Relics of Fractals;
- Level 21 to 25: 9 Relics of Fractals.
Daily safe
- Levels 2 and 4: Bag of gold + 15 relics
- Level 6 and 8: Bag of gold + 20 relics
- Level 10+: Bag of gold + 25 relics and a possibility of obtaining a ring Ascension.
There will also be some changes depending on your difficulty level:
- From Level 10: Bosses begin to inflict new Agony condition. Coagulated Mist Essence Balls can be dropped. Rings can also be obtained from bonus chests;
- From Level 21: Infused Rings can be obtained from bonus chests (+5 Agony resistance).
Obviously, equipment drops all the way through your dungeons?
Do not hesitate to send us your images and videos of the dungeons! Likewise if you have made an Ascension weapon and would like to share your know-how with other visitors. We would be delighted to showcase your creations.
Have fun !